Village of Boston Heights
Planning Commission
Agenda for Wednesday, August 3, 2022 7:00PM

Note: Both the Board of Zoning Appeals and thePlanning Commission will meet beginning at 7PM on August 18, 2022 to consider all other pending applications and business.

Planning Commission

  1. Sheetz, Inc. (applicant)
    [Ref. Maplewood Lodging LLC (owner of record)]
    6625 Dean Memorial Parkway (parcel 1301028) aka Norwood Inn formerly Clarion Inn
    1. Request for conditional use certificate for convenience store fueling station and car wash with diesel parking and fueling in RB district per CO 1160.03 & Hines Hill Overlay District per CO 1163.
    2. Request for approval of site plan for same, per CO 1151.05 et al.
  2. GPD Group / Josh Lyons (applicant) on behalf of Sheetz, Inc. Deferred from June 2022
    [Ref. Maplewood Lodging LLC (owner of record)]
    6625 Dean Memorial Parkway (parcel 1301028) aka Norwood Inn formerly Clarion Inn
    1. Review request for approval of site plan for above, per CO 1151.05 et al.

Boston Heights Overlook