Boston Heights Village Fall Festival: Saturday, 5 October 2024
The Village's annual Fall Festival will be held at Matthews-Thomas Park (on Olde Eight Rd), on Saturday,
5 Oct'24 from 4PM to 7PM. A movie in the park will follow at dusk.
(29 Sep'24)
Click here:
VBH 2024 Fall Festival Poster
Village Council agenda for the
24 September 2024 regular meeting(24 Sep'24) An Open House will be held before the Council meeting, starting at 5:30PM, to show off the Village Hall renovations
and to display concepts for an expanded Village Safety Center. Light refreshments will be served.
The Council meeting will be immediately followed by the Finance Committee meeting.
William "Bill" Baldwin, former Boston Heigths Fire Chief
Bill Baldin, long-time Village resident and former Boston Heights Fire Chief,
passed away on 26 July 2024. His obituary may be found
(30 Jul'24)
Wolcott Drive: Mayor updates residents on project resumption 23 July 2024
Project to resume under new contractor, starting 31 July; to complete mid-late November. Read:Mayor Antal's Update To Wolcott Dr Residents 7-23-24
Movies in the Park: Summer outdoor movies at Boston Heights Matthews-Thomas Park
Boston Heights Village has begun a program of free summer movies at Matthews-Thomas Park on Olde Eight Road.
Free popcorn! Bring your own lawn chairs and other snacks and beverages.
Movie Schedule (all 8:30PM Wednesdays): • 19 June 2024 - Toy Story • 26 June 2024 - Despicable Me • 17 July 2024 - Lion King • 24 July 2024 - Elf "Christmas in July" • 31 July 2024 - Shrek
Senior residents of the Village of Boston Heights can now take advantage of the Macedonia Senior Center and its services. A "Welcome Boston Heights" luncheon is set for tomorrow, Friday June 7, 2024 11:15AM. Call 330-468-8334 to register.
— Boston Heights OL (@BostonHeightsOL) June 6, 2024
Village Council agenda for the
23 April 2024 regular meeting(22 Apr'24)
This meeting will held at the Boston Heights Fire Station. Village Hall currently
undergoing interior refurbishment. The Council meeting will be immediately followed by the Finance
Committee meeting.
Wolcott Drive: Village staff securing roadway 12 March 2024
Following up on its default on the Wolcott Drive sewer and paving project, International Excavating
has removed the safety cones and fencing around the abandoned work areas. The Village's Road
Department staff is securing the roadway, adding stone and asphalt grindings to level up, and
work on manhole castings on tomorrow. (12 Mar'24) Read:Mayor Antal's Update To Wolcott Dr Residents 3-12-24
Village Council agenda for the
23 January 2024 regular meeting(19 Jan'24)
This meeting will held at Village Hall. The Council meeting will be immediately followed by the Finance
Committee meeting. Update: After a discussion in Executive Session, Council selected Ms. Sasha Chetyrkina-Miller to
fill the Council seat vacated by Mr. Antal's election as Mayor. The term ends on 31 December 2025, as
Mr. Antal had been filling the term originally vacated by Mr.Polyak's resignation.
Letter to Village Residents - January 2024
• A letter of introduction from incoming Mayor Ron Antal
• A letter of farewell from outgoing Mayor Bill Goncy
• Notification of Council's consideration of applicants for a vacant Council seat and a few
other board positions. Council will entertain statements from candidates at the 09 January 2024
Council meeting. (5 Jan'24)
Village Council agenda for the
19 December 2023 regular meeting
This meeting was held at Village Hall, immediately followed by the Finance
Committee meeting. This was Mayor Bill Goncy's final Council meeting as Mayor; Ron Antal was sworn
as the incoming Mayor, beginning January 1st. David Maccarone and Richard Lyon were sworn as
incoming Council members. Of interest: Village Council imposed a 1-year moratorium on
permits for medical or recreational marijuana business activities.
We have posted the final agenda for the 19 December 2023 regular Council meeting, along with our own notes on the meeting.
(22 Dec'23)
Boston Heights Santa Visit!
Village kids can visit and have a photo & cookies with Santa Claus at Village Hall ==
Saturday, 16 December 2023 from 2-4PM. Details here.
Boston Heights Issues & Candidates for November Election(27 Oct'23)
All Boston Heights Village voters will decide ISSUES 39 and 40, renewals of the Village's two fire levies,
and consider the election of Mayor, and of two members of Village Council. The last election for these
Council seats was in 2019; those seats became vacant and were filled by Messrs. Ron Dick and David Maccarone.
The following are on the 7 November 2023 general election ballot: Boston Hts Village Council, 2 to elect:
Chris Fenn (Olde Eight)
Rich Lyon (Carlsfield Way)
David Maccarone (Olde Eight) (incumbent, by appointment)
Boston Hts Village Mayor:
Ron Antal (Ianwood Cir)
Bill Goncy (Olde Eight Rd) (incumbent)
Village citizens will also choose members of their respective school boards. Hudson School District voters will
also consider Issue 9, a proposed 5.5 mill continuing operating levy.
An explanation of the two Boston Heights levy renewals on the ballot Tuesday, 7 Nov'23:
• Fire Levy, Issue 39: 3-year, 0.75-mill levy renewal.
This levy is a renewal of the current fire levy for operations, primarily payment of fire department staff.
Last renewed in Nov'20 and now up for a vote again.
• Fire Levy, Issue 40: 5-year, 0.5-mill levy renewal.
This levy is a renewal of the current fire levy for capital equipment, primarily purchase and maintenance
of vehicles, equipment and facilities. Last renewed in Nov'18 and now up for a vote again.
Both of these fire levies now help finance the Village's firefighting and EMS contract with Valley Fire District.
The balance of that contract is paid from general Village funds.
There is no change in the tax rate for either of these two Village levies. Because each would be a renewal
of an older levy, if passed the state of Ohio would continue to pay a portion of the millage through rollback
reduction in the rate paid by the property owners. Under current law, if the levy is not renewed and is later
re-instituted, the entire millage would be paid by property owners. Additionally, the effective millage
is less than the voted millage, because as a renewal the levy can only raise the same total amount per year,
despite increases in the tax base and valuations.
Annual Craft Show by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday, 4 Nov'23 9AM-2:30PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts and Homemade Soups! (27 Oct'23) More info...
Village of Boston Heights Centennial: 100th Anniversary Party
The Village will celebrate its 100th anniversary with a celebration at Matthews-Thomas Park, starting at 3PM
on Saturday, 9 September 2023. All residents and friends of Boston Heights are invited for a day
of games, food, fun and fireworks.
Here is the Schedule of Events.
The Village's park is located at 6737 Olde Eight Road (south of Boston Mills Road) (8 Sep'23)
Height Village Hall parking lot paving begins
The Village of Boston Heights is finally getting a paved parking lot at Village Hall, the police station,
and the service garage. The Village had scheduled this in the capital improvement plan several years ago,
but more pressing repairs of public roads (i.e. in the Ledgeview subdivision) intervened.. Construction has
begun on Monday, 10 July 2023 and will continue into August (with a break for the election on 8 August).
Parking will be at the Fire Station next door, or as available. (10 Jul'23)
Boston Heights Village seeks Office Administrator
The Village of Boston Heights is seeking applicants for the position of Office Administrator, to handle a
variety of responsibilities at Village Hall. Applications are still being welcomed. A description of the job
requirements, and application instructions, will be found here: Office Administrator,
June 2023(13 Jun'23)
Wolcott Drive residents' meeting: 10 May 2023
A meeting for Wolcott Drive residents has been schedule at 7PM on Wednesday, 10 May 2023 to explain the
upcoming reconstruction of their road and installation of sanitary sewer lines. The meeting will be held at
Boston Heights Village Hall.
The Village has sent a letter to Wolcott
with further details. (5 May'23)
Wolcott Drive residents' meeting delayed
A previously-scheduled meeting for Wolcott Drive residents has been delayed; the 24 April 2023 meeting is
According to a letter mailed out by the
there is a "delay in awarding the bid for the Wolcott Road sewer and roadway reconstruction project" such
that Village Council cannot award the contract until after that date. The meeting will be rescheduled and
residents re-notified accordingly. (19 Apr'23)
Boston Heights Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday 1 April 2023
Boston Heights Village's annual Easter egg hunt for kids will be Saturday, 1 April 2023 11:30AM,
at the Village's Matthews-Thomas
Park, 6737 Olde Eight Road.
• Info here(30 Mar'23)
Village Council agenda for the
15 November 2022 regular meeting(14 Nov'22) Update! Boston Heights Village Council tonight interviewed candidates for the Council seat vacated by
Mr. Polyak's resignation. After discussion in executive session, it was decided to seek further information
from the candidates, and to vote on the appointment at the next Council meeting on 29 November 2022.
An unexpected development: Council decided to appoint current Council member Ron Antal to the seat vacated
by Mr. Polyak, and then to appoint a new Council member to Mr. Antal's then-vacated seat. This notion,
broached by Mr. Fenn, was intended to ensure that Council benefited from Mr. Antal's prior experience
through 2025, while ensuring that a new Council member would have the opportunity to appear on the ballot in
2023. It was not clear whether Mr. Antal formally resigned his current seat to enable this arrangement.
(15 Nov'22)
Annual Craft Show by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday, 5 Nov'22 9AM-2:30PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts and Homemade Soups! (2 Nov'22) More info...
Replacement of Councilperson From the Mayor:
"Council will need to fill the unexpired term of Don Polyak . The November 15, 2022 Council meeting during
the 'New Business' part of the meeting will be the opportunity for any qualified elector in the Village to
address Council with their qualifications for the position. Please direct any applications to me [Mayor Bill Goncy email:] so
that I may distribute them to all of Council. The unexpired term ends on December 31, 2025. If you have
questions please contact me." (30 Oct'22)
Village Council agenda for the
25 October 2022 regular meeting(24 Oct'22) Update! Council member Don Polyak tendered his resignation in a letter to the Mayor and Village
Council, effective in November. Council will consider appointment of a replacement to serve out Mr. Polyak's
term through 2025. He was first elected to Council in 2009, having served on various boards and commissions
previously, and had been the President Pro Tempore of Council for a number of years. He also served as
Council representative to the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, and worked extensively on the
Village's Comprehensive Plan.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 5 October 2022
meeting (4 Oct'22) Note! Proposed Sheetz facility is not on this meeting's agenda; the Planning Commission will
only hear other pending applications, as listed. The Sheetz matter will be resumed at the 2 November 2022
Planning Commission agenda for 28 September
2022 Special Meeting (22 Sep'22)
This special meeting of the Village Planning Commission will resume consideration of the proposed Sheetz
facility at the site of the former Norwood Inn on Dean Memorial Parkway.
All other pending applications for the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals will be heard
at the regular meetings on 5 October 2022. (22 Sep'22)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 7 September 2022
meeting (30 Aug'22) Update! Proposed Sheetz facility was further debated but not resolved - next hearing 5 October 2022.
An earlier special meeting may yet be scheduled, however. Correction: The Nika Transportation item on the PC Agenda was for Industrial Parkway and had nothing
to do with the Norwood Inn on Dean Memorial Parkway. The earlier error in our posting of the PC agenda was
entirely ours, and we apologize for any misapprehension. This application was also continued to the October
meeting. (13 Sep'22)
Village Council agenda for the
23 August 2022 regular meeting(22 Aug'22) UPDATE: Mayor Goncy swore in Mr. Ron Dick as member of Village Council, to fill the position left
vacant by the resignation of Ms. Heather Davis. He will serve the balance of that term, through 2023.
After a lengthy discussion, Council passed an revision of the anti-idling ordinance first passed in June;
this version narrows idle-time restrictions solely to commercial vehicles (as defined in the ordinance) and
only within 500ft of particular locations such as residences, parks, medical facilities, etc. (24 Aug'22)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 18 August 2022
meeting (17 Aug'22) Note! Proposed Sheetz facility is NOT on the agenda for this meeting. That hearing will resume
7 September 2022. The Planning Commission will, however, discuss its rules of procedure for that
Village Council agenda for the 9
August 2022 regular meeting(8 Aug'22) UPDATE: As Councilor Heather Davis had resigned from Village Council at the previous Council meeting,
Council entertained bids from a number of residents for that vacated seat. After an executive session,
Council selected Ron Dick to fill the remainder of the term. Mr. Dick is a long-time member of the Board of
Zoning Appeals, among other roles.
Planning Commission agenda for 3 August 2022
meeting UPDATE! The Sheetz representative appeared at the at the 3 August PC meeting only to
request a continuance of their application(s) until the next regular PC meeting on 7 September 2022. The
Planning Commission granted that continuance. It was explained that the Ohio Department of Transportation
(ODOT), which controls Dean Memorial Parkway, has demanded changes in the delination of turn lanes that
would require substantial changes in the proposed Sheetz site plan. Sheetz had been advised that the PC was
unlikely to be able to make a determination solely on the proposed conditional use without a substantially
firm site plan, and so the entire matter is to be deferred until September. (4 Aug'22) Note! This Planning Commission meeting was to only consider the Sheetz proposal, continued from June
2022. There will still be an additional PC & BZA meeting on 18 August 2022 to consider any other
business. (27 Jun'22)
Planning Commission work session (only) scheduled for 6 July 2022
The Planning Commission has deferred the Sheetz application until its 3 August 2022 meeting, at the
applicant's request. At the June meeting, the applicant's representatives and the PC had agreed on a set of
issues that required further information from Sheetz.
In lieu of a formal meeting, the Planning Commission will convene for a work session at Village Hall, at the
usual scheduled time of 7PM, 6 July 2022.
The Mayor has stated the following: NO VOTING OR DECISIONS WILL BE MADE AT THIS MEETING; the PC Chair has
clarified: other than on procedural or scheduling matters.
Please note: we have no official agenda, but have been told the intention is to only consider
procedural and scheduling issues, not any extant applications; there is no indication as to whether there
will be any period of public comment. (5 Jul'22)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 1 June 2022
meeting (23 May'22) Of interest: Proposed Sheetz at the closed Norwood Inn on Dean Memorial Drive. Update: After a very lengthy Q&A, and much public commentary, this matter was deferred to next
month's meeting pending further details on matters of interest to the Planning Commission. (23 May'22)
Matthews-Thomas Park Pool will not open this Summer 2022.
After a number of discussions at recent Council meetings, the Village has determined that it will not
re-open the swimming pool at Matthews-Thomas Park. The Mayor's view is that the pool cannot be economically,
and timely, made safe and usable in light of its age and condition. Most of Council concurred, and the pool
area will be closed and "remediated".
Given the mixed views on the need, desirability, and fiscal support of a Village swimming pool — with many
residents quite vocal in their support — it has been suggested that the Village field a bond levy at the
ballot box to determine whether there is sufficient public support to cover the costs of building and
operating a new pool. The Mayor has asked the Fiscal Officer to look into the nuts and bolts of such a levy
issue; if determined to be practical, this may be on the November 2022 ballot. The Village administration
may also seek other types of contributions.
As to financial considerations, the Village Engineer has pointed out that no state or federal grants would
be available for this type of project (as opposed to certain other types of park improvements, such as
walking paths and parking). Year-to-year reports on pool operations have shown that the majority of users
are not Village residents; though non-residents do pay more for pool memberships, those fees do not cover
operation and maintenance costs, and the balance comes from general Village funds. However, many residents
who do use the pool, and others, are quite enthusiastic in its support. (11 May'22)
Village Council agenda for the
22 March 2022 regular meeting(22 Mar'22)
This meeting will held at Village Hall; there will be a discussion of the Village pool's finances and
The Council meeting will be preceded at 6:30PM by a Public Hearing on Planning & Zoning fees &
The Council meeting will be immediately followed by the Finance Committee meeting.
BZA Special Meeting agenda for 16 March
The Board will review an application for a permit to remove the trees from the area northeast of Boston
Mills Road and State Route 8. (15 Mar'22)
Boston Heights Issues & Candidates for November Election(2 Nov'21)
All Boston Heights Village voters will decide ISSUE 15, a renewal of the Village's 2.75mill 5-year road
levy, and consider the re-election of four members of Village Council. These Council members were last
re-elected in 2017, and stand unopposed in this election:
Bob Bartko (Grandview Dr) (incumbent)
Ronald Fenn (Olde Eight) (incumbent)
Janet L. Miller (Ianwood Cir) (incumbent)
Don Polyak (W. Hines Hill) (incumbent)
Village citizens will also choose members of their respective school boards, along with a Stow Municipal
judge, and clerk.
An explanation of the Boston Heights levy renewal on the ballot Tuesday, 2 Nov'21:
Road Levy, Issue 15: 5-year, 2.75-mill levy renewal.
This levy is a renewal of the current road levy, last renewed in Nov'16 and now up for a vote again. There
is no change in the tax rate for this levy. Because it would be a renewal of an older levy, if passed the
state of Ohio would continue to pay a portion of the millage through rollback reduction in the rate paid by
the property owners. Under current law, if the levy is not renewed and is later re-instituted, the entire
millage would be paid by property owners. Additionally, the effective millage is less than the
nominal 2.75 mills, because as a renewal the levy can only raise the same total amount per year, despite
increases in the tax base and valuations. The cost per $100,000 of property value would continue to be
$71.26 per year.
This road levy is for the purpose of general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of
streets, roads and bridges. It may also provide some of the Village's matching funds for larger paving
projects that receive state and federal funding. Boston Heights - Hudson Schools Ballot Boston Heights - Nordonia Schools Ballot Boston Heights - Woodridge Schools Ballot
Source: Summit County Board of Elections
Also see the BOE site for early voting and absentee ballot information.
Sky Zone Boston Heights Trampoline Park Re-opens
Sky Zone Boston Heights has re-opened its trampoline park after an extended pandemic closure. Here's what
they're doing: Sky Zone Health
and Cleanliness Precautions (19 Feb'21)
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 9 February 2021. This meeting was held remotely by video
teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Board of Zoning Appeals agenda for 18 February
2021 Special Meeting
This hearing was held remotely by video teleconference with public access. The Board met to hear an appeal
of the finding of the Village's Board of Nuisance Abatement that the former Norwood Hotel property
constituted a public nuisance. The BZA heard evidence from both the owner and the Village, and adjourned to
render a decision at a later date. (19 Feb'21)
Village Council agenda for the
15 December regular meeting(14 Dec'20)
This meeting, and the Finance Committee meeting that followed, were held remotely by video teleconference
(via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
A videorecording of the Council & Finance meetings can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 15 December 2020. This
meeting was held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency
law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 8 December 2020. This meeting was held remotely by video
teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Village Council agenda for the
10 November regular meeting(11 Nov'20)
We have posted the final agenda for the November 2020 regular Council meeting, along with the text of the
legislation and exhibits, and our own notes on the meeting.
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 10 November 2020. This meeting was held remotely by video
teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Boston Heights Election Results Levies: Village Fire Levy renewed:
Issue 25: Fire Levy, 0.75mills 3 year, operations: PASS 75% to 25% (663-to-223)
Issue 43: Woodridge Schools Levy renewal, operations: PASS 59% to
Boston Heights Planning & Zoning last night cleared the way for an unnamed company's large-scale
"delivery station" on 58 acres SW of Route 8 & E Hines Hill (across from Arhaus/Costco). Hundreds of
"last-mile" van delivery & warehouse jobs expected.
Village Council agenda for the
27 October regular meeting(26 Oct'20) Note! This meeting will be preceded at 6:30PM by a Public Hearing on a zoning matter. See below for notice. Update: This zoning change was voted down at the subsequent Council meeting.
This meeting will be held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio
emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see our copy of the agenda (linked above) for details on
accessing this public meeting.
A videorecording of the Council meeting can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 27 October 2020; the
Finance Committee meeting can be seen here: VBH Finance Meeting 27 October 2020. This meeting was held remotely by video teleconference
(via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Halloween Trick-or-Treat
The Village of Boston Heights has scheduled Trick-or-Treat for the usual 6-8PM time on Halloween evening, 31
October. Safety forces will be out helping to ensure safety.
In light of the present COVID-19 pandemic, the Village asks that appropriate masking and social distancing
precautions be observed. (5 Oct'20)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 7 October 2020
This meeting will be held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio
emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic, and as required, live public access was made available for the
meeting. Please see the agenda (linked above) for access information.
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH PC Meeting 7 October 2020. (7 Oct'20)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 2 September 2020
This meeting will be held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio
emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic, and as required, live public access was made available for the
meeting. Please see the agenda (linked above) for access information.
Akron Zoo community days: Boston
Heights free tickets for 12-25 September 2020
The Akron Zoo will offer free tickets to Boston Heights residents for admission from 12-25 September 2020,
as gesture of thanks for county taxpayers' support. Advance reservation tickets required, limit is four per
household. (Parking at $3 not included; masks etc. required.) A limited number of tickets will be
available starting 29 August online only at (11 Aug'20)
Also note: the Akron Zoo is requesting renewal and increase of its supporting levy on the November 2020
ballot. The current (expiring) levy is 0.8mil/7 years; the requested levy is 1.2mil/10 years. ABJ: Akron Zoo levy to appear on November 2020 ballot(29 Oct'19)
Village Council agenda for the
28 July regular meeting(28 Jul'20)
This Council meeting will be followed by the regular monthly Council Finance Committee meeting. NOTE: This meeting will be held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the
State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic, and as required, live public access will be made
available for the meeting. See out copy of the agenda (linked above) for access information.
Boston Heights 2021 Tax Budget
(Proposed)(14 Jul'20)
From the Village's Fiscal Officer:
"Because of COVID-19, the normal process of advertising for a budget public hearing, etc. is rather
difficult. As the Fiscal Officer, I am requesting that for anyone wishing to view the 2021 budget, they are
more than welcome. However, I will provide this information for review by appointment only. Appointments may
be made through the Fiscal Officer at the Village Hall, 330-650-4111 ext. 3"
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 12 May 2020. This meeting was held remotely by video teleconference
(via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Matthews-Thomas Park Pool to open on 20 June, 2020.
Due to the delay and considerations due to the COVID-19 pandemic:
Guest passes only (no memberships) will be available for purchase at $5.00 each at Village Hall beginning on
1 June, 2020. Village Hall hours are Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM. If you have any questions, please call Village
Hall at (330) 650-4111. (1 Jun'20)
Some history: At a recent Council Finance meeting, there was extensive discussion as to how to manage the
pool in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and State of Ohio regulations. One council member favored closing
the pool permanently due to maintenance costs and level of usage by Village residents. The eventual
consensus of Council was to request a proposal from the pool's management company (Hastings) for operation
and staffing of the pool consistent with the current state regulations. Presumably that proposal is the
basis of the planned pool operation noted above. Be prepared for reduced entry headcount permitted at the
pool, requirements for social distancing, and enhanced cleaning.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 3 June 2020
meeting Update: This meeting was held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State
of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic, and as required, live public access was made available for
the meeting.
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH PC Meeting 03 June 2020.
Boston Heights Mayor's Court closed until 2 June 2020
Mayor's Court, normally held each Tuesday, will be closed from 18 May and is expected to resume on Tuesday,
2 June 2020. For further information, contact the Boston Heights Village Hall 330-650-4111 ext. 3 during
regular business hours.
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH Council Meeting 12 May 2020. This meeting was held remotely by video teleconference
(via Zoom), as permitted by the State of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 6 May 2020
meeting Update: This meeting was held remotely by video teleconference (via Zoom), as permitted by the State
of Ohio emergency law for the COVID-19 pandemic, and as required, live public access was made available for
the meeting.
A videorecording of the meeting can be seen here: VBH PC Meeting 06 May 2020.
If you are interested in observing future remote meetings, we recommend looking into the Zoom video
conferencing system at or via the Zoom app available
to your smart phone.
The next Council meeting(s) will also be held in this fashion. (7 May'20)
Boston Heights Village Meetings deferred to May 2020
Due to the extant COVID-19 health emergency, the Village of Boston Heights is postponing all Council and
committee meetings until May 2020 15 April 2020 and beyond. This subject to further
information and developments. Mayor Goncy's announcement(18 Mar'20)
Nordwood Inn redevelopment plan is withdrawn
The developers behind a proposal to redevelop the Norwood Inn hotel has withdrawn its application for
rezoning the property. A letter received by the Village cited the apparent opposition of the Mayor and
members of Council. The Planning Commission previously had recommended the
necessary rezoning of the property to Council, in a split vote. HHT: Developer drops project at former motel site(8 Mar'20)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 13 February 2020
meeting(9 Feb'20)
Of particular interest is a revised proposal for rezoning of the Norwood Inn to allow redevelopment as
apartments and other multi-family housing. UPDATE:Planning Commission recommends enabling rezoning to Council, on a split vote;
developers uncertain of Village Council response. A Public Hearing will be scheduled on the rezoning issue
before Council acts. HHT: Proposed redevelopment of former Boston Heights motel up in the air(20 Feb'20)
Village Council agenda for the
28 January 2020 regular meeting(28 Jan'20)
There is now an additional regularly scheduled Council meeting each month, just before the usual Finance
Committee meeting. This is intended to expedite consideration of Village business while still permitting
time for more than one reading of some ordinances and resolutions.
Heights Santa Delivery!
Santa Claus will deliver gifts to village children — Sunday, 8 December 2019 after Noon.
Dropoff deadline is Thursday, 5 December: details
Seniors' Thankgiving Dinner: Sat, 23 Nov'19 1-3PM
Contact the Boston Heights Village Hall 330-650-4111 ext. 3 for reservations or RSVP.
Boston Heights & School District Candidates in November Election
The following people are on the 5 November 2019 general election ballot: Boston Hts Village Council, 2 to elect:
Ron Antal (Meghan's Lane) (incumbent)
Michael Bush (Colesbrooke Dr)
Heather Davis (Pinewood Dr) (incumbent)
Boston Hts Village Mayor:
Bob Bartko (Grandview Dr)
Bill Goncy (Olde Eight Rd) (incumbent)
Janet L. Miller (Ianwood Cir)
Hudson City Schools Board of Education, 2 to elect:
James D. Field (Parkside Dr, Hudson)
Thomas J. Tobin (Aurora St, Hudson)
Nordonia Hills City Schools Board of Education, 2 to elect:
Chad M. Lahrmer (Hiram College Dr, Northfield)
Liz McKinley (Lanes End, Macedonia)
Woodridge Local Schools Board of Education, 2 to elect:
Marilyn Hansen (Main St, Peninsula)
Jeff McHugh (Woodhaven Dr, Cuyahoga Falls)
Willie C. Watts, Jr (Kingsbridge Ct, Akron (write-in)
Stow Municipal Court Judge:
John E. Chapman (Michael Ln, Cuyahoga Falls)
Tania Nemer (Walters Rd, Hudson)
Kim R. Hoover (Highland Dr, Silver Lake)
Stow Municipal Court Clerk:
Bradford Chapman (Whitelaw St, Cuyahoga Falls)
Jeff Iula (24th St, Cuyahoga Falls)
Steve Stahl (Luden Ave, Munroe Falls)
Amber Zibritosky (Crockett Cir, Stow)
Additionally, a renewal of the Summit County ADM levy and various County Charter amendments are also on the
Annual Craft Show by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday,2 Nov'19 9AM-2:30PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts and Homemade Soups! (1 Oct'19) More info...
CANCELLED! Village Council
agenda for the 14 October 2019 Emergency Meeting(13 Oct'19)
An Emergency Meeting of Council had been called over the weekend; the agenda indicates that an interim Chief
of Police has been appointed, which appointment Council must approve in order to be effective. It would seem
that Chief Heatwall is no longer on the job. The meeting was scheduled for Monday, 14 October 2019 but has
been CANCELLED due to lack of quorum.
The matter will be taken up again at a Special Council Meeting at 6:30PM Tue 22 October 2019.
Boston Heights
Village Fall Festival: Saturday, 5 October 2019
The Village's annual Fall Festival will be held at Matthews-Thomas Park (on Olde Eight Rd), on Saturday,
5 Oct'19 from 11AM to 3PM. (1 Oct'19)
Akron Children's Boston Heights Health Center - Public Open House
The new Akron Children's facility in Boston Heights will hold a public open house from 10AM-Noon on
Saturday, 14 September 2019. Ribbon-cutting at 11AM. Located at 328 E. Hines Hill Road just off of Route 8.
This event is free and open to the public and features tours, family entertainment and light
refreshments. More info:Boston
Heights Health Center Open House(12 Sep'19)
Village Council agenda for the 9
July 2019 regular meeting(9 Jul'19)
Note: Public Hearing on the Village Budget for 2020 will be held at 6:30PM before the Council Meeting.
We have posted the draft agenda for the July 2019 regular Council meeting; we will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible.
Village Council agenda for the
14 May 2019 regular meeting(8 Apr'19)
We have posted the draft agenda for the May 2019 regular Council meeting; we will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible.
This meeting will be preceeded by a Public Hearing at 6PM to consider an ordinance regulating Smoking/Hookah
Lounges and like businesses.
Nordonia School District Issue for May Election(6 May'19)
Nordonia City School District voters will consider ISSUE 3, a new continuing 6.98 mill operating levy. The
levy would commence in tax year 2019 (collected from 2020).
As always, the Village Hall is closed for regular business on Election Day and open for voting only. Boston Heights
- Nordonia Schools Ballot
Source: Summit County Board of Elections
Also see the BOE site for early voting and absentee ballot information.
Construction: West Boston Mills Road reconstruction begins From the Village Engineer: Our Boston Mills Phases I and II reconstruction project is starting in the
Village of Boston Heights with tree clearing starting today and the reconstruction part of the project
starting next week. The limits of construction begin at the intersection of Boston Mills Rd/Olde Eight going
West approx. 3,400 l.f. to just after Akron-Peninsula Road. One lane will be maintained at all times to
local traffic only. There will be detour signs set up along the project. The project completion date is
scheduled for late August 2019 (weather pending). (15 Mar'19)
Village Council agenda for the
11 December 2018 regular meeting(10 Dec'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the December 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Heights Santa Delivery!
Santa Claus will deliver gifts to village children — Sunday, 9 December 2018 after Noon.
Dropoff deadline is Thursday, 6 December: details
Village Council agenda for the
13 November 2018 regular meeting(11 Nov'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the November 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Boston Heights Election Results, November 2018 Levies: fire, school levies mixed:
Issue 37: Boston Heights Fire Levy (capital/maintenance), 0.5 mill 5 year renewal:
PASS 68% (482) to 32% (225)
Issue 2: Nordonia City School District Levy (operating), 6.98 mill continuing: FAIL
52% to 48% note: Boston Heights voters were 111 against, 59 for the levy.
Issue 6: Woodridge Schools Levy (operating), 8.19 mills 5 year emergency: PASS
53% to 47% note: Boston Heights voters were 146 against, 95 for the levy.
Boston Heights & School District Issues for November Election(5 Nov'18)
All Boston Heights Village voters will decide ISSUE 37, a renewal of the Village's 0.5mill 5-year levy for
fire protection capital expenditures ("providing and maintaining fire apparatus, appliances, buildings and
sites"). The renewed levy would commence in tax year 2019 (collected from 2020).
See: 2018 Fire Levy
Nordonia City School District voters will consider ISSUE 2, a new continuing 6.98 mill operating levy. The
levy would commence in tax year 2018 (collected from 2019).
Woodridge Local School District voters will consider ISSUE 6, a new 8.19 mill, 5 year, emergency operating
levy. The levy would commence in tax year 2018 (collected from 2019).
Holiday Craft Fair by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday,3 Nov'18 9AM-2:30PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts
(24 Oct'18)
Village Council agenda for the 9
October 2018 regular meeting(9 Oct'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the October 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Village places renewal of Fire Capital Levy on November'18 General Election ballot
The Village of Boston Heights is seeking renewal of the Fire Capital Levy at the upcoming General Election
on Tuesday, 6 November 2018. The proposed renewal Fire Levy is for "providing and maintaining fire
apparatus, appliances, buildings and sites". This levy pays for maintenance and repair of the Village's Fire
Station, fire vehicles, and firefighting equipment – all of which is leased to Valley Fire District for the
Village's firefighting and EMS service. This levy, if renewed, would begin collection in 2020 and run for
another 5 years at the same nominal 0.5 mill rate. That levy is currently adjusted to 0.45 mill for $14.20
per year for every $100,000 of residential valuation. The levy was last renewed by the voters in November
2014. (9 Aug'18)HHT: Boston Heights seeks renewal of fire, EMS levy(13 Aug'18)
Service Department positions advertised
The Village has posted a revised advertisement for help in the Road/Service Department:
The Village of Boston Heights is seeking employees for the Service Department. Applicants must be a U.S.
Citizen, at least 21 years of age, have a valid driver's license, and be able to pass a polygraph test. The
positions are for mechanic (trucks and equipment), mowing, snowplowing, general road repairs, etc.
Applications are available at the Village Hall, or call (330) 650-4111.
Applications may be completed and returned to the Village of Boston Heights, 45 East Boston Mills Rd,
Boston Heights, OH 44236, Attention: Fiscal Office.
(10 Aug'18)
Village Council agenda for the
14 August 2018 regular meeting(Updated: 10 Aug'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the August 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
CANCELED: Special Council Meeting: 28 August 2018 6:30PM
Village Council has canceled its special meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 28 August 2018 at 6:30PM so that the
2018 Road Maintenance Program can be re-bid later in the year. It was intended that the selected contractor
will carry out various road repairs and crack-sealing throughout the Village. (20 Aug'18)
Construction: Olde Eight Paving resumes Monday, 6 Aug 2018
Construction on Olde Eight Road, starting at Boston Mills Road and ending at the Boston Heights northerly
corporation limit, will begin on Monday, 6 August, 2018 and last through 31 August, 2018. The road will
remain open to at least one lane of traffic causing some delays. Note: the Village Engineer has previously
reported that the project will begin with full-depth repairs where required, followed by repaving, and the
permanent striping both north and south. (3 Aug'18)
Special Council Meeting Agenda:
24 July 2018
Village Council will reconvene at a special meeting on Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 7PM to once again consider
its agenda from the 10 July regular meeting, as there were insufficient council members at that meeting to
override the 3-reading rule and pass any legislation. The regular Finance Meeting for that date will follow
the Special Council meeting. (23 Jul'18)
from the Village of Boston Heights: CRA HOUSING COUNCIL
The Ohio Revised Code #3735.69 governs CRA Housing Councils. Under the law, a Housing Council shall be
appointed as follows:
• Two (2) members appointed by the Mayor
• Two (2) members appointed by the Council
• One (1) member appointed by the Planning Commission
The majority of the foregoing members shall then appoint two (2) additional members, and must be residents
of Boston Heights.
The Housing Council shall make an annual inspect of those properties within the CRA for which an exemption
has been granted.
If you are a resident of Boston Heights and are interested in becoming a member of the Housing Council,
please send a letter of interest with your credentials to Mayor Bill Goncy, Village of Boston Heights, 45
East Boston Mills Road, Boston Heights, OH 44236. (26 Jun'18)
Village Council agenda for the
12 June 2018 regular meeting(Updated: 12 Jun'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the June 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Special Council Meeting: 22 May 2018 7PM
Village Council will reconvene at a special meeting on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 7PM to once again consider
its agenda from the 9 May regular meeting, as there were insufficient council members at that meeting to
override the 3-reading rule and pass any legislation. The regular Finance Meeting for that date will follow
the Special Council meeting. (14 May'18)
Village receives state funding for Boston Mills Road repairs, paving
Boston Heights has succeeded in obtaining partial state funding for repairs and repaving of a further
portion of Boston Mills Road. This are Phases I & II of the overall Boston Mills Road project; Phase I
is just west of Olde Eight Road, and Phase II is just west beyond that. Funding for Phases III and IV, the
eastermost sections, remain to be determined.
On 10 May 2018, the Ohio Public Works Commission awarded Small Government Grants of $242,692 (Phase I) and
$242,207 (Phase II), along with additional loans (within the District Revolving Loan Program) of $242,692
(Phase I) and $242,208 (Phase II). The loans have to be repaid by the Village over time; the grants do
Together these funds constitute 69% of the overall $1.4M estimated cost of the Phase I & II projects,
leaving an additional $436K to be funded locally from Village funds (unless other sources can be
realized). "Boston Mills Road Reconstruction Ph I: Road reconstruction including subgrade stabilization &
widening for 2' shoulders with drainage ditches for 1691 LF. ADT 862." "Boston Mills Road Reconstruction Ph II: Road reconstruction including subgrade stabilization &
widening for 2' shoulders with drainage ditches for 1689 LF. ADT 862." (11 May'18)
Village Council agenda for the 9
May 2018 regular meeting(First Posted: 9 May'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the May 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Boston Heights Election Results(8 May'18) Levies: Village Fire Levy renewed:
Issue 11: Fire Levy, 0.75mills 3 year, operations: PASS 69% to 31% (174-to-76)
Village Council agenda for the
10 April 2018 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 Apr'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the April 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Summit County Health: Septic
System Operating Seminars
Summit County Public Health (SCPH) will be hosting two free informational sessions about residential septic
system maintenance, covering proper maintainenance and the requirements of the Operation Permit program.
(This is the County's new septic system inspection program). All homeowners who have a septic system are
encouraged to attend.
Friday, 6 Apr'18 8:30AM-10AM and Wednesday, 11 Apr'18 from 5PM-6:30PM, in the auditorium at Summit County
Public Health located at 1867 W. Market St., Akron, OH 44313.
Click the headline link for more info. (03 Apr'18)
CANCELED: Planning/Zoning Meetings for 4 April 2018 meeting (04 Apr'18)
Public Meeting: Residential Housing Tax Abatement
A public hearing was be held at the Boston Heights Village Hall at 6PM, Tue 13 Mar 2018 (before the monthly
Council meeting). The meeting discussed "revisions to the CRA map", more specifically, a a proposal to
extend Community Reinvestment Area tax abatements to an area of the Village proposed for multi-unit housing
(apartments and/or townhouses). (13 Feb'18) UPDATE: The CRA proposal was approved and adopted at the subequent Council meeting. The
specifics of a probably multi-unit residential development at Hines Hill and Olde Eight Roads remains under
negotiation. (16 Mar'18) Previously: Additional discussion on this tax abatement proposal occurred at the Council
Finance Committee meeting at 7PM on Tue 27 Feb'18. A number of public comments and questions were
entertained, along with largely supportive commentary from Council. (12 Mar'18)
Village Council agenda for the
13 March 2018 regular meeting(First Posted: 12 Mar'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the March 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
The question of tax abatement for a large-scale apartment/townhouse development on Hines Hill Road was
resolved by Council adopting (by a 4-2 vote) the proposal for residential construction CRA tax abatements.
(16 Mar'18)
Village Council agenda for the
13 February 2018 regular meeting(First Posted: 12 Feb'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the February 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Please note that the question of tax abatement for a large-scale apartment/townhouse development on Hines
Hill Road does not currently appear on the draft agenda. There will be a public meeting on the matter at
6PM, Tue 13 March'18.
Village Council agenda for the
23 January 2018 SPECIAL meeting(First Posted: 19 Jan'18)Update: The
applicant withdrew this proposal at the very last minute, so it was not considered by Council after all.
(23 Jan'18) Previously: A Special Council meeting (also serving as a Public Hearing) will be held on 23 January
2018 at 6PM, at the Village Hall, on the matter of a proposal to amend the Zoning Code to allow
higher-density multi-unit housing ("Attached Dwelling Community") in the Light Manufacturing zoning
district. This was proposed on behalf of the owner of a large tract on Chittenden Road in that LM district.
The Planning Commission recommended against this proposal at its Dec'17
meeting; that recommendation will be considered by Council at this meeting.
Village Council agenda for the 18 January
2018 SPECIAL meeting(First Posted: 18 Jan'18) Special Council Meeting: 18 Jan 2018 6PM Update: After a "spirited debate", Council concluded that they required more information and further
consideration on this issue, and will likely discuss it further at the Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday,
23 Jan'18. (19 Jan'18) Update: Yet another "spirited debate" on this scheme took place at the Council Finance Committee
meeting of 23 Jan'18. Council concluded that they required still more information and plans a public
meeting on the matter, perhaps some time in February. (24 Jan'18) Earlier: Village Council will consider a measure to establish a residential CRA (Community
Reinvestment Area), which would allow the Village to extend a property tax incentive (abatement) for
"residential development".
While the Village already has a CRA established for commercial development and residential rehabilitation,
this type of CRA would allow abatements for new residential development, and furthermore would
not require any compensation for lost taxes to the Hudson City School District, or any school
While Council has deferred consideration of a specific development agreement until March, the establishment
of this type of CRA is intended to allow a tax abatement up to 100% over 15 years for development of about
400 townhouse and/or apartment units across from Arhaus/Costco on Hines Hills Road (the former driving
range). This is conditionally permitted under the Hines Hill Overlay zoning, with approval of the
Planning Commission.
Reportedly this residential CRA area would extend further into the northwest of the Village, allowing the
possibility of tax abatements for other residential development there in the future. (12 Jan'18)
A couple of less controversial measures are also on the meeting agenda: adjustment of the village income tax
law to match the State law, and renewal of one of the Fire Levies. (18 Jan'18)
Village Council agenda for the 9
January 2018 regular meeting(First Posted: 5 Jan'18)
We have posted the draft agenda for the January 2018 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
One item of particular interest is Council consideration of a 100% property tax abatement for a ~400-unit
apartment/townhouse complex on the former driving range off of E. Hines Hill Road, across from
Arhaus/Costco. This is in the Hudson School District; residential CRA abatements do not require
compensation to school districts as do commercial CRAs. Update: The ordinance enabling a residential CRA for this area, and for other areas in the northwest
quadrant of the Village, has gone to a third reading, and presumably Council vote, at a Special Council
Meeting scheduled for 6PM Thu 18 Jan'18.
Special Council Meeting: 19 Dec 2017
Village Council will consider a measure to establish a residential CRA (Community Reinvestment Area), and a
development agreement, presumably for extending a property tax incentive for "residential development".
We have been unable to determine any details, to date, but likely related to development of higher-density
housing (townhouses and/or apartments) on the former driving range, as conditionally permitted under
the Hines Hill Overlay zoning, as that is the only non-single-family residential zoning in the Village.
(13 Dec'17)
Village 2016 disbursements & payments available online
Boston Heights began posting its disbursements on the Ohio Treasurer's Ohio Checkbook website,
beginning in 2017 for the year 2016 expenses. The Village Fiscal Officer has stated the intention of
updating this resource only once per year, in arrears. (14 Dec'17) Boston Heights Village on
Ohio Checkbook
The results of the Village's biennial state audits may be found here: Boston
Heights Village Audits
Village Council agenda for the
12 December 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 12 Dec'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the December 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 6 Dec 2017
meeting(29 Nov'17) Update: The Planning Commission recommended against a request to amend the Zoning Code to
conditionally permit "Attached Dwelling Community" in the Light Manufacturing District. This would have been
in furtherance of a proposed residential rental development on Chittenden Road. The Village's announcement
of this matter can be found here: PC to consider
Attached Dwelling Community Zoning
Additionally, PC approved the rebranding of the Clarion Inn as Norwood Inn, and also approved a planned
medical facility at Hines Hill and Route 8, by Akron Children's Hospital.
Copies of the applications and supporting documents can be found here. Note: November 2017 Planning Commission / Board of Zoning Appeals meetings were canceled.
Boston Heights to share in Northfield Center's signage grant CA: Northfield Center gets ODOT grant for highway safety signs
The Village of Boston Heights will share in a state grant received by Northfield Center Township, allowing
both towns to replace and augment roadway signage. Northfield Center will receive $19,626 for 332 signs;
Boston Heights will receive $13,664 for 205 signs. (08 Nov'17)
Heights Santa Delivery!
Santa Claus will deliver gifts to village children — Sunday, 10 December 2017 after Noon.
Dropoff deadline is Thursday, 7 December: details
Village Council agenda for the
14 November 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 Nov'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the November 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Boston Heights Election Results(8 Nov'17) Council: All four members retained:
Bob Bartko (Grandview Dr) (incumbent) WIN 23%
Ronald Fenn (Olde Eight) (incumbent) WIN 24%
Janet L. Miller (Ianwood Cir) (incumbent) WIN 28%
Don Polyak (W. Hines Hill) (incumbent) WIN 26%
Levies: school levies mixed:
Issue 30: Hudson Schools Levy, 4.97 30 year, bond: PASS 54% to 46% note: Boston Heights voters were 1.26% against, 1.01% for the
Issue 35: Woodridge Schools Levy, 8.71mills 5 year, operations: FAIL 57% to
43% note: Boston Heights voters were 1.43% against, 0.51% for the
Boston Heights & School District Candidates File for November Election(18 Oct'17)
The following candidates will appear on the 7 November general election ballot: Boston Hts Village Council, 4 to elect:
Bob Bartko (Grandview Dr) (incumbent)
Ronald Fenn (Olde Eight) (incumbent)
Janet L. Miller (Ianwood Cir) (incumbent)
Don Polyak (W. Hines Hill) (incumbent)
Hudson City School Board of Education, 3 to elect:
Steve DiMauro
Alisa Wright
David Zuro
Nordonia Hills City School Board of Education, 3 to elect:
Nicholas Berchtold
John Bruce
Judith L. Matlin
Tammy Strong
Woodridge Local SchoolBoard of Education, 3 to elect:
Jan Flasco
Tammy L. Heffernan
David Lydic
In addition, Hudson City School District voters will decide on ISSUE 30, a new 4.97 mill, 30 year bond levy
for construction of a new Middle School and refurbishment of the elementary school buildings. The levy
would commence in tax year 2017 (collected from 2018).
Woodridge Local School District voters will consider ISSUE 35, a new 8.71 mill, 5 year, emergency operating
levy. The levy would commence in tax year 2017 (collected from 2018).
Holiday Craft Fair by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday,4 Nov'17 9AM-2:30PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts and Soups! More
Info(3 Nov'17)
Village Council agenda for the
10 October 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 6 Oct'17)
Among other matters, Council PROHIBITED marijuana cultivation, processing, and sale within the Village, and
also authorized the appearance of the Village's Fire Operating Levy renewal on the May 2018 ballot.
We have posted the draft agenda for the October 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Boston Heights Village Fall Festival: Saturday, 7 October 2017
The Village's annual Fall Festival will be held at Matthews-Thomas Park (on Olde Eight Rd), on Saturday,
7 Oct'17 from 12 Noon to 4PM.
Dedication of the park's new playground, courtesy of Arhaus, will be held at 1:30PM.
New this year: kids 5-15 baseball game with the Police and Fire Fighters - see registration on the festival poster. (11 Sep'17)
Hudson Schools bond levy on November ballot HHT: [Hudson Schools] Post-election wish list: A new middle school, major renovations
The Hudson School Board has approved placing on the November ballot a new 4.97 mill 30-year bond levy to
build a new Middle School, and to renovate and reconfigure the elementary schools. (27 Sep'17)
Colesbrooke Drive partial closure on Sunday
Colesbrooke Drive between the addresses of 7176 and 7189 will be closed for road work on Sunday, 24
September 2017, from about 1:30-5:30PM. (21 Sep'17)
Village Council agenda for the
12 September 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 11 Sep'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the September 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final
agenda and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Village Council agenda for the 8
August 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 4 Aug'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the August 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village. ALSO: There was a Public Meeting at 6:30PM just preceding the Council meeting, regarding proposed
changes to the Zoning Code. These changes would be to administrative regulations and application
requirements, with no changes to zoning districts or land use. Public Hearing: Amendments to the Zoning Code
Village Council agenda for the
11 July 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 11 Jul'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the July 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Village Council agenda for the
13 June 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 9 Jun'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the June 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
HHT: Boston Heights mayor addresses police lunch TV investigation
After a furor sparked by a local TV station report on lunch-time staffing practices, Mayor Goncy has
directed that "police lunch breaks shall be staggered so there is always an on-duty officer within the
Village limits". (14 May'17)
Village Council agenda for the 9
May 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 8 May'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the May 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda and
related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Hudson Schools PIF Levy Renewal Passes
Issue 13: Hudson City School District, Permanent Improvement Fund Levy, 1.5mills: PASS
87% to 13% (3 May'17)
Source: Summit County Board of Elections tabulation
Valley Fire Association Pancake Breakfast at Valley Fire Station
Valley Fire District's Association will hold its annual Pancake Breakfast Sunday, 7 May'17 from 8AM to
1PM, at its main station on Route 303 (Streetsboro Rd).
All info: Valley Fire Pancake Breakfast
2017 (posted: 18 Apr'17)
Village Council agenda for the
11 April 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 7 Apr'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the April 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Village Council agenda for the
14 March 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 Mar'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the March 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Public Hearing: Zoning Map Adoption
A public hearing will be held at the Boston Heights Village Hall at 6:30PM, Tue 14 Mar 2017 (before the
monthly Council meeting). The hearing will present an updated Zoning Map for the Village. The map update
incorporates existing, already adopted zoning changes since the last map was adopted in 2012. Primary
updates are the current uses and zoning around Route 8 and Hines Hill Road, along with new subdivisions. As
the Zoning Map is part of the Zoning Code itself, Council must formally adopt it after Planning Commission
approval (already given) and this public hearing. (27 Feb'17)
Details here.
Village Council agenda for the
14 February 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 13 Feb'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the February 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
HHT: [Hudson School] Board approves renewal levy for May ballot
The Hudson School Board has approved placing on the May ballot a renewal of the existing 1.5-mill Permanent
Improvement Fund 5-year levy, which will not increase tax rates. (30 Jan'17)
Village Council agenda for the
10 January 2017 regular meeting(First Posted: 6 Jan'17)
We have posted the draft agenda for the January 2017 regular Council meeting; We will post the final agenda
and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
SS: Cuyahoga Falls to provide dispatch services to Boston Heights(1 Jan'17)
Village Council approved the change in police and fire/EMS dispatch services from Richfield to Cuyahoga
Falls at the 13 December 2016 meeting. Mayor Goncy explained that the cost was
lower than under the previous contract, and that both the Village's Police Department and Valley Fire
District were on board for this change.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 7 December 2016
meeting(6 Dec'16)
The BZA granted a variance to allow an existing home to be used while a new house is built, and tweaked
variances granted earlier for a lettuce-growing greenhouse on Chittenden Road. The Planning Commission
reviewed that greenhouse site plan, and discussed planning fees and deposits, and various proposed changes
to the zoning code. (8 Dec'16)
Heights Santa Delivery!
Santa Claus will deliver gifts to village children — Sunday, 11 December 2016 after Noon.
Dropoff deadline is Thursday, 8 December: details
Village offering 2004 Ford Excursion for sale
The Village of Boston Heights desires to sell a 2004 Ford Excursion. Sealed bids will be accepted by Friday,
16 Dec'16 at 10AM. Minimum bid is $10,000. If you want to inspect the vehicle, contact Mayor Bill Goncy, or
Betty Klingenberg for an appointment 330-650-4111 X 3.
Bids to: Boston Heights Vlg Hall, 45 E Boston Mills Rd, Boston Heights OH 44236 (17 Nov'16)
2016 Revised Capital Improvements / Road Paving Plan
Due to changes in paving priorities and newly-received state grants, the Village Engineer has revised the
Village's 10-year capital improvements and paving plan. Back in 2014, Village Council agreed to borrow a
projected $5M for a Village-wide paving and improvements plan (via notes in anticipation of bonds to be
issued by the Village). This included the now-complete northwest residential and commercial water mains and
hookups, the rebuilding of Hines Hill Road at the new commercial district, and a complete local road paving
program. (10 Nov'16)
The Village Engineer's current plan can be found here: VBH
10-year Capital Improvement Plan
Village Council agenda for the 9
November 2016 regular meeting(First Posted: 4 Nov'16)
We have posted the agenda for the November 2016 regular Council meeting; We will post the related
legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village. Note! This meeting is on Wednesday, not the usual Tuesday, due to Election Day. Also, there are three
public hearings before this Council meeting, on various Zoning Code changes, at 5:15PM, 5:30PM and
6:00PM: Public Hearings agenda
for 9 November 2016
Village to decide levies for roads, schools Update: The Village's Road Levy renewal, Issue 26 on the ballot, PASSED:
68% to 32%
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center levy, Issue 47: PASSED: 63% to 37%
Woodridge Schools levy, Issue 46: PASSED: 61% to 39%
(all subject to updates from absentee/provisional ballots) (9 Nov'16)
An explanation of the Boston Heights levy renewal on the ballot Tuesday, 8 Nov'16:
Road Levy, Issue 26: 5-year, 2.75-mill levy renewal.
This levy is a renewal of the current road levy, last renewed in Nov'11 and now up for a vote again. There
is no change in the tax rate for this levy. Because it would be a renewal of an older levy, if passed the
state of Ohio would continue to pay a portion of the millage through rollback reduction in the rate paid by
the property owners. Under current law, if the levy is not renewed and is later re-instituted, the entire
millage would be paid by property owners.
This road levy is used to maintain the local roads, bridges, culverts and ditches within the Village. It
may also provide some of the Village's matching funds for larger paving projects that receive state and
federal funding, like the current paving on Akron-Cleveland Road and the upcoming paving of Olde Eight
The members of Council supporting this renewal have offered this explanation and endorsement of the Road Levy
renewal. (25 Oct'16)
Village residents in the Nordonia Hills City School District will also be voting on:
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, Issue 47: 1-mill levy renewal, continuing.
Village residents in the Woodridge Local School District will also be voting on:
Woodridge Schools, Issue 46: 10-year 6.67-mill levy renewal.
Seniors' Thankgiving Dinner: Sat, 19 Nov'16 1-4PM
Contact the Boston Heights Village Hall 330-650-4111 ext. 5 for reservations. (3 Nov'16)
Holiday Craft Fair by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday, 19 Nov'16 9AM-2:30PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts and Soups! More
Info(3 Nov'16)
Village Council agenda for the
11 October 2016 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 Oct'16)
We have posted the agenda for the October 2016 regular Council meeting; We will post the related legislation
as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 5 October 2016
meeting(1 Oct'16)
The Planning Commission approved a set of lot splits and mergers, and reviewed and approved various proposed
changes to the zoning code. (5 Oct'16)
Special Council Meeting: 27 Sep 2016
Village Council discussed the newly-proposed 10-year contract with Valley Fire District for fire and EMS
services to the Village. The original contract, now ending, was for 3 years. The annual contract rate will
increase, with an annual 3% step after 2 year; Valley Fire will in turn undertake hydrant maintenance,
broader fire inspections, and acquire a third ambulance. Some of the other contract provisions regarding
equipment leasing and maintenence will also be modified. It appears that some of the Village's fire
equipment will sold (rather than leased) to Valley Fire, and other unneeded equipment will be sold off.
(28 Sep'16)
Village Council agenda for the
13 September 2016 regular meeting(First Posted: 12 Sep'16)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the September 2016 regular Council meeting; We will post the final
agenda and related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
Boston Heights Village Fall Festival: Saturday, 1 October 2016
The Village's annual Fall Festival will be held at Matthews-Thomas Park (on Olde Eight Rd), on Saturday,
1 Oct'16 from 1PM to 4PM. (09 Sep'16)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 7 September 2016
meeting (7 Sep'16)
The BZA granted a variance for a farm sign, and the PC discussed various proposed changes to the zoning
code, including a major change in the way the Hines Hill area can be developed commercially. (9 Sep'16)
Village Council Finance Committe agenda for the 23 August
2016 meeting(23 Aug'16)
Due to a number of items of particular interest to the citizens, the Village has posted the agenda for the
23 Aug 2016 Finance Committee meeting in advance. Included are items on pay for Village employees, water
lines, Olde Eight Road paving, among others. Note that the 7PM meeting is preceded by a Public Hearing at
6:30PM to discuss a proposed change to the Village's regulation on outside parking of unlicensed vehicles.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 3 August 2016
meeting (31 Jul'16)
The BZA renewed the permit/variance for the temporary soil operations at Hines Hill and Olde Eight. The PC
approved a truck wash facility on Industrial Parkway, a mulch/topsoil distribution facility on Olde Eight,
and a towing operation on Chittenden. (4 Aug'16)
Village Council special work session, 1 August 2016
3:30PM(First Posted: 31 Jul'16)
Council will meet in a special work session to discuss Valley Fire District's proposal for renewal of the
Village's fire and EMS services contract, which expires this Fall. Valley Fire District is requesting an
extension to 5 years and a substantial increase in contract pricing, along with a redistribution of some
equipment maintenance costs back to the Village.
Announcment of Special Council Meeting 26 July
Council will meet to (a) authorize a contract for employee dental insurance, and (b) to re-start the legal
process for a public vote on the renewal of the current Road Levy. Apparently certifying Resolution
2016-3-16 (of March 2016) called for a 3 year "renewal" even though the current levy is for 5 years (as were
its predecessors). The Village must meet a 10 August deadline for the November ballot; Resolution 2016-7-31,
authorizing placement on the ballot, may need to be re-adopted as well, since it refers to the certifying
resolution. (26 Jul'16)
We have posted the final agenda for the July 2016 regular Council meeting, with our remarks. We will post
the related legislation as soon as possible after receipt from the Village.
— Boston Heights OL (@BostonHeightsOL) June 22, 2016
Village Council agenda for the
21 June 2016 special meeting(First Posted: 19 Jun'16)
Council will meet to authorize contracts for paving of Akron-Cleveland Road (south of Rt. 303),
inspection/administration of that project, and inspection/administration of this summer's local street
paving projects.
Village Council agenda for the
10 May 2016 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 May'16) NOTE: Public Meeting on Natural Gas Aggregation plan at 6PM, preceding Council meeting.
This is an opt-out plan, meaning that residents will be enrolled by default unless they opt out with a form
that will be provided by mail in a few weeks.
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the May 2016 regular Council meeting. We will post the final agenda and
legislation as soon as possible.
Council adopted the enabling ordinaces that will launch a Natural Gas Aggregation Plan for Village
residents (and small businesses using less than 400mcf/month). Further information will be mailed to all
residents from both the Village and from NOPEC, the plan administrator. Those without a contracted gas
supplier (i.e. on MVR or SCO pricing from Dominion) will be automatically enrolled unless they "opt out",
as will be explained in the mailing. Those already contracted to a gas supplier will automatically enrolled
when (and if) their contracts expire, and may also opt out at that time. When enrolled, the customer will
receive the NOPEC standard pricing rate, which changes every few months; they may also contact NOPEC to
switch to the variable plan that tracks just under the SCO rate. (11 Apr'16)
Council Road Committee, April 2016 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 18 Apr'16
New plow truck put into service; most water mains and hookups completed; further review of routing options
for the proposed Heights to Hudson Bike Trail; discussion of road deterioration & truck traffic.
(21 Apr'16)
Village Council agenda for the
12 April 2016 regular meeting(First Posted: 11 Apr'16)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the April 2016 regular Council meeting. We will post the final agenda
and legislation as soon as possible. (11 Apr'16)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 6 April 2016
The Planning Commission approved a prelimary plan for a truck wash facility on Industrial Parkway, and
reviewed a proposal to park moving trucks at Route 303 and Akron-Cleveland Road. (7 Apr'16)
Village resident objects to water bills without water
Lifelong Boston Heights resident Mary Griffiths of Olde Eight Road has been receiving, like some other
nearby residents, monthly Cleveland Water bills — while still not receiving Cleveland Water, or even being
connected yet to the mains. She took her complaint to WEWS TV-5. (Note: The Mayor and Village Engineer have
been wrangling with Cleveland Water over this same issue for months.)
WEWS: Local woman billed for Cleveland water, but is she connected?(17 Mar'16)
Boston Heights voters permit natural gas aggregation Update: The Village's gas aggregation measure, Issue 11 on the primary ballot, PASSED: 73% to 27%. The Village will shortly issue further
information and hold two public meetings to explain the program, presumably after Council formally selects a
gas supplier. (15 Mar'15)
At the primary election on Tuesday, 15 March 2016, Boston Heights voters passed ISSUE 11, a measure that
will permit Village Council to select a natural gas supplier for Village residents. Currently the Village
has no such "gas aggregation" program, although the Mayor has in recent years arranged for residents to
receive the Hudson opt-in program rate.
Issue 11 permits Council to select any gas supplier as it sees fit; however, all Council discussions to
date have revolved around the NOPEC gas aggregation offering, as has been selected by many other municipalities in NE
As Issue 11 has passed, if Council ultimately selects NOPEC as the Village supplier, then:
• Residents will receive more info by mail and can participate in two public meetings;
• Residents would be automatically enrolled in the NOPEC gas program (with some exceptions);
• Residents could upon request "opt out" of that program initially and every 2 years;
• Residents who do opt-out will continue to select their own gas supplier (or DEOG SCO);
• Residents that do not opt-out can still cancel any time without penalty or fee;
• Residents still get natural gas delivered and billed by Dominion East Ohio Gas;
• Residents can still use budget billing from Dominion East Ohio Gas;
• Residents would pay a 2-month fixed rate for gas ($2.74/mcf for April 2016);
• Some residents may qualify for the NOPEC variable rate service, slightly under the DOEG SCO rate. (14 Mar'16)
Village Council agenda for the 8
March 2016 regular meeting(First Posted: 7 Mar'16)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the March 2016 regular Council meeting. We will post the final agenda
and legislation as soon as possible. (7 Mar'16)
Council Road Committee, February 2016 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 15 Feb'16
The revised new capital improvements plan was reviewed with the Village Engineer. Representatives from AMATS
discussed routing options for the proposed Heights to Hudson Bike Trail, and will return next month with
further details. (3 Mar'16)
Council Road Committee, January 2016 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 18 Jan'16
One of the Village's plow trucks is reported to be unusable. A new capital improvements plan update will be
forthcoming from the Engineer, as will a survey of interest in sewer service on Chittenden Road. AMATS will
attend the next committee meeting on 15 Feb'16 to discuss the future of the proposed Heights to Hudson bike
trail. (1 Feb'16) Council Road Committee, November 2015 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 16 Nov'15(1 Feb'16)
Arhaus and Costco aerial drone video — Cliff Franks Photography Dec'15)
Note: Click the videos' icon for full screen.
Valley Fire District (Serving Boston Heights) improves fire ratings
Valley Fire District, which serves Boston Heights under contract as well as Peninsula and Boston Township,
has received much-improved service ratings from the Insurance Service Office (ISO). Fire Chief Charlie
Riedel suggests passing this information on to your home/fire insurance carrier; the improved ratings may
have a positive influence on future rates. (24 Dec'15)
See report: New ISO Classification for
Valley Fire District
Public Hearing Zoning Code Amendment
A public hearing will be held at the Boston Heights Village Hall at 6:15PM, Tue 15 Dec 2015 (before the
monthly Financial Committee meeting). The hearing will present a minor amendment to the Zoning Code,
correcting an earlier codification error to CO 1153.08(f). The change correctly assigned applications for
certain types of residential developments to the Planning Commission rather than the BZA. (15 Dec'15)
See: Notice of Public Hearing
Note: the Public Hearing will be following by swearing-in of newly (re-)elected village officials.
Seniors' Thankgiving Dinner: Sat, 21 Nov'15 1-3PM
Contact the Boston Heights Village Hall 330-650-4111 ext. 5 for reservations. (10 Nov'15)
Holiday Craft Fair by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday, 14 Nov'15 9AM-4PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Handmade & Homemade Crafts and Soups! More
Info(10 Nov'15)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 4 November 2015
meeting (3 Nov'15)
The Planning Commission approved a correction to the Zoning Code, and discussed other proposed changes,
including updates to the Sign Code. (5 Nov'15)
Council Road Committee, October 2015 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 19 Oct'15(20 Oct'15)
Water mains installation will begin at Bevery Road on or about 21 October 2015. (At last Council meeting,
the Engineer explained that the work delay was due to extra red tape from Cleveland Water.)
Council Road Committee, September 2015 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 21 Sep'15(2 Oct'15)
Water mains installation will begin at Bevery Road on or about 5 October 2015. Temporary road repairs have
been made in the Ledges neighborhood, with more permanent repairs scheduled for next year.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 7 October 2015
meeting (29 Sep'15)
The Planning Commission discussed a landowner's proposal to rezone some of the Chittenden Road area to
Residential and to change the zoning regulations to allow cluster homes with an average lot size of about
1/2 acre. The issues were deferred until the Village Engineer completes a usage study of the Hines Hill and
Chittenden commercial areas of the Village, expected later this year. (8 Oct'15)
Boston Heights Village Fall Festival: Saturday, 26 September 2015
The Village's annual Fall Festival will be held at Matthews-Thomas Park (on Olde Eight Rd), on Saturday,
26 Sep'15 from 1PM to 5PM. (30 Aug'15)
E. Hines Hill between Olde 8 & State 8 closed til December 2015
E. Hines Hill Road between Olde 8 Road and State Route 8 has been posted for closure from 10 August until
December 2015. This is to allow a complete rebuild and widening of that roadway to accomodate Arhaus and the
adjacent retail development. The recommended detour is via Dean Memorial, E. Boston Mills, and Olde 8 Roads.
Closure points and access will vary during this time; see the attached announcement from the Boston Heights
Village Engineer: PUBLIC NOTICE of Construction
Project: Hines Hill Road Reconstruction(10 Aug'15)
Akron Zoo community days: Boston Heights free tickets for 1-6 September 2015
The Akron Zoo will offer free tickets to Boston Heights residents for admission from 1-6 September 2015, as
gesture of thanks for county taxpayers' support. Tickets required, limit is four per household. (Parking at
$3 is not included with tickets.) A limited number of tickets will be available starting Tuesday, 18
August either at Boston Heights Village Hall, or at the Akron Zoo during regular hours. Contact Boston
Heights Village Hall to see if it is possible to reserve your family's tickets early, before 18 August 2015.
(11 Aug'15)
Boston Heights & School District Candidates File for November Election(6 Aug'15)
The following people filed for the November general election ballot before the Summit County deadline 5
Aug'15: Boston Hts Village Council, 2 to elect:
Ronald Antal (Meghan's Lane) (incumbent)
Glenn Blakeney (Sholle Dr) (incumbent)
Heather Davis (Pinewood Dr)
Boston Hts Village Mayor:
Bob Bartko (Grandview Dr)
Bill Goncy (Olde Eight Rd) (incumbent)
Hudson City School Board of Education, 2 to elect:
James D. Field (Parkside Dr, Hudson)
Thomas J. Tobin (Aurora St, Hudson)
Nordonia Hills City School Board of Education, 2 to elect:
John Bruce (Chenook Tr, Macedonia)
Chad M. Lahrmer (Hiram College Dr, Northfield)
Liz McKinley (Lanes End, Macedonia)
Woodridge Local SchoolBoard of Education, 2 to elect:
Marilyn Hansen (Main St, Peninsula)
Jeff McHugh (Woodhaven Dr, Cuyahoga Falls)
In addition, Boston Heights voters will decide on ISSUE 54, a renewal of the current 0.75 mill levy for
operation of fire protection services. (Last year's ballot renewed a separate levy for capital and
equipment expenses for fire protection.) This levy is part of the funding for the fire and EMS services for
which the Village contracts with Valley Fire District. The renewal would be for another 3 years, commencing
in tax year 2015 (collected from 2016).
Nordonia City School District voters will consider ISSUE 21, a 1.49 mill, 5 year, permanent improvement
levy. Woodridge Local School District voters will consider ISSUE 19, a 3.71 mill, 35 year, construction
bond levy.
Planning/Zoning agenda for 5 August 2015
The Board of Zoning Appeals allowed a variance for an oversize for-sale/lease sign on the Marketplace site
(former golf course), and tabled further consideration of an extensive package of signage variances for Bass
Pro. The Planning Commission approved the preliminary site plan for Bass Pro, with a 100,000 sq.ft. building
(in its initial phase) and about 770 parking spaces, but also deferring consideration of signage.
(6 Aug'15)
Village Council agenda for the
14 July 2015 regular meeting(First Posted: 13 Jul'15)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the July 2015 regular Council meeting. We will post the final agenda and
legislation as soon as possible. (13 Jul'15)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 1 July 2015
meeting The Planning Commission approved the conditional use and preliminary site plans for a
Dominion East Ohio Gas training center on 17+ acres east of Route 8 and just north of the Turnpike (on the
so-called Alnola Farms North parcel). The facility will include a 37,311 sq.ft. building, and various
training structures and areas behind that building, facing the Turnpike. The BZA approved a variance to
allow the oversize building in this district, with the proviso that the lot size remain as is, not to be
divided smaller in the future. The facility will be enclosed by a security fence, for which the BZA allowed
a variance to allow 8 ft. height but requiring landscape buffering for the Hines Hill Road view. In
addition, the PC approved an accessory use to allow a microwave tower on the site for the gas company's data
network, both for the facility and as a regional relay point; the BZA permitted the tower height of 190
feet, somewhat less than several of the cell towers nearby. Various conditions and requirements accompanied
these approvals, to be settled with the Village Engineer and Zoning Inspector, and pending a final site plan
approval by the PC. Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2015. (6 Jul'15)
Village Council agenda for the 9
June 2015 regular meeting(First Posted: 5 Jun'15)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the June 2015 regular Council meeting. We will post the final agenda and
legislation as soon as possible. (5 Jun'15)
Village registration required for newspaper, phonebook, literature distribution
At its May 2015 meeting, Boston Heights Village Council adopted a new ordinance requiring registration with
the Village in order to distribute newspapers, phonebooks, and commercial or non-commercial printed
literature of any type. The measure was originally intended to thwart the roadside litter (and drain
blockages) created by unretrieved phonebooks and weekly newspapers. However, it appears to apply equally to
daily delivery of the Plain Dealer and Akron Beacon Journal, etc. There is a $35 annual fee required for
this registration; interested parties are advised to contact Betty Klingenberg, Village Fiscal Officer, for
further details, at (330) 650-4111 .
(26 May'15) Literature Distribution
Ordinance 2015-3-5
Village Council agenda for the
12 May 2015 regular meeting(First Posted: 11 May'15)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the May 2015 regular Council meeting. We will post the final agenda and
legislation as soon as possible. (11 May'15)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 6 May 2015
The Planning Commission conditionally approved the final site plans for the Arhaus facility on the western
side of the former Boston Hills Country Club. Approval was deferred for the Olde Eight perimeter buffer,
pending review of more complete grading and landscaping plans. This reflected concerns about how that
buffer's mound was to be sculpted, and its setback from the roadway. The developer's spokesman and the
Village Engineer emphasized that the current state of that mounding was entirely temporary, and that
significant improvements would be made further along in the construction project.
The PC also conditionally approved plans for a Costco store, a members-only "warehouse club". This will be
situated around the middle of the former Boston Hills Country Club, just off of E. Hines Hill Road near
Ohio Route 8. The Costco plan includes a 150,000 sq.ft. warehouse store with tire center, and a
free-standing service (gas) station, which is also members-only. (7 May'15)
Akron Summit County Public Library Levy (Renewal & Increase) Passes
Issue 8: Akron Summit County Public Library Levy, 1.9 mills 6 years: PASS 70% to
30% (16177-7070 votes, as of AM 6 May'15)
As is traditional, the Boston Heights vote went the other way: 20 YES and 31 NO. (6 May'15)
Source: Summit County Board of Elections tabulation
The only issue on the ballot in Boston Heights was for the Akron-Summit County Library levy, and this is only for Village voters in the
Nordonia and Woodridge schools districts. The library levy is a renewal-and-increase to 1.9 mills; more can
be read about the issue here. (28 Apr'15)
Note that Boston Heights voters in the Hudson school district cannot vote on this issue — nor do Boston
Heights property owners in that district pay any library levy whatsoever, because of a quirk of the Hudson
Library taxation setup. Library users that feel a little guilty about that can, however, contribute to the
Friends of the
Hudson Library.
"Army Reserve"
land sold by USA to private owner
A once-contentious parcel of land in Boston Heights has finally been sold. The so-called "Army
Reserve" is a 22-acre parcel (# 1300941) along Olde Eight Road, just north of the Turnpike and a bit south
of Hines Hill Road. As of 3 April 2015 it was sold, apparently as a result of an online auction last
Fall, by the USA to a newly-formed private holding company: "Olde Route 8 Land Holdings LLC" (Ohio #
2363607). It is notable that this company shares its agent with a number of other companies associated with
Sam Petros of Petros Homes, who is connected with the developments on the former Boston Mills golf course.
That auction closed at $376K but the actual purchase price is unknown.
In 2002, this property was purchased by the Federal government in order to build a new Army Reserve
Center. The project was presented to the Village as essentially a fait accompli, but citizens and the
Village objected on the basis of heavy traffic in essentially a residential area, lack of suitable roadway
access, loss of tax duplicate, and loss of potential tax-paying business development. After public protests,
resolutions from the Village, and (perhaps more significantly) the intercession of then- Rep. LaTourette,
the Army Reserve project was moved to its current location as of 2008: on Chamberlain Road in Twinsburg. The
USA has retained ownership of the land for the past 13 years, until now. (4 Apr'14)
Historical information on the dispute can be found here: Project Moved! Army Reserve Center (was) planned in Boston
Heights. (2002-08) MOVED! Army Reserve Center project moved to Twinsburg (2008)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 1 April 2015
meeting Please note: the
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has nothing on its agenda this month, and will not meet. The Planning
Commission is meeting to continue its discussion of future code updates.
Boston Heights now an official postal city address for 44236, 44264 ZIPs
The Village of Boston Heights was recently notified by the US Postal Service that "Boston Heights, OH" is
now an official city name that can be used for Village postal addresses in the 44236 and 44264 ZIP codes.
This was based on a proposal to Council last year, and Council's resolution to make that request of the
USPS, with the further efforts of Mayor Goncy. While "Boston Heights, OH" often previously worked as a
postal address unofficially, mail was sometimes returned or delayed. This change ensures that the Post
Office will recognize our town as a legitimate address, and it can safely be used by businesses and
residents alike in the Village. Council also hoped that this will encourage new (and old!) Village
businesses to identify with "Boston Heights".
It may take some time for this update to percolate out to commercial addressing (shopping, billing).
However, NO address change is required — residents and businesses need not take any action.
• All ZIP codes remain the same within the Village.
• Mail delivery is completely unaffected — same post office, same carrier.
• Only 44236 (Hudson) and 44264 (Peninsula) addresses are included (not 44067).
• It is still OK to use "Hudson 44236" & "Peninsula 44264" if preferred. (16 Mar'15) USPS Letter to Boston
Heights regarding last-line place (city) name, Feb'15
Village Council agenda for the
10 March 2015 regular meeting(First Posted: 6 Mar'15)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the March 2015 regular Council meeting, including some legislation. We
will post the balance of the legislation possible. (6 Mar'15)
Planning/Zoning agenda for 4 March 2015
meeting Please note: the
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has nothing on its agenda this month, and will not meet. The Planning
Commission is meeting to continue its discussion of future code updates.
Residents turn out to endorse continuation of the Village's pool
About 50 residents and other users turned out at the Village's public meeting, Tue 27 Jan'15, to discuss the
future and the finances of the Village's swimming pool at Matthews-Thomas Park. The overwhelming consensus
of those attending was that the Village should continue to operate the pool, with an outside management
company if that was preferable. Quite a few pool users conceded that membership fee increases might be
necessary and justified. Upon questioning, all the Council members gave their views for and against
continuing the pool operation. Concerns revolved around the costs of operation vs. utility to the Village
residents, and long-term capital and maintenance costs.
Ultimately it appeared that pool operations would be continued for the time being, and that the Village
would attempt to increase utilization and membership fee income, while also gathering data for long-term
operations and capital expenses. (28 Jan'15) HHT: "Residents support keeping Boston Heights pool"(1 Feb'15) Previously: Public Meeting on the fate of the pool (Dec'14)
Village Council agenda for the 6
January 2015 regular meeting(First Posted: 30 Dec'14)
We have posted the DRAFT agenda for the January 2015 regular Council meeting (scheduled a week earlier than
usual to allow for organization of Council committees). We will post the text of the legislation asap.
(30 Dec'14)
Village sets public meeting on fate of the public pool at Matthews-Thomas Park Notice of Public Hearing, Tue 27 Jan 2015 at
A public meeting has been set for Tue 27 Jan'15, 7PM at Village Hall, to solicit residents' views on the
future of the Village's wimming pool. At the 16 Dec'14 Finance Committee meeting, a discussion on the
management of the pool at Matthews-Thomas Park detoured into a push for closing the pool permanently, and
demolishing it.
In recent months, the Village administration, in conjunction with Council's Lands & Buildings Committee,
has explored outsourcing the staffing and operation of the pool at Matthews-Thomas Park. At the Tuesday
meeting, Mayor Bill Goncy outlined a proposal from Hastings Water Warks Co., which would provide all
staffing and operation of the pool next summer at an operational cost of about $33K, just above last year's
pool budget. (There would also be an additional one-time equipment cost of about $4K to upgrade the
chlorinator system.)
In reply to questions from Council, Fiscal Officer Betty Klingenberg stated that pool memberships had
declined last year, perhaps due to extensive closure early in the season stemming from equipment problems,
and that Village residents' memberships were in the minority. Further, membership fees covered only a
portion of the seasonal pool expenses – the balance being covered by general Village funds, primarily from
the hotel bed tax.
Several members of Council proposed that the pool instead be closed permanently, rather than outsourced.
Councilors Ron Antal and Glen Blakeney suggested that as the pool was not paying for itself, and if Village
residents were not much interested in it as a resource, that the Village ought not be funding it –
especially in light of ongoing equipment and maintenance costs. Councilors Janet Miller and Ron Fenn, along
with Mayor Goncy, supported continuing pool operations through 2015 to see if outsourced management and
better publicity would improve its bottom line.
To gauge public sentiment on the issue, Council and the Mayor set a public meeting before the January
Finance Committee meeting, 7PM on 27 Jan'15. Council members also solicited public input directly to them by
phone or
email. In the meantime, the Mayor will explore the costs of removing the pool and associated facilities.
(17 Dec'14)
Village Council agenda for the 9
December 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 8 Dec'14)
We have posted the agenda for the December 2014 regular Council meeting, along with the text of some of the
legislation and exhibits, as we have received to date. We will post the balance of the legislation when
received. (8 Dec'14)
Valley Fire conducts training fire w/ local fire departments
Wondering what happened to the house that was at the north end of the Arhaus property on Olde Eight Road? In
November, it was used in a fire training exercise conducted by Valley Fire District and the fire departments
of several nearby communities, including Macedonia. (4 Dec'14) WSL: Area
departments train together(4 Dec'14)
Valley Fire Dept. training fire in Boston Hts w/ Hudson, Stow, Bath, Richfield, Macedonia, Northfield
+Fire Explorers
Village Council agenda for the
12 November 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 Nov'14; updated
13 Nov'14)
We have posted the agenda for the November 2014 regular Council meeting, along with the text of the
legislation and exhibits, and our own comments on the meeting. (13 Nov'14)
Village's Fire "Capital" Levy Renewal Passes
Issue 44: Boston Heights Fire Renewal Levy, 0.5 mills 5 years: PASS 58% to
42% (299-208 votes, as of AM 5 Nov'14) (5 Nov'14)
Source: Summit County Board of Elections tabulation
Note that this levy is for "Provision & Maintenance of Fire Apparatus" (fire station, vehicles,
equipment); there is a separate Fire Levy of 0.75 mill for part of the operations costs, which will likely
be up for renewal in 2015.
Seniors' Thankgiving Dinner: Sat, 22 Nov'14 1-3PM
Contact the Boston Heights Village Hall 330-650-4111 ext. 5 for reservations. (3 Nov'14)
Sky Zone now open, Grand
Opening was Thu 30 Oct'14
Indoor trampoline park Sky Zone Boston
Heights opened its doors Thursday 30 Oct'2014, with a ribbon-cutting event with local officials.
Franchise owners Chas and Ivana Hallis, along with Boston Heights Mayor Bill Goncy, Hudson City Schools
Superintendent Phil Herman, and other partners and dignitaries, participated in the VIP Grand Opening and
Ribbon Cutting.
Sky Zone Boston Heights, at 6217 Chittenden Road, is a 24,000-square-foot indoor facility that will
include activities such as dodgeball, volleyball, aerobics classes and special events. (30 Oct'14; updated 31 Oct'14)
Village officials boost renewal of Fire Capital Levy for 4 Nov'14 General Election
An Issue 44 Flyer
from Committee to Renew Fire Levy
is circulating within the Village in support of the renewal of the Fire Capital Levy at the upcoming General
Election on Tuesday, 4 November 2014. The flyer is endorsed by Mayor Goncy and most of the members of
Village Council.
Issue 44, the proposed renewal Fire Levy, is for "providing and maintaining fire apparatus,
appliances, buildings and sites". This levy pays for maintenance and repair of the Village's Fire Station,
fire vehicles, and firefighting equipment – all of which is leased to Valley Fire District for the Village's
firefighting and EMS service. This levy, if renewed, would run for another 5 years at its current 0.5 mill
rate: $15.75 per year for every $100,000 of residential valuation. (Note that this levy's millage rate was
reduced when last renewed in 2009.) (30 Oct'14)
Village Council notice/agenda for 28 October 2014 special meeting(First Posted: 27 Oct'14)
Village Council held a Special Meeting at 6:45PM Tuesday 28 Oct'14, at the Village Hall, just before the
regular Finance Committee meeting. Council voted 5-1 to approve and accept an easement on the greenspace
buffering, trailways, and detention pond areas at the developments on the former Boston Hills Country Club
golf course. The easement was a feature of the legal settlement between the Village and property owners;
this "Development Area 3" will then be restricted to a limited range of use, such as greenspace, footpaths,
trailways, stormwater detention. (29 Oct'14)
See the Planning Commission meeting of January 2014 for further
information about this site.
Village adopts Comprehensive Plan
After several years of work by volunteers, Village officials, and independent consultants — and a broad
range of public meetings and involvement — Boston Heights has adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the
Village. Village Council adopted the plan, as recommended by the Planning Commission, at its August 2014
The plan is intended to guide future development in the Village, while protecting residential values, and
bolster legal support for the Village's zoning codes. Professional assistance in creating the Plan was
provided by Environmental Design Consultants of Akron, with the support of a Connected Communities grant
from AMATS. (3 Oct'14)
The Plan document can be obtained from Village Hall (at cost), or can be found online at the Village's
official website, and here on Boston Heights Overlook: Comprehensive Land Use Plan,
Village of Boston Heights / July 2014
Walters Road re-opened, Fri 3 Oct'14 Walters Road to close for up to a week, from 1 Oct'14
Starting Wed, 1 October 2014, there will be a week-long closure of Walters Road in Boston
Heights, north of Walters Road and just south of Meadowridge, for replacement of a culvert. Here is the
Village announcement, and detour information: (23 Sep'14)
Walters Road will be closed Starting on October 1, 2014 for a maximum of 7 continuous calendar days. The
road will re-open to traffic no later than October 8, 2014. Closure is located between Hines Hill and
See attached for the Detour Route. The Detour Route will be clearly signed throughout the closure
In advance of the closure, the contractor will be posting advance closure signs, which will indicate that
Walters Road will close starting on October 1 for a period of 7-days. These signs will be placed both north
and south of the culvert, so that residents are duly warned in advance of the pending closure.
This notice is being sent to Hudson and Nordonia Schools, City of Hudson (for their internal distribution
to PD & FD), Boston Heights PD, Valley Fire District, and Boston Heights Administration.
Political/Election signs in Boston Heights
At a recent Council Finance Committee meeting, it was suggested that the Village's regulations on political
signs had elicited some surprise and confusion among the Village's citizenry. Refer to our page on Political Sign regulations in the Village of Boston Heights, including
the current Temporary Sign Registration form. There are no new changes to these regulations.
The Village's Codified Ordinances have for many years required registration of temporary political signs,
as well as barring them from the public right of way. The most recent change to the regulations was in
September 2012 (Ord. 15-2012) when, after a duly advertised public meeting (attended by only two citizens), Planning
Commission meetings, and several Council meetings, the permitted lifetime for a political sign was
decoupled from any particular election. The permitted maximum size of any one sign was also increased, for
most zoning districts. Previously, political signs regulations had been set in January 2005 by the omnibus
Chapter 1179 Sign Code revisions (Ord. 3-2005). Before that, such signs had been regulated by the former
Chapter 715 of the Village's Code. Essentially the same registration and placement requirements have been
retained from these older regulations. (24 Sep'14)
PC/BZA meetings cancelled for October
The regular meetings of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, scheduled for 1 Oct'14, have
been cancelled. Next meetings are Wed, 5 Nov'14.
Council Road Committee, September 2014 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 15 Sep'14(22 Sep'14)
Among other matters, the Road Committee noted that the Service Building roof has been replaced, and that
Akron-Peninsula road repairs have been completed, discussed road repair and paving work that is scheduled
for this Fall, and equipment maintenance issues. (22 Jun'14)
Village road repairs & paving to begin in Fall 2014
Boston Heights Village is sending a notification to the residents of the Ashbrooke and Brighton
neighborhoods regarding repairs and paving to some of those streets. For details, see: Boston Heights
Construction / Initial Resident Notification / Sep 17, 2014
Stormwater & drainage repairs will be carried out first, then road repairs, then general repaving of
certain streets. Walters Road will be temporarily closed for culvert replacements; details to follow.
(19 Sep'14)
Boston Heights
Village Fall Festival: Saturday, 27 September 2014
The Village's annual Fall Festival will be held at Matthews-Thomas Park (on Olde Eight Rd), on Saturday,
27 Sep'14 from 12Noon to 4PM. Click the banner for more info (9 Sep'14)
Valley Fire Association Steak Roast at Boston Heights Fire Station
Valley Fire District's Association will hold a Steak Roast at the Boston Heights Fire Station Saturday,
27 Sep'14 5:30PM after the Village's Fall Festival. Details and costs will be posted when available. In
the meantime, contact Mayor Bill Goncy for more information: or at Village Hall
330-650-4111. (9 Sep'14)
Progess on the Akron-Cleveland Road bridge replacement
One span of the old Akron-Cleveland Road bridge has been removed, the first phase of fill dirt placed, and
the prefabricated tunnel for the Bike-and-Hike Trail is now in place. (14 Sep'14)Click to zoom Previously: Construction to begin on Akron-Cleveland Road bridge
replacement (July'14)
Village Hall paving /
stormwater project "Phase I of water quality improvements" complete
The Village of Boston Heights has completed the grant from the Ohio EPA for the purpose of improving storm
water management. Construction of new pervious pavement in the parking lot at the Village Hall is complete.
Also completed is the construction of new sidewalk and curbing. The Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF)
was created in 2008 and authorizes the Ohio EPA to provide grant funding to applicants such as local
governments, park districts, conservation organizations, and others. The SWIF grant is awarded to projects
that improve the quality of water that is generated during a rainfall event.
Residents can also implement storm water improvements at home through the installation of permeable
pavement, rain gardens, rain barrels, and other means. To learn more, visit the Ohio EPA at or Summit Soil and Water Conservation District at (10 Sep'14) Previously: Village explains Village Hall paving / stormwater project
(Aug'13) Village receives grant to pave Village Hall parking lot (Apr'13)
Village Council agenda for the 9
September 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 8 Sep'14; updated:
25 Sep'14)
We have posted the agenda for the September 2014 regular Council meeting, along with the text of the
legislation and our own comments on the meeting. (25 Sep'14)
Council Road Committee, August 2014 - Road Repaving Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 18 Aug'14(22 Aug'14)
Among other matters, the Road Committee discussed paving work that is scheduled for this year in Ashbrooke
West and Wooded View neighborhoods, and set a deadline for the final paving work on Brighton Lane.
(22 Jun'14)
Village Craft Show by Fairview Cemetery Association:
Saturday, 25 Oct'14 9AM-4PM at the Boston Heights Fire Station
Homemade crafts only! Registration details
here.(13 Aug'14)
Additionally, we understand the Village's Fall Festival is set for Saturday, 27 Sep'14. Details when
Village launches its own website, new official email addresses
Did you know? The Village of Boston Heights now has its own official website:
Village officials have also received new Village email addresses; see our Village contact page and Boston Heights
Officials List - 2014. Please note that the Village's website and email addresses uses different domain names!
As always, Boston Heights Overlook and the website continue to be independent of the
Village of Boston Heights, and are privately operated and edited. We anticipate no immediate changes in our
coverage of Village news and affairs.
Also of note: Mayor Goncy has arranged for new notice boards to be set up
at the Village Hall (southwest corner) and at the entrance to Matthews-Thomas Park. They are expected to
have information about Village events, Council meetings, etc.
These are not the posting places mandated by Ohio law and Village ordinances for required and timely
posting of Council legislation. Those places are (per VBH CO 123.01, Ord 18-2011): Tequila Panchos (now
Sidelines Bar & Grill), Clarion Inn, Baymont Inn, BP on Rt. 303, and Village Hall (inside). (13 Aug'14)
Village Council agenda for the
12 August 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 11 August'14)
We have posted the agenda for the August 2014 regular Council meeting, along with the text of the
legislation (as it will be considered by Council), as received from the Village offices. We will post the
final legislation and our own comments on the meeting as available. (11 Aug'14)
ABJ: Tax issues to appear on November ballots in Summit County(7 Aug'14)
At its May 2014 meeting, Village Council authorized a ballot issue this November for the renewal of the
existing 5-year 0.5 mill fire levy for "fire apparatus, appliances, buildings and sites". This property tax
levy is often called the "capital fire levy" to distinguish it from the separate "operating fire levy" of
0.75 mills, which runs for 3 years and is up for renewal next year.
Investigators seek assistance in solving arsons in Cuyahoga Valley National Park
The State Fire Marshal is seeking information about suspected arsons in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park,
including trail, barn and house fires. A reward is offered. For further information, and to find out how to
send in a tip, read this press release.
(25 July'14)
Construction to begin on
Akron-Cleveland Road bridge replacement
The long-planned replacement of the Akron-Cleveland Road bridge over the Bike & Hike Trail in Boston
Heights is about to start full-scale construction. The existing bridge, dating from 1954 and which has been
deteriorating for many years, will be removed and replaced with an earthen embankment. Restricted traffic will be maintained during construction. The Bike & Hike trail
will continue through a tunnel under the roadway just south of Route 303; the trail has been temporarily
re-routed up and over Akron-Cleveland Road during construction. Most of the cost of the project will be paid
by various Federal funds, along with substantial contributions by Summit MetroParks and the Village of
Boston Heights. (17 Jul'14)
Akron Zoo community days: Boston Heights free tickets for 24-28 August 2014
The Akron Zoo has free admission for Boston Heights residents from 24-28 Aug'14, as gesture of thanks for
county taxpayers' support. Tickets required, limit is four per household. (Parking at $3 is not included
with tickets.) Get your tickets as soon as possible, either at Boston Heights Village Hall, or at the Akron
Zoo during regular hours. (17 Jul'14)
Village Council agenda for the 8
July 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 7 July'14; updated 8 July'14)
We have posted the agenda for the July 2014 regular Council meeting, along with the text of the legislation
(as it will be considered by Council), which we received from the Village in response to our public records
request of 7 July 2014. We will post the final legislation and our own comments on the meeting as available.
(8 Jul'14)
Council Road Committee, June 2014 - Sewer Rates Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 16 June'14(19 Jun'14)
Among other matters, the Road Committee discussed sewer rates in the Village. Some residents have expressed
interest in having metered sewer rates (tied to water usage) rather than the current flat rate charges. Any
change requires the Village to convert all sewer users in the Village over to metered rates (except for
well-water users). Rates are noted in the minutes, above. It was noted at a recent Council meeting that, at
least in other Summit County locales, metered rates have proven cheaper for some residents, and more
expensive for others. It is not clear how commercial sewer users would be affected. Council is expected to
discuss the matter further. In addition, the Committee found that there are sewer service discounts
available for senior/disabled homeowners with limited income; information on that program is attached as
well. (19 Jun'14)
Black Bear spotted off Boston
Mills Road
We've received a report from a Boston Heights resident that a black bear was spotted south of East Boston
Mills Road, near the Boston Heights border with Hudson, on Thursday evening, 22 May 2014. The resident
estimated the bear at 250-300 pounds, and noted that it was moving southeast into Hudson. The Boston Heights
Police were notified. (23 May'14)
HHT: Hudson School District breaks ground on Malson Athletic Center $2 million project to be adjacent to Hudon Memorial Stadium
Boston Heights' Mayor Bill Goncy (right) wielded a shovel along with officials from Hudson, Hudson Schools,
and the Malson family at the ceremonial groundbreaking for the Malson Athletic Center. Boston Heights has
pledged $500K to the Hudson Schools, targeted to this project. This is part of the property tax compensation
agreement with the school district made in connection with the planned Arhaus headquarters project in Boston
Heights, which includes property tax abatements. Council member Glen Blakeney also attended the ceremony.
(18 May'14)
Village Council agenda for the
13 May 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 12 May'14; updated: 16 May'14)
We have posted the final agenda for the May 2014 regular Council meeting, and what legislation we have been
able to obtain to date. We will post the balance, and and modified, legislation and associated contract
exhibits as soon as possible. (16 May'14)
Of particular interest this month is:
• Council authorized the issuance of $1.285M in notes and bonds for the various capital improvement
projects planned for the next few years, including the water mains extension, rebuilding of local streets,
and widening and improvement of E. Hines Hill Road in connection with development of the former Boston
Hills golf course. Further bond funding will be authorized later; this is just the first phase.
• Two new office assistants were hired at Village Hall, as was a Park Manager and summer pool
• Council placed on the November ballot the renewal of the current 0.5 mill 5 year fire levy for capital
equipment, building and maintenance.
• Council authorized acceptance of a $350K state grant toward improvement of E. Hines Hill Road in
connection with the Arhaus project.
• Council authorized a settlement agreement with the estate of Dennis Cerny that is intended to bring to a
close the legal proceeding that have continued since 1997. The settlement is for a fraction of what is owed
to the Village, but is reported to be the best deal that can be expected under present circumsances. (16 May'14)
Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park breaking ground in Boston Heights Sky Zone event announcement
at 4:30PM Thu, 15 May 2014, at 6217 Chittenden Rd (just north of the ODOT facility) (5 May'14)
At the recent Financial Committee meeting, Mayor Goncy announced that the Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park in Boston
Heights is moving ahead, and groundbreaking would occur on 15 May 2014. The 20,000+ sq.foot park, to be
built on Chittenden Road, was approved by the Planning Commission in October 2013. (23 Apr'14)
Council Road Committee, April 2014 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 21 April'14(2 May'14)
An addendum: the Brighton Drive item refers to the Village's coordination with the developer of the Brighton
subdivision to perform the final paving of that road. The Village does hold a bond to ensure that the paving
is completed.
Village Pool to open in late May
The Matthews-Thomas Park pool is scheduled to open on Monday,
30 May 2016 through 7 September 2016. Membership rates are unchanged this year.
(25 Apr'16)
Village Council notice/agenda
for 22 April 2014 special meeting(First Posted: 15 Apr'14; updated
23 Apr'14) Village Council held a Special Meeting at 6:30PM
Tuesday 22 Apr'14, at the Village Hall, just before the regular Finance Committee meeting. Council heard
additional details from Mr. Brian Cooper, of ACI Financial
Advisors, on the proposed issuance of notes (loans) in anticipation of the Village issuing bonds in the
amount of $1.245M. This would be about 1/4 of the total $5M in bonds eventually required for the entire
multi-year capital improvements plan, which comprises road repairs and repaving, an extensive upgrade of E.
Hines Hill Road near the planned Arhaus and retail/commercial district, and the water mains project for
Arhaus and the northwest neighborhoods. (23 Apr'14)
The Village Engineer's current plan can be found here: VBH
10-year Capital Improvement Plan
Engineer rates Village streets, plans 2014 repairs
At the April 2014 Council Meeting, Village Engineer Dave Krock reported that his firm had surveyed the
Village's streets and updated the street conditional map. Krock-Esser is now pulling together the 2014 plan for road maintenance and repair
based on these ratings, and other known problems. The Engineer will be applying for state grants to
facilitate some of the drainage repair work in Wooded View and Ashbrooke, and on Walters Road. (10 Apr'14)
Village Council agenda for the 8
April 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 4 Apr'14; updated 15 Apr'14)
We have posted the final agenda and some of the legislation from the April 2014 regular Council meeting,
received 15 Apr'14 in response to our public records request of 4 April 2014. We have not received some
exhibits (contracts, etc.) from that request. (16 Apr'14)
WSL: Woodridge
renewal levy on May ballot(3 Apr'14)
Boston Heights voters in the Woodridge School District will see a 10.87 mill levy renewal on the ballot of
the Primary Election on 6 May'14. The levy covers nearly 1/4 of the district's operating funds and is
proposed for a 10-year renewal instead of the previous 5-year term. Previously: Woodridge Schools voters to see renewal levy on May ballot
Village Council notice of 25
March 2014 special meeting(First Posted: 18 Mar'14; updated: 27 Mar'14)
Village Council held Special Meeting at 6:30PM Tuesday 25 Mar'14, at the Village Hall, and approved a
contract for a service to allow online payment of traffic tickets, in connection with the Boston Heights
Mayor's Court. The online payment site will be hosted by the contractor, not directly by the Village. The
Village will pay $80/month for the service, with additional 'service fees' charged directly to the payers.
(26 Mar'14)
Village Council agenda for the
11 March 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 10 Mar'14; updated
12 Mar'14)
The "final" agenda is now linked above, with all legislation & exhibits, plus our own notes and
commentary on the Council meeting. (12 Mar'14)
Of particular interest this month is:
• Council adopted the ordinance that authorizes the program that will bring water mains to the
neighborhoods in the northwest corner of the Village, including hookups to homes along the new water mains.
The ordinance passed 4-2, with Councilors Bartko and Antal voting "no" and Fenn, Blakeney, Miller and
Polyak "yes". It was explained in earlier meetings that the intention is to borrow the funds for this
project against future taxes expected from the Arhaus headquarters development.
• A pair of resolutions "unwound" (rescinded) Council's previous approval of the termination of the
previous Road Superintendent, and authorized a settlement with him that presumably includes the special
early retirement program created in December. We have been unable to obtain a copy of this agreement, to
• Council authorized an agreement with the State of Ohio that will permit the Akron-Cleveland Road bridge
rebuilding project to move ahead this summer. The Village will contribute 20% of the costs, of which Summit
Metro Parks is paying a substantial portion to assure its Bike & Hike Trail access via a tunnel. (11 Mar'14)
Village Council notice of 5
March 2014 special meeting(First Posted: 4 Mar'14)
Village Council held another Special Meeting at 6:30PM Wednesday 5 Mar'14, at the Village Hall, to further
consider a program to construct water lines and service hookups. This is the same issue as considered at
Monday's Special Meeting; Council decided to go through the standard three readings of the ordinance rather
than moving ahead to an immediate vote.
The issue received a second reading, followed by a brief discussion. There was no debate on building the
water mains; however, Councilor Ron Antal expressed concern about the propriety and precedent of paying for
the provisions on and to private property. A discussion followed as to the costs and public purpose of this
part of the program. Mr. Antal also asked why Brandywine Road was not included in the program; Engineer
Dave Krock explained that it was due to the very high additional cost coupled with low housing density,
along with the low level of interest expressed there in earlier Village surveys on water service. Mayor
Goncy added that the more significant problems with water well service and potential contamination were
clustered in the northern neighborhoods. Further debate and public comment is expected at next week's
Regular Meeting of Council, as well as a Council vote on the program. (6 Mar'14)
The notice (linked above) includes the planning document that explains for the proposed program to bring
water service to homes on Wolcott, Sholle, Grandview, Beverly, Richard and part of Olde Eight Roads.
(4 Mar'14)
Village Council notice of 3
March 2014 special meeting(First Posted: 26 Feb'14; updated: 3 Mar'14)
Village Council will hold a Special Meeting at 6PM Monday 3 Mar'14, at the Village Hall, to consider a
program to bring water lines to parts of the northwest quadrant of the Village, and to begin the process of
contracting the engineering for that and other capital projects.
Update: We have updated the notice (linked above) with the meeting agenda, legislation, and the
planning document for the proposed program to bring water service to Wolcott, Sholle, Grandview, Beverly,
Richard and part of Olde Eight Roads. (3 Mar'14) Update: Council adopted the resolution to seek engineering qualifications, but decided not to act on
the waterline program just yet, allowing it to receive three readings before Council. It is currently
expected that a second reading will occur at a brief meeting on 5 Mar'14, and the third reading, and vote,
at the regular meeting of Council on 11 Mar'14.
As there was no public forum segment scheduled for this special meeting, Village officials held an informal
Q&A and commentary session afterwards. Aside from questions and explanations on the proposed program
itself, residents variously expressed concerns about the program being delayed by these legislative
procedures, and in objection to the entire policy of Village-provided waterline hookups from streets to
homes. (4 Mar'14)
Village Council agenda for the
11 February 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 13 Feb'14; updated
5 Mar'14)
The updated agenda, linked above, now includes all February legislation, along with our own notes and
commentary on the Council meeting. (5 Mar'14)
Of particular interest this month is:
• Newly-seated Council member Bob Bartko made a lengthy statement concerning Village operations, a summary
of which can be found in the meeting summary above, and the audio found here R.Bartko Council Statement, Feb'14.
• The Village rescinded its attempt to make texting-while-driving a primary / stoppable offense; updated
its traffic fines and fees; amended its engineering contract to reduce Zoning Inspector activity (and
costs) in the winter months.
• Council and Village officials addressed further questions about the Arhaus project, including an inquiry
about the greenspace buffer areas.
Engineering, which acts as the Village's Engineer and Zoning Inspector, also distributed a provisional
schedule for capital improvements associated with what Dave Krock called the Hines Hill Corridor –
essentially the area and projects associated with the Arhaus development. The outline included a map of
planned water line extensions in the northwest quadrant of Boston Heights. Capital Projects Hines Hill Corridor Boston
Heights Ohio, Feb 2014(14 Feb'14)
Boston Heights lands $1.5M to repave Olde Eight Road
In the latest round of funding decisions by AMATS, that agency on 31 Jan'14 allocated $1.5M to the Village
of Boston Heights proposal to repave portions of Olde Eight Road. Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project were
funded at $696K and $768K, respectively, of Federal highway funds.
According to the enabling legislation passd by Council in November 2013, $457.5K in local funds will be
required for the entire project. According to Res. 2013-11-60, Phase 1 is the northerly section from Boston
Mills Road north to the Northfield Center Twp line; Res. 2013-11-61 shows Phase 2 as southerly section from
the Boston Mills Road to State Route 303. Both phases consist of removal of 3 inches of asphalt, about 20%
repair, 3 inches of new asphalt, and associated signage and striping.
Presumably this work would be done after any excavation needed for extension of water mains down Olde
Eight Road, as is envisioned in conjunction with the planned Arhaus project. (2 Feb'14)
An additional $248K was also allocated for the Village's Phase 3, which is repaving of Akron-Cleveland Road
south of Route 303. The reconstruction of that road's bridge over the Bike-and-Hike Trail (Ohio Edison rail
right-of-way) is slated to begin this summer; that project will also be largely paid with Federal funds.
(5 Feb'14, corrected)
More details can be found in the AMATS
report and links. HHT: AMATS kicks off 2014 by approving $29 million in road projectss(31 Jan'14)
Village Council approves tax abatement for Arhaus project HHT: Boston Heights approves compensation agreement with Arhaus Furniture(2 Feb'14) See February 2014 Hudson Life Magazine for an update on: HLM: Hudson schools would benefit from new Arhaus headquarters(1 Jan'14) Our report (29 Jan'14):
Boston Heights Village Council considered the CRA property tax incentive for Arhaus Furnitue (Homeworks) at
a Special Council Meeting on 28 Jan'14. After extensive public comment, and a great deal of
explanation, Council voted to approve the CRA agreement, Hudson Schools compensation agreement, and
development agreement with the property owners, by a vote of 5-1.
A major topic of discussion was a plan to bring "city water" to homes along northern Olde Eight Road (at
the developer's expense) and to homes on five residential streets in the northwest quadrant of the Village
(at the Village's expense, using revenue anticipated from the Arhaus payroll).
Councilor Bob Bartko, who voted against the agreements, had earlier circulated a
letter to some Village residents decrying the revisions to the legal settlement governing this site at the
former Boston Hills Country Club — specifically, the loss of dedicated green space. In response to a
resident's question, Village Engineer Dave Krock noted that the revised agreement requires more extensive
and specific requirements for barrier landscaping along Olde Eight Road.
A map analysis here at Boston Heights Overlook shows that about 19.4 acres of greenspace (deedable to the
Village) was lost in the revised settlement, leaving about 38.3 acres along Olde Eight Road and along the
northern border of the property. At the same time, an additional 2.0 acres of greenspace was offered for a
Hines Hill Road bike trail easement, and 10.0 acres for greenspace incorporating a stormwater detention
zone easement along Route 8. The settlement agreement does not oblige the Village to accept either deed or
easement for any of those areas. For comparison, the proposed Arhaus building's initial footprint is about
16.4 acres.
The Hudson School Board has already approved a plan for compensation by the Village for a portion of its
forgone property tax revenues. (29 Jan'14)
New in town:Sidelines Bar & Grill has opened at the
former Tequila Pancho's site on Akron-Cleveland Road in Boston Heights, just south of Route 303.
(25 Jan'14) HHT: New 'Hudson' restaurant, Sidelines Bar and Grill, features local sports teams(22 Jan'14) Note: Yes, this is in Boston Heights, not Hudson.
New in town:Track First, a racing accessories store, has
opened at # E1 in the Boston Commons complex on Chittenden Road. (25 Jan'14)
New Metro bus routes change Boston Heights access
New Metro bus routes took effect on Tuesday, 21 January 2014, which change public transport bus access in
Boston Heights. Formerly the #102 bus stopped at the Clarion Inn on each north/south pass between
Northfield/Twinsburg and downtown Akron. Now the #102 bus runs to the Northfield Park casino without
stopping in Boston Heights. The #103 bus now runs between downtown Akron and the Boston Heights Clarion Inn
-- but that's the end of the line, with no stops further north. The new #104 bus now runs through Hudson to
the Twinsburg industrial parks. The express X60 between Akron and Cleveland still stops at the ODOT
Park-and-Ride lot on Chittenden Road, just north of Route 303.
New routes can be found on the Metro Regional Transit Authority website. (21 Jan'14)
Boston Heights Council adopts Brandywine Watershed plan
At its December 2013 meeting, Boston Heights Village Council endorsed a new multi-community Brandywine Creek
watershed plan (see Res.
2013-12-67). The Plan is a detailed survey of the Brandywine Creek watershed, along with conservation and
development recommendations for a number of land tracts within the various communities drained by that creek
and its tributaries.
Link: Brandywine Creek Balanced Growth Initiative Watershed Plan (2013).
Planning/Zoning agenda for 6 Jan'14
meeting The Planning Commission considered a
preliminary site plan for the Arhaus office and distribution center complex proposed for the
former Boston Hills Country Club. The property's zoning is governed by a legal settlement, which can be read
here. (24 Dec'13) Update: After review and discussion, the Planning Commission approved the site plan for the proposed
Arhaus Furniture development on the former Boston Hills Country Club golf course, subject to a few
modifications and contingencies, primarily related to engineering requirements. (7 Jan'14)
Village Council agenda for the 7
January 2014 regular meeting(First Posted: 3 Jan'14; updated 23 Jan'14)
We have now received and posted all of the January legislation. The updated agenda, linked above, also
includes our own notes and commentary. (22 Jan'14)
Village Public Forum on development of former BHCC golf course
The Village of Boston Heights held a "Public Forum" for 7PM Tuesday, 17 Dec'13 at the Village Fire
Station to discuss the proposed development of the former BHCC golf course. Click here: Public Forum
Announcement Update: At the public forum meeting on 17 Dec'13, representatives of Boston Hills Property and
Premier Development gave an overview of the proposed Arhaus Furniture development on the former Boston Hills
Country Club golf course. A 760,000+ sq.ft. distribution center and headquarters building is proposed on the
western side of the property, off of the intersection of Hines Hill and Olde Eight Road. The eastern side of
the property, along State Route 8, is still slated for future retail development, perhaps as soon as
All truck traffic will be directed east toward the highways, and the developers will improve E. Hines Hill
Road up to the truck entrance. There will be an unspecified number of semi trailer docks on both the west
and east sides the Arhaus building, likely in excess of 100. Offices will be toward the north of the
building, where a wooded buffer area will be maintained toward adjacent residences. A substantial built-up
buffer area will be created along the length of the Olde Eight Road boundary, with the intention of
eliminating lines of sight to the truck docks. Water lines would be extended from the north along Olde Eight
Road, with the developer providing tap-ins for residents along that stretch of road. Sewer service would be
brought in from Hines Hill Road.
About 230-250 employees would be moved into the facility, with the intention of adding more positions over
the next few years. Marshal Pitchford, the Village's Solicitor, explained some of the provisions of the
proposed CRA tax abatement associated with incoming employee count, guaranteed payroll, and planned growth.
The facility would receive an 85% property tax abatement for 15 years (improvements only, not the underlying
land). Hudson Schools would receive a one-time payment of $500,000 and then an increasing fraction of the
Village's employment income tax revenue from the facility during the 6-15th years of the abatement.
The Village's compensation agreement with the Hudson City School District can be read here: Hudson/VBH
Compensation Agreement 17 Dec'13.
Because the "zoning" of the property is governed by a 2008 legal settlement, many of the provisions of this
development are not subject to the Village's usual Zoning Code. Mr. Pitchford stated that the negotiated
changes have already been worked into an administrative amendment of that settlement, as was permitted by
the original agreement.
That revised settlement, or "Agreed Judgement Entry" can be read on the Summit County Clerk of Courts
website (case CV-2007-07-4696); a replica of that document can be read here: Agreed Judgement Entry 12-17-2013.
Additionally, however, the development is contingent on Village Council authorizing the CRA tax abatement,
which will be considered in January. (18 Dec'13)
Update: The Hudson Schools Board of Education approved, on 16 Dec'13, a compensation agreement with
the Village of Boston Heights concerning a proposed tax abatement for Homeworks dba Arhaus for development
at Hines Hill Road in the Village. This appears to involve a $500,000 one-time payment from the Village to
the Hudson Schools, plus annual compensation payments.
A summary of the agreement can be found in the Hudson BOE 16 Dec'13
Note that all of the Village comprises a Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) that permits the Village to offer
property tax abatements for up to 15 years. The East Hines Hill Road area (including the former Boston Hills
Country Club) is in the Hudson City School District. This kind of agreement is commonly used to compensate
the affected school district for loss of property tax collections due to a tax abatement granted by the
municipality. Under state law, in the absence of an agreement the school district would be entitled to 50%
of the new local employee income tax collections during the abatement period (for payrolls over $1M).
(17 Dec'13)
At the December Council meeting, Mayor Goncy announced that the Village was working with Arhaus Furniture to
bring its new headquarters and distribution center to the Village. Informal discussion suggests that the
complex is projected for the middle of the former Boston Hills Country Club golf course on Hines Hill Road,
with green space remaining to the west and north, and future retail still slated for the eastern part of the
property. Proposed site details are expected to be offered at the Public Forum meeting. (13 Dec'13)
That property's development is currently governed by a 2008 lawsuit settlement
agreement, largely outside the Village's Zoning Code.
Arhaus Furniture proposes $43M distribution center & HQ in Village
Arhaus Furniture, currently headquarted in Walton Hills, Ohio, is proposing to build a new headquarters and
distribution center in Boston Heights. The site is the central part of the old Boston Heights Country Club
golf course on E. Hines Hill Road near Route 8. The development is said to be on the order of 770,000 square
feet with eventual expansion to one million square feet. (17 Dec'13)
Arhaus Press Release: Arhaus relocating corporate headquarters & distribution center to the Village of Boston
The company appears to have negotiated a tax incentive agreement with the Village, with the concurrence of
the Hudson City School District. Presumably this involves a modification of the 2008 agreement that settled
the property owner's zoning lawsuit with the Village.
The Village held a "public forum" meeting to discuss the proposal, as noted below, at 7PM Tue 17 Dec'13 at the Fire Station.
Former Boston Hills Country Club replatted, with new owners
As of 31 October 2013, the eastern side of the former Boston Hills Country Club (golf course) has been
replatted into several large parcels at the corner of Route 8 and E. Hines Hill Road. At the same time those
parcels were deeded to new corporate entities (all of which still share a mailing address with Petros
At the same time, the smaller parcels in the northwestern wooded area of the property have been consolidated
into the remaining large western parcel that is still owned by Boston Hills Property Investment LLC.
(9 Dec'13) Click on the small map for more detail:
Previously, on the BHCC zoning & lawsuit settlement agreement...
Village Council agenda for the
11 December 2013 regular meeting(First Posted: 7 Dec'13, revised:
12 Feb'14)
We have now received and posted nearly all of the December legislation. Our public records request
was made 11 Dec'13 and the requested documents were remitted by the Village on 29 Jan'14. The updated
agenda, linked above, also includes our own notes and commentary. (12 Feb'14)
Of particular interest this month is: a change to Tuesday Council meetings; a change to the way Village
Hall employees are appointed; changes and clarifications of employment practices.
Village Council notice of 26
November 2013 special meeting(First Posted: 23 Nov'13, revised:
9 Dec'13)
Village Council held a Special Meeting at 6:30PM just before Tuesday's Financial Committee meeting to make
contractual appointments of the Village Solicitor (Mr. Marshal Pitchford again, 2 years), and of the Village
Engineer and Zoning Inspector (Krock-Esser Engineering again, 2 years). In addition, a revision of the
previously-approved Richfield police dispatch contract was also reviewed and approved. (27 Nov'13)
Note: We received the Engineer's contract on 7 Dec'13 in response to our records request of 23 Nov'13 and
have made an update to include this document. (9 Dec'13) Note: We received the Richfield dispatch contract on 11 Dec'13 in response to our records request of
23 Nov'13 and have made an update to include this document. Compare at $60,000 for police dispatch in
2014 to the $73,868 for combined police & fire/EMS dispatch under the previous Macedonia dispatch contract. Fire/EMS dispatch is now handled by Richfield for Valley Fire
District, inclusive in Valley's contract with the Village. (11 Dec'13)
Council Road Committee, November 2013 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 18 Nov'13
Hines Hill Road reconstruction paving should finish up this week, with final grading and seeding deferred
until Spring'14. An ODOT paving project on Route 303 may cause some traffic disruptions; the Village
Engineer is discussing this with them. The new Village Road Superintendent, Charles Pickering, reported on
the current status of the Road Department and service garage; the Road Committee discussed proposed
improvements in facilities, equipment maintenance, and organization of the department. (19 Nov'13)
Village Council agenda for the
13 November 2013 regular meeting(First Posted: 8 Nov'13)
We have now received and posted all of the November legislation. Our public records request was made 11
Nov'13 and the requested documents were remitted by the Village on 29 Jan'14. The updated agenda, linked
above, also includes our own notes and commentary.(12 Feb'14)
Boston Heights Election Results(6 Nov'13) Council: Two new members elected, two re-elected:
Council Road Committee, October 2013 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 21 Oct'13
Hines Hill Road reconstruction continues without too many detour problems; Akron-Peninsula Road paving
project to be completed in Spring 2014; waterline survey in northwest neighborhoods did not endorse project;
branch pickup (Mondays), leaf pickup (Tuesdays) continues along with minor road repairs. The meeting
included a tour of the Village Hall parking/stormwater project, which is 100% paid for with a state grant.
(22 Oct'13)
As noted above, the Engineer's August survey of residents in the northwest quadrant of the Village did not
indicate any overwhelming support for installation of public water lines -- at least, not if there were
charges to the affected residents: Waterline Survey /
Questionaire Results, Village Engineer Aug'13(22 Oct'13) Previously: Village seeks resident views on water service... (Aug'13)
Village Council notice of 22
October 2013 special meeting(First Posted: 18 Oct'13)
Village Council will hold a short Special Meeting at 6:45PM just before Tuesday's Financial Committee
meeting to take care of a routine budgetary matter.
The agenda for the October
2013 Council meeting (as distributed at the meeting, which differed significantly from the agenda sent out
earlier) is now available, along with the legislation text and exhibits, and with our own commentary.
(First Posted: 16 Oct'13, revised: 26 Nov'13)
The October Council meeting agenda included an "Administrative Hearing", which turned out to be an appeal
to Council of the Mayor's termination of an employee, as allowed by Village Codified Ordinance 147.17.
After a brief recess, Council reconvened and Mayor Bill Goncy handed the gavel over to Council President
Pro Tempore Don Polyak. Mr. Polyak stated that the hearing was to consider an appeal of the August 29, 2013
termination of employment of James Robinson -- presumably as Road Superintendent, though this was not
stated explicitly. Mr. Robinson had also been the Village's Fire Chief. Council then voted to enter
executive session "to discuss employment matters". In response to our query, Mr. Polyak later reported that
Council returned to public session and voted 6-0 to uphold Mayor Goncy's termination of Mr. Robinson's
employment with the Village.
Sample ballots now available for Boston Heights voters, 5 Nov'13 General Election
The Summit County Board of Elections has
posted the sample ballots for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, 5 November 2013. Voters in each of
the Village's three school districts will see slightly different ballots. All ballots will include the same
roster of five Council candidates for four seats (see our
earlier article), and the proposed additional Road Levy (see our
earlier article). That levy, if passed, would be in addition to the current Road Levy. There are also
municipal court candidates and County levy renewal issues on this November's ballot. (8 Sep'13)
Walters Road to close for repairs Sat, 12 Oct'13 "On October 12, 2013 the
City of Hudson will be closing Walters Road to repair a storm water drainage pipe. The closure will be
[between] Hines Hill Road [and] Meadowridge Way.
Emergency and safety forces will need to use Hines Hill to Walters Road to access 6902 Walters Road, Boston
Hts and 6881 Walters Road, Hudson. All other residences can be accessed from the north off Twinsburg Road,
see map.
The Road closure will be from 8am until 3pm weather permitting." -- City of Hudson (4 Oct'13)
Carol Zeman, former long-time Clerk-Treasurer, dies
Carol Zeman, the Village's Clerk-Treasurer for many years, has passed away on Monday, 23 September 2013.
Mrs. Zeman retired from the Village last year after 23 years of
service. Before becoming Clerk-Treasurer, she was also employed in the Village Hall offices.
All arrangements are private to the family. (24 Sep'13)
Valley Fire District Meet-and-Greet at Boston Hts Fire Station, Sun 29 Sep'13
... meet-and-greet event to take place Sept. 29 at 1PM to celebrate the joining of the Boston Heights Fire
Department and Valley Fire District. A parade from the Valley Fire District station to the Boston Heights
fire station will take place, and food and beverages will be provided. The public also will have an
opportunity to meet all the emergency responders. Boston Heights officials signed a three-year agreement
Aug. 22 with the fire district to provide fire and emergency medical services 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. It will go into effect Oct. 1.
Boston Heights Fall Festival and Flea Market/Craft Show is scheduled for Sept. 21 at the The Friends of
Matthews Thomas Park. The event is sponsored by the park and Fairview Cemetery Association.
The festival is from 1PM to 7PM and will feature entertainment for all ages, delicious fall-inspired
sweets, hayrides, a log sawing competition, live music, a bonfire and a raffle.
The flea market and craft show is from 9AM to 1PM and will take place rain or shine. There are 20'x 22'
spaces available. Bring your own table and canopy.
A car show will take place from 2PM to 6PM
For more information call Kim at 234-380-5561 or Sara at 330-840-4074.
Special Council Meeting CANCELLED
The Special Council Meeting previously posted for called for 17 Sep'13 has been cancelled. The
meeting had been called to hear the appeal of an employee termination. (13 Sep'13)
Service Department position advertised
The Village has posted a revised advertisement for help in the Road/Service Department:
The Village of Boston Heights is looking for a full-time Service Department employee with the following
skills: supervisory experience, road and building maintenance, snow plowing, mowing.
A CDL is required. Position includes benefits. Applications available at the Village Hall, 45 East Boston
Mills Road, Hudson, OH 44236.
Return completed application to the Village Hall or email mayorgoncy @ by September 27, 2013, at 4:00 PM.
(13 Sep'13) Previously:
On 11 Sep'13, local newspapers posted a notice by the Village of Boston Heights soliciting applications for
the position of Road Superintendent. The advertisement has since been re-posted as above. (12 Sep'13)
Hines Hill Road rebuild begins Monday, west of Wooded View
Village Engineer Dave Krock reports:
Starting Monday, September 9, 2013, Section #1 of Hines Hill Road will be under construction and closed to
thru traffic.
• Detours will be posted (see map)
• Local Traffic will be maintained (local property owners)
• Access for Police, Fire, Mail Delivery, [School Buses &] Garbage Pickup will be maintained
• Access to the Hike / Bike trail will be maintained (Access across Hines Hill to be maintained for trail
users as well)
• Expected duration of closure is approximately 30 days
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 4 Sep'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission approved a piano retail store on E. Hines Hill Road (at the old
Liberty Harley-Davidson building) and informally discussed a proposed use for a commmercial building at
Akron-Cleveland Road and Route 303. The PC also discussed the disposition of the old driving range building
on Hines Hill Road, and proposed code updates. (5 Sep'13)
Village seeks resident views on water service in northwest Village neighborhoods
The Village of Boston Heights is once again looking at water service in the northwest quadrant of town. A
survey has been mailed to residents around Olde Eight north of the Turnpike to assess financial options,
which may include property assessments in addition to any grants that might be available.
Read the Boston Heights
survey on water service to northwest neighborhoods. (29 Aug'13) Previously: Discussion of water and sewer service in the Village (May'13)
Council approves Fire/EMS contract with Valley Fire District Update: With the introduction of a new resolution at a Special Meeting, Boston Heights Village
Council voted in favor of contracting with Valley Fire District in Peninsula to take over fire and
EMS services for the Village. There were 5 votes for the contract (R. Fenn, D. Blakeney, G. Blakeney, R.
Antal and D. Polyak), and 1 against (F. Baxter). The resolution was adopted as an emergency measure, which
generally precludes a public referendum for repeal.
Council members' statements on this change have generally accorded with Mayor Goncy's
report (7/16/2013) as presented in last month's town hall meeting. (Mr. Baxter has stated that he preferred to take the
matter to a public ballot.)
There were some animated objections made by members of the current fire department and others attending the
meeting. In addition to unhappiness with the outcome, some felt there should have been another round of
public commentary scheduled, in addition to that at the last two public meetings.
Barring further developments, this handover of services will occur on October 1, at which time the Village's
local fire department will be disbanded. The service contract requires Valley Fire to offer a position to
current legally-qualified members of the village's fire department. Ancillary contracts lease the Village's
fire station and equipment to Valley Fire District, which will also dispatch an ambulance from the Village's
fire station. (23 Aug'13)
A misleading story in the West Side Leader, reporting on the 14 August meeting of the Boston Township
trustees, seemed to suggest that the contract was already signed. This appeared to be based on last week's
Valley Fire District approval of the contract, and an assumption that it would also be approved the same
night by Boston Heights Village Council. However, this did not occur and was apparently not corrected by
press time. WSL: "...
Boston trustees"(22 Aug'13)
On a less contentious note, Council also voted to accept a settlement with the contractor at the former
Krejci Dump cleanup site. This will provide substantial funding for the expected rebuilding of West Hines
Hill Road. (22 Aug'13)
Village Council agenda for the
14 August 2013 regular meeting(First Posted: 12 Aug'13)
We have now received most (not all!) of the August legislation text
, in response to our public records request made on Monday, 12
The revised agenda and text of
some of the legislation for the August 2013 Council meeting is now available, along with our own
commentary. (15 Aug'13)
Of principle interest is the failure of Council to endorse the proposed fire/EMS contract with Valley Fire
Further info on proposed fire/EMS contract with Valley Fire District Update: Boston Heights Village Council voted not to authorize the proposed contract that would
have had Valley Fire District take over fire and EMS services for the Village. There were 3 votes for the
contract (Fenn, D. Blakeney, G. Blakeney), 1 against (Baxter), 1 abstention (Polyak), and 1 absentee
(Antal). A majority was required to proceed with the proposal. (14 Aug'13)
We are informed that the Board of the Valley Fire District accepted these contracts at their regular meeting
on 8 Aug'13.
The Boston Heights Fire Department Association, which is a private association of Boston Heights
firefighters, mailed a letter to Village residents on 6 Aug'13 objecting to this proposal, and disputing
some of the claims made in support of the plan, including current vs. projected response times.
Previously: Public Town Hall Meeting on Fire/EMS Services: Village Hall
Boston Heights & School District Candidates File for November(8 Aug'13)
The following people filed for the November general election ballot before the Summit County deadline 7
Aug'13 at 4PM: Boston Hts Village Council, 4 to elect:
Bob Bartko (Grandview Dr)
Dawn Brannan-Blakeney (Sholle Dr) (incumbent)
Ronald Fenn (Olde Eight) (incumbent, appointed for Ray McFall's post)
Janet L. Miller (Ianwood Cir)
Don Polyak (W. Hines Hill) (incumbent)
(Note: Frank Baxter did not file for re-election to Council) Hudson City School Board of Education, 3 to elect:
Steve DiMauro
Patti Engelman
Sarah G. Norman
David Zuro
Nordonia Hills City School Board of Education, 3 to elect:
Daniel Gallagher
Doug Masteller
David Lewis Milstein
Robert L. Roth
Tammy Strong
Jim Szabo
Woodridge Local SchoolBoard of Education, 3 to elect:
Ashbrooke West chip-and-seal repairs delayed: Monday 12 August
Village Engineer Dave Krock reports: another update to the contractor's schedule for chip seal.
Chip Seal will be completed on Monday, August 12 (rescheduled again due to weather) for the following
1. Wellington Court cul-de-sac
2. Norbury intersection at Walters
The contractor KEE will distribute door hangers at the two locations (only the homes immediately affected by
the work). (8 Aug'13)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 7 Aug'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission approved a used car sales operation on Chittenden Road, subject to
the approval of the Zoning Inspector. The PC also discussed the disposition of the old driving range
building on Hines Hill Road, and proposed code updates. (8 Aug'13)
County's 2014 Property Reappraisal moves into Boston Heights
"Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE announces that the review phase of the state
mandated 2014 Reappraisal will move into the townships of Bath, Richfield and Boston; and the villages of
Richfield, Boston Heights and Peninsula.
County appraisers will physically evaluate residential parcels and can be identified by their identification
badges and yellow work vests. Their vehicles will be marked with a placard stating they are from the Summit
County Fiscal Office. Appraisers work between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The Fiscal Office does not
perform evaluations after 4:00 p.m.
The review phase of the 2014 Reappraisal is expected to last through the summer.
Residents who have concerns or questions may call (330)643-2710." (29 Jul'13)
Summer Road Repairs to resume in Village
Village Engineer Dave Krock reports:
• Crack sealing tentatively scheduled to start 31 July on various roads throughout the Village. There will
be no specific resident notifications for this work.
• Chip & Seal repairs scheduled for 2 August at Norbury/Walters intersection and the cul-de-sac on
Wellington Ct. This is being performed at the contractor's expense (KEE) to rectify problems with last
year's work. KEE will be putting door hangers on the doors of people affected directly by this operation.
•Additional fog sealing of road surfaces in the Ashbrooke neighborhood will follow about 7-10 days later.
Neighborhood signs will be posted a few days in advance of this work.
All road repair work is "weather permitting" (26 Jul'13)
Council Road Committee, July 2013 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 15 Jul'13
Hines Hill Road reconstruction has gone out for bids; Walters Road and other drainage projects slated for
next year; Akron-Peninsula Road paving with Boston Twp anticipated, some Ashbrooke chip-seal road repairs to
be redone (at contractor's expense) and follow-up on drainage problems there continues. (17 Jul'13)
The Village of Boston Heights held a very animated "Town Hall Meeting" on a proposal to contract with with
the Valley Fire District for fire and EMS services, on the evening of Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at the Boston
Heights Village Hall. Mayor Goncy's
Report to VBH Public Town Hall Meeting Fire/EMS 7/16/2013
The Mayor and Village Council's Safety Committee presented the outlines of the plan, which would essentially
mothball the Village's own Fire Department, terminate current EMS and dispatch contracts with Macedonia, and
contract for all fire response and EMS services with Valley Fire District. Valley Fire would receive
contractual payment for these services, and would pay to lease the Village's fire station and equipment,
providing full-time staffed response from either the Valley station on Route 303, or from the Boston Heights
station during some hours of weekdays. The net costs were described as very close to the costs of operating
the current department with existing contracts, but would provide better coverage with increased response
The contract is expected to include a provision requiring Valley to offer employment to current Village Fire
Department personnel, subject to legal requirements, but seniority (and the officer command structure) would
not carry over. The primary justification offered was that staffing an all-volunteer on-call department has
become impractical in this area: daytime manpower response had become minimal, with Macedonia being called
upon to respond to all fire calls in addition to EMS calls, and that the overall department was down to ten
active members. The implication seemed to be that combination with an existing staffed department was more
fiscally sound than expansion of the town's own department into a full-time staffed operation.
Several dozen Village and area residents, including members of both Fire Departments, commented at length on
this proposal. Several members of the Boston Heights Fire Department expressed opposition to the plan, and
in particular felt that insufficient attention had been given to a departmental proposal to operate its own
ambulance and increase staffing. Some also disputed specific statements by the Mayor and Council members
about the current and historical operation of the department. Several people felt the Village's firefighters
were not being treated with sufficient consideration.
A variety of other operational questions were asked, and answered to various degrees of detail. The contract
is still being negotiated, though a current draft copy was made available at the meeting. Mayor Goncy said
there was no current schedule for a vote on a final contract. There were a number of complaints about this
matter not being sufficiently publicized; it was pointed out that it had been under discussion in public
meetings of Council and its committees since last year. (16 Jul'13) A complete (but
unofficial) audio recording of the 2.5 hour meeting can be found here: Audio: VBH Public Town Hall Meeting Fire/EMS
7/16/2013(16 Jul'13) Posted
notice: Town Hall Meeting: Proposed contract for shared services with the Valley Fire District
for Fire and EMS coverage(12 Jul'13) Preliminary
proposal from Valley Fire District, Jan'13: January 2013 Proposal from Valley Fire
District(15 Jul'13)
This proposal to contract with Valley Fire District (on Route 303 in Peninsula) is the result of the
contract negotiations authorized by Village Council in April 2013: Resolution 2014-4-16. This approach was also discussed at a special meeting of the Council Safety Committee in March 2013, as well
as some discussions at various other Council committee meetings.
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 3 Jul'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission approved Prestige Homes' preliminary plat plan for a new residential
subdivision of 13 new homes on the west side of southern Olde Eight Road: Parkside Ledges Preliminary Plan Jun'13
The 5000-6000 sq.ft. homes would be built between Ledgeview and Brighton subdivisions, on 45 acres between
Olde Eight and the Bike and Hike Trail. Engineer Dave Krock stated that he was satisfied with the
hydrological survey information he had received, and that neighboring water wells would likely not be
adversely affected. The approval was granted in conjunction with a platting variance permitting a 1800-foot
cul de sac roadway, and conditioned on the Engineer's receipt of certain documentation related to septic
installations. The PC must review and approve a final plat plan at a later date. (5 Jul'13)
Chuck Robinson, Village fireman and active citizen, dies
Charles Robinson ("Chuck") passed away on Friday, 14 June 2013. Mr. Robinson was a integral element of the
Village, serving for decades on the Boston Heights Fire Department, and as a member and chairman of the
Planning Commission. He was a frequent fixture at Village Council meetings where he and Mrs. Robinson kept a
close eye on Village activity and made sure problems were brought into the public eye. Arrangements here. (17 Jun'13)
Village Council agenda for the
12 June 2013 regular meeting(Updated: 13 Jun'13) Note: We have now received and posted most (not all) of the June
legislation. (13 Jun'13)Update:
• Former Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman raised some interesting questions about discrepencies between the
balances of various Village financial reports.
• CORRECTION: Council authorized the first step in placing an additional Road Levy before the
Village's voters in November. (It had been erroneously announced at the meeting that this vote had
• Police Chief Ray Heatwall received a citation from the Summit County Sheriff for his work with the SWAT
• Further road repairs and crack sealing will be carried out this year, but no further chip sealing. Bidding
for the Hines Hill Road reconstruction project should begin in July, as will bidding for the Village Hall
paving project. (13 Jun'13)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 5 Jun'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission and the Village Engineer reviewed Prestige Homes' proposal for a new
proposed residential subdivision of 13 new homes on the west side of southern Olde Eight Road: Parkside Ledges Preliminary Plan Jun'13
The 5000-6000 sq.ft. homes would be built between Ledgeview and Brighton subdivisions, on 45 acres between
Olde Eight and the Bike and Hike Trail. Some of the homes would be in the Woodridge Schools and some in the
Hudson Schools. The Engineer requested updates to documentation on the septic systems, and pointed out that
the proposed 1800-foot cul de sac exceeded the maximum permissible 1000 foot length for such dead-end roads.
The bulk of public commentary and questioning from from neighboring homeowners, who were concerned about
water well impacts, septic system placements, tree preservation, and privacy and rural lifestyle issues. The
Planning Commission deferred the application until July to allow Prestige Homes to supply required
documentation and to either bring the length of the planned roadway into compliance or formally petition the
PC for a platting variance to allow the longer cul de sac. (6 Jun'13)
Council Road Committee, June 2013
The Village Council's Road Committee held a special meeting 3 June 2013 to air various options for a
proposed increase or addition to the existing road improvement levy. Village Engineer Dave Krock presented
an outline of projected costs for complete asphalt repaving of all village roads over various time periods.
That presentation is available here: 2013 Proposed Road Levy Presentation, 3
The public discussion focused on the dissatisfaction of Wellington Court residents with maintenance of their
street in particular, and those of the Ashbrooke West neighborhood in general. Complaints included poor
original roadway construction, general neglect of those roads, last year's patching followed by
chip-and-seal treatment (including loose gravel), poor work on drainage repairs and re-seeding, and lack of
commitment by the Village to completely rebuild and/or repave the roadway in the immediate future. Mr. Krock
stated that the problems with drainage and seeding were being addressed, and some of the roadway coating
would be re-done as well. Those remedies were met with some skepticism.
There was further discussion of funding and priorities for more extensive paving work, including the
possibility of property assessments and bond issues. Paving priorities were to be guided by the review of
the Village's roads conducted last year: Boston Heights Engineer's 2012 CIP
Road Report
The Road Committee planned to take the public comments under advisement, and continue to work the numbers to
come up with a comprehensive long-term road maintenance plan, which would most likely include an increased
road improvement levy on the ballot this November. (4 Jun'13)
Village Council agenda for the 8
May 2013 regular meeting
The agenda and full text of
legislation for the May 2013 Council meeting is now available. (16 May'13)Update:
• The Village Council has agreed to an amended and renewed 5-year residential trash-hauling contract with
Kimble (J&J Refuse) that bumps the monthly fee up $1 for own-container users, to the same current rate
for trash bin users ($15.40/mo). The new contract allows future annual increases with the CPI. The new
contract also appears to mandate use of the large rolling trash bins, and similar recycling bins.
Info letters will be sent out.
• Village Engineer Dave Krock reported that the Village had received a $345K grant for the long-awaited E.
Hines Hill Road rehabilitation project, as well as a $345K long-term loan for the same. He reported that
negotiations continue on the amount of funding that will be received for that project due to the wear and
tear from the years of Krejci Dump remediation trucking. Additional grants are being sought for park
playground improvements, and for various drainage repair projects in the Village, including the Walters Road
culvert failure.
• Long-serving Police Sergeant Randall Robison was commended by the Mayor upon the occasion of his
retirement. (9 May'13)
Homestead Exemption and 2.5% Tax Reduction Deadline: 3 June 2013
If you are 65 years or older, or fully disabled, and/or living in a home you own yourself, you could be
looking at a property tax reduction. The deadline for filing for the Homestead Exemption and the 2.5% Tax
Reduction for tax year 2013 is Monday, 3 June 2013. Click the link above for details. (7 May'13)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 1 May'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission discussed the status of the former The Range building on E. Hines
Hill Road; discussed and recommended to Council revisions to the Platting Regulations and to the Certificate
of Zoning Compliance (zoning occupancy permit); discussed alternatives to construction bond requirements.
(2 May'13)
Village receives grant to pave Village Hall parking lot
The Village of Boston Heights has received a $78,600 grant from the State of Ohio that will pay for paving
part of the Village Hall parking lot. All costs will be covered by the grant; no Village matching funds are
required. This SWIF grant is intended to improve storm water handling. To that end, the parking area of the
lot will be excavated to improve permability and drainage, and will be covered with permable pavers, and
will receive new curbing and drainage.
As the grant is also intended to promote improved storm water handling, the Village has pledged to hold a
public meeting on the project, to promote the project via flyers and signage, and to document the project
with a dedicated page on the Village's own (future?) website. The cost of these PR materials is set at
Krock-Esser Engineering (which also acts as the Village Engineer) will be handling the surveying and
engineering work at a cost of $6,600.
The construction itself is budgeted at up to $72,000. The project is expected to be carried out in Summer
Read the Boston Heights SWIF Grant
Application and project planning documents. (25 Apr'13)
Updated 19 Apr'13: Hudson Council halts Hines Hill Road bike path project for now HHT: Hudson Council drops bike lane options for Hines Hill Road "Council members were concerned about putting a trail or bike lanes on Hines Hill Road and then waiting
years for Boston Heights to connect its trail to it... Boston Heights part of the proposed trail is $1.46
million."(17 Apr'13) Update: Boston Heights Council member Don Polyak responds: "... This article did NOT report
the decision accurately. Hudson Council did NOT turn down the (already approved and funded by the [Hudson]
Park Board) off the street trail as reported. They only turned down the extended 4 foot bike lanes on the
roadway. They are still planning on building a bike trail (off road) from Boston Heights line to the YDC
property. This initial investment from the Hudson Park Board is the first major step in this project that
will create a connecting trail from the National Park, the Hike and Bike trail, to the new Metro Park, to
the YDC property, to downtown Hudson and beyond.
As this is a priority for many of us that believe in supporting safe recreation and our residents requests
for more bike lanes, please pass this email along as you see fit." -- Don Polyak, VBH Council
(17 Apr'13) Update: Hudson Council member Alex Kelemen further responds: "While the HHT headline and
article were not entirely correct, not all of Mr. Polyak's statements are themselves correct. Hudson City
Council did in fact decide not to go forward with a path from the Boston Heights Corp line to the western
drive of the YDC property at this time. City Council will ultimately vote on the Park Board's plan at some
future time as to whether this segment or the proposed multi-purpose path through the YDC property to
Prospect Street is approved for construction in 2013." -- Alex Kelemen, Hudson City Council
(19 Apr'13) Previously: Hines Hill Road bike lanes in jeopardy... (Jan'13)
Public Meeting on Village Comprehensive Plan: Clarion Inn, Wed 17 April
The Village of Boston Heights and AMATS held a public meeting to discuss the Village Comprehensive Plan
project at: 7PM on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 at the Clarion Inn in Boston Heights. The meeting was open to
all residents of the Village, as well as other interested parties and stakeholders; about 40 attended. The
meeting was conducted by the consultants at Environmental Design Group, who have been working on the Plan
under a grant from AMATS, in conjunction with the Village's own Comprehensive Zoning Plan Committee.
The meeting was publicized to all residents by the Boston Heights/AMATS letter on
the public meeting which was included in the recent Boston Heights Village newsletter mailing. (18 Apr'13) Previously:AMATS Connected Communities Grant for Village
Plan (Feb'12)
Council Road Committee, April 2013 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 15 Apr'13
Public meetings set to discuss requests for water and sewer service in the Village, and for a proposed
additional Road Levy (in addition to the current 2.75mil Road Levy that has just begun collection this
year). Other issues and projects were also reviewed, including the upcoming Hines Hill Road repairs and the
Akron-Cleveland Road bridge replacement. (16 Apr'13)
Village receives recycling grant for 2013
ABJ: 31 communities in Summit County receive $414,549 in recycling grants
The Village has received a grant of $948 from Summit-Akron Solid Waste Management Authority / ReWorks to
further recycling in town. Mayor Goncy has stated, at a recent Council meeting, that he expects to combine
this year's grant with last year's in order to obtain more and better residential recycling bins.
(9 Apr'13)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 3 Apr'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission approved new signs and use for the Olde 8 Tavern on Akron-Cleveland
Road, formerly Uncle B's, and Tequila Pancho's before that. The PC also recommended to Council a new
schedule of planning and zoning fees. (4 Apr'13)
Special Meeting: Safety
Committee meets 6PM, 7 Mar 2013 "The purpose of this meeting is to discuss further the contract proposals received from the Valley Fire
District and the City of Macedonia" — Mayor Bill Goncy (6 Mar'13)
Village Council agenda for the
13 February 2013 regular meeting Update: Text of the legislation from this meeting is now available, attached to Agenda link above.
Mr. Edward Yost was appointed to the Fire Department as Fire Inspector; Mr. Toney Garabay was appointed as
the Cemetery Sexton. A measure to update the Planning and Zoning fee schedule was introduced, pending a
public hearing. (20 Feb'13)
Council Road Committee, February 2013 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 18 Feb'13
This was the last in a series of public meetings on the Village's plans for road and drainage projects. The
Village Engineer explained the state of the Village's roads, including recent repairs and costs for ongoing
maintenance and/or repaving. The Road Committee made its case for an increase to the Village's Road Levy
property tax in order to expand the scope of the town's road maintenance program.
Boston Heights taxpayers have just begun paying on the current 5-year Road
Levy of 2.75 mills this year (2013, for 1st half 2012 taxes); payments of about $84 per $100K of
property value will run through 2017 if there are no changes. (19 Feb'13) For more
information: Boston Heights Engineer's
2012 CIP Road Report — including road repair cost reports and projections.
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 6 Feb'13
meeting Update: The Planning Commission approved a site plan and building addition for Clarion Inn, adding a
tour bus entrance with building and landscaping upgrades. The PC also recommended to Council a revision of
the ordinances setting planning and zoning fees, and the composition of the BZA. The PC also further
discussed updates to the subdivision platting code. (7 Feb'13)
Council Road Committee, January 2013 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 21 Jan'13
The Village Engineer explained current and future road and drainage improvement projects, including plans to
finally begin the reconstruction of West Hines Hill Road this summer. Some residents of the Wooded View /
Hines Hill neighborhood suggested that the Village increase its Road Levy property tax in order to expand
the scope of the town's road maintenance program. (22 Jan'13)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 2 Jan'13
meeting (24 Dec'12) Update: The Planning Commission approved a site plan and building addition for Dun-Rite Roofing on
Chittenden, and continued discussion of the proposed restructuring of the Village's planning and zoning
fees. (3 Jan'13)
Village to contract for Zoning Inspector services
At the Council Finance Committee meeting of 18 Dec'12, Boston Heights Village Council decided to contract
for Zoning Inspector services in 2013.
Traditionally the Village has employed an individual as a part-time Zoning Inspector, handling both
enforcement and planning/zoning administrative functions for about $250/month.
The Village will extend its current contract with Krock-Esser Engineering to encompass these additional
functions; currently K-E acts as the Village Engineer and Street Commissioner. Dave Krock anticipates that
routine inspection and reporting will require 2 hours per week, charged at a flat fee of $300/month. More
extensive enforcement and administrative activity will be charged separately. The appointment and contract
amendment are expected to be made at the January Council meeting. (18 Dec'12)
Council Road Committee, November 2012 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 19 Nov'12
The Village Engineer explained current and future road and drainage improvement projects. Some residents of
the Village's Ashbrooke neighborhood suggested that the Village increase its Road Levy property tax, and
extend it from 5 to 10 years, in order to expand the scope of the town's road maintenance program. (Ed.
note: Road maintenance is one of the few purposes for which ORC 5705.19 allows a municipal levy longer
than 5 years, or continuing.) (28 Nov'12)
HHT: Proposed Veterans
Trail connects downtown Hudson to surrounding communities
The connection through Boston Heights referenced in this article is the Hines Hill Bikeway, aka "Heights to
Hudson Trail", that was discussed at public meetings in Boston Heights this past year. The Village has been
considering how this project might fit in with the planned refurbishment of West Hines Hill Road, after the
Krejci Dump project is finally completed. This is just one of several trails proposed for Boston Heights in
the Summit County Trail & Greenway Plan. Others are the "Gateway Trail" to Peninsula and the CVNP, and
the "Brandywine Creek Trail" along the creek to Northfield and Macedonia. (23 Nov'12) ABJ: Eight new regional trails costing $46 million on map for Summit County(25 Oct'12) Previously: Hines Hill Bike Path Feasibility Study (Jan'12)
See also: Hudson Park Board, Oct'11
National Park confirms: Krejci Dump Cleanup is being completed, not restarted
Boston Heights Overlook contacted the Cuyahoga Valley National Park to inquire into worries, voiced by
residents in the Wooded View area, that the Krejci Dump cleanup project was restarting rather than finishing
up. Specifically, there were concerns over trucks apparently moving soils out of the dump sites once
From Chris Davis, Plant Ecologist for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (and the current CVNP contact for
the Krejci project):
"A while ago, a few small spots at Krecji were found with slightly elevated levels of contamination and
those areas were removed. But the site is still clean and meeting all regulatory requirements.
All the recent truck traffic at the site (and there's been a LOT) has been trucks hauling/moving clean
fill between the east and west sites to provide fill to meet grading requirements. No dirt is being
removed from the site. Folks also may have seen trucks leaving the site that had dropped off composted
soil, which has been placed in wetlands, and rock to repair gullies and cover limestone rip-rap. Again,
all this material is clean and uncontaminated.
Even the dirt they trucked off a few weeks ago wasn't "hazardous"; it just didn't meet the super-high
standards they have at this site. Krecji is probably the least contaminated site in the area now. They
even had trouble finding composted leaves to add to the wetlands that met standards for the site."
Village Council agenda for the
15 November 2012 regular meeting Update: Council accepted the retirement letter submitted by Police Chief Joe Varga, taking effect 25
November 2012, and approved the Mayor's appointment of Lt. Ray Heatwall as acting Chief at that time.
(15 Nov'12)
Hudson & Woodridge levies pass, Nordonia levy fails
• Issue 64: Hudson Schools Levy, 1.5mil 5 year PIF: PASS 66% to 34%
• Issue 65: Nordonia Schools Levy, 3mil continuing operations: FAIL 60% to
• Issue 71: Woodridge Schools Levy, 6.83mil 5 year operations: PASS 55% to
• 14th Congressional District representative: David P. Joyce (REP) with 54% of the vote.
• 38th Ohio House District representative: Marilyn Slaby (REP) with 55% of the vote.
• Summit County Council District #1: Nick Kostandaras (DEM) with 57% of the vote.
Source: Summit County Board of Elections and Ohio Sec'y of State. (7 Nov'12)
Village to provide leaf pickup, branch chipping We've been corrected by Mayor Goncy:
The Village will provide leaf pickup during the Fall: place your leaves near the roadway for pickup during
the week. The Service Department will be picking up leaves every weekday. If they're not gone after a
few days, call in a request to the Village Hall: 330-650-4111.
Branch pickup and chipping will also continue, every Monday; stack branches by the road facing in one
direction. Branches and logs too large to chip will not be picked up. Do not block ditches or catch basins!(17 Oct'12)
Paper & Cardboard Recycling at Village Hall
Don't forget to bring your cardboard, paper, magazines and books for recycling at the Boston Heights Village
Hall. There is a special green recycling container in the parking lot (more info here).
Council Road Committee, October 2012 Minutes of
the Village Council's Road Committee meeting, Mon, 15 Oct'12
The Village Engineer explained current and future road and drainage improvement projects. Some residents of
the Village's northwest neighborhood expressed interest in water and sewer service, and complained of some
vacant properties. (17 Oct'12)
Akron-Cleveland Road Bridge Replacement: Public Meeting, Wednesday 10 Oct'12
ODOT and the Village of Boston Heights will hold a public involvement meeting to explain the planned
replacement of the Akron-Cleveland Road bridge over the Metroparks Bike & Hike Trail. This is the
decaying double-bridge structure just south of Route 303. The Village is responsible for the maintenance and
replacement of this bridge, as the road is no longer a state highway. However, Federal funding has been
obtained for the bulk of the project, and the Metroparks is making a contribution. Nonetheless, the Village
itself is on the hook for a substantial financial investment in this project. The public meeting, which will
be in open-house format without a specific presentation, will be held from 5-7PM on Wednesday, 10 October
2012, at Happy Days Lodge on Route 303 (500 W. Streetsboro Road). (28 Sep'12)
For more information: ODOT Public
Involvement Meeting LetterUpdate: Public comments received by ODOT at this meeting are summarized here: Akron Cleveland Road Public Meeting - Comment Summary and Response Letter — the gist of
which is a general sentiment against a long-term closure of the road during construction. (5 Dec'12)
Change in Village Fiscal Officer; Klingenberg takes over from Huber
The Village's first Fiscal Officer, Richard Huber, has tendered his resignation effective 13 Sep'12.
Mayor Bill Goncy, with the concurrence of Council, has appointed Betty Klingenberg as Fiscal Officer for the
balance of the 2012 term. Ms. Klingenberg has been employed as a part-time assistant in the Village of
Glenwillow Finance Department, Sagamore Hills Township Clerk, assistant in the Summit County Engineer's
office, and as a member of the Nordonia Hills School Board. Mr. Huber, who had briefly worked as the
Village's Assistant Office Clerk, has been appointed as the Assistant Fiscal Officer and so will remain
involved with the Village's finances and operations. (13 Sep'12)Previously: Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman retires; Village transitions to Fiscal
Officer (Apr'12)
Village Council agenda for the
12 September 2012 regular meeting Update: Macedonia's Mayor Kuchta addressed Council on the idea of sponsoring a regional Senior's Center in Macedonia; he suggested the
Village appoint a representative to discuss the matter with the other communities in the Nordonia area.
Council adopted new regulations on temporary political signs, in effect immmediately (Ord.17-2012). A 5-cent
fee was adopted for scanning pages (as well as printing them) for public records requests (Ord.18-2012). The
position of Assistant Fiscal Officer was codified; it had previously existed only as an addendum to the
annual payroll ordinance (Ord.19-2012). The position of Assistant Office Clerk was redefined to be
consistent with this new position (Ord.20-2012). Council authorized the Mayor to join the Village with
County on grants for demolition projects (Ord.21-2012). Council also formally sponsored the upcoming Fall
Festival (Res.34-2012). Finally, Council endorsed Mayor Goncy's appointment of Betty Klingenberg as Fiscal
Officer (Res.35-2012), and Richard Huber as Assistant Fiscal Officer (Res.36-2012). The Mayor had already
noted that Mr. Huber was resigning his current position of Fiscal Officer and would become the assistant to
the new Fiscal Officer, all as of 13 Sep'12.
Public Zoning Meeting, 6:30PM Tue 25 Sep'12
A public hearing will be held at 6:30PM Tue 25 Sep 2012, preceding the Council Finance meeting, to discuss
several proposed amendments to the Zoning Code. (Rescheduled from 12 Sep'12.) These include
modifications to some permitted and conditional uses in certain districts (Ord.W-2012), and a definition of
Bed and Breakfast establishments (Ord.Z-2012).
Also to be discussed is the codification of how engineering and professional fees are back charged for
development within the Village, through a new professional review fund and published fee list (Ord.V-2012); this has
previously been handled on an ad hoc basis. (13 Sep'12)
Boston Heights may be tapped for area Senior Center NL: Could Macedonia be
home for Nordonia Hills senior center?
Beyond the mention in the article linked here, Mayor Goncy mentioned at a recent meeting that he had been
asked to meet with Macedonia's Mayor Kuchta to discuss cooperating in this venture. (12 Sep'12)
Village sets public meetings on road, drainage maintenance
Boston Heights Village has scheduled a series of public meetings this fall & winter to review road and
drainage maintenance plans with the residents of specific areas of the Village. These are:
Mon, 15 Oct'12 at 7PM for all residents along Olde 8 Road from Brandywine Road north to the Northfield
Mon, 19 Nov'12 at 7PM for the residents of Ashbrooke (and nearby areas).
Mon, 21 Jan'13 at 7PM for residents from Hines Hill to the Turnpike Bridge, including all side streets.
Mon, 21 Feb'13 at 7PM for residents south of the Turnpike to Rt.303.
Village Council agenda for the
15 August 2012 special meeting(15 Aug'12)
Council will consider, and discuss with stakeholders, the plan to create a community foundation that will
act as an umbrella organization for volunteer groupds operating in association with the Village.
A reminder to our readers
This website, Boston Heights Overlook at BostonHeights.Org, is not operated by, responsible
to, nor affiliated with the government of the Village of Boston Heights, Ohio.
While we thank the officials of the Village, past and present, for their boundless cooperation and
assistance, please be aware that this website is edited, operated and financed entirely as a private
volunteer enterprise in the service of the community of Boston Heights.
This year 2012 marks our 10th year of operation online. Thank you for your interest! (9 Aug'12)
Village Council agenda for the 8
August 2012 regular meeting(7 Aug'12) Update: With Councilors Ron Antal and Don Polyak absent, there were an insufficient number of council
members present at the meeting to suspend the requirement for three readings of each measure. Therefore each
item on the agenda just received a reading by the Mayor, except Resolution A which was adopted by Council
upon its third reading. Now Res.33-2012, this requests the County to remit any already-collected funds it
holds on the Village's behalf, where applicable to the current fiscal year (per ORC 321.34). Contrary to rumor, this is not a request
for any loan, nor advance on unpaid taxes (which would be per ORC 321.341 and entirely at the County Fiscal
Officer's discretion).
Additionally, a number of residents of the Wellington Court area of the Ashbrooke West neighborhood
addressed Council, the Mayor, and the Village Engineer about their dissatisfaction with drainage and road
maintenance, both historical and that currently under way.
(9 Aug'12)
Public Meeting: Political
Sign Posting Regulations
A public meeting was held at 7:30PM Wednesday, 8 August 2012 (before the regular Council meeting) to present
a proposed change in Village regulations of political signs, as a revision to the Zoning Code. The intention
appears to be to bring these regulations into conformance with various court decisions on free speech
rights, while still reasonably regulating maintenance and safety issues. (8 Aug'12) Update: The public meeting was attended by only two citizens (including the BHO editor). There were
no comments offered other than Solicitor Marshal Pitchford's statement (in response to a query by Councilor
Ron Fenn) that in his opinion the new regulations will be conformant with various court decisions. The
regulations essentially put no specific timetable on political signs, but would now require them to be
removed, or replaced and newly registered, every 30 days. Also, the maximum sign size per sign would
be regularized across all districts, at 12 square feet (with no constraint on aggregate size or sign
count). The new regulations would not change the usual prohibition of private signs, including political
signs, within the public right-of-way.
This measure received the second of three readings at the subsequent Council meeting. (9 Aug'12)
NL: Nordonia Hills
School Board delays decision on levy "The Board scheduled a special meeting for Aug. 6 to discuss the matter further and make a decision on
whether it will place a levy on the Nov. 6 ballot, and if so, how much it will be."(2 Aug'12)
Village Engineer plans summer road, ditch maintenance
Village Council recently OK'd contracts for maintenance and repair of roads and ditches/drainage over the
summer of 2012. Village Engineer Krock has released maps of the planned repairs: 2012 Road Maintenance Program 2012 Drainage Maintenance
Notification to affected property owners, and possibly public meetings, are planned before work begins.
(24 Jul'12)
Woodridge Schools levy on 7 August Special Election ballot
At a 7 August Special Election, Village residents in the Woodridge School District (only) will be voting
Woodridge Local Schools Emergency Levy, Issue 5: 6.83-mill 5-year levy, expected to raise about
The levy proponents' website is Support Woodridge,
and includes a levy cost calculator.
(17 Jul'12)
Village Council agenda for the
11 July 2012 regular meeting(11 Jul'12) Update: Council adopted a couple of zoning code corrections, as well as a new zoning map (which does
not change any zoning, but reflects the post-Route 8 upgrade terrain). Plans for a fall flea market were
endorsed and agreed to sell a surplus vehicle on eBay. A public meeting was set for 7:30PM on 8 Aug'12 to
present a planned change in political sign posting regulations that are intended to more closely conform to
existing court decisions. (12 Jul'12)
Village Council agenda for the
26 June 2012 special meeting(26 Jun'12) Update: Council resolved to seek a grant for financial assistance on the planned roadway and drainage
upgrades to West Hines Hill Road; adjusted two police officers' pay grades; authorized contracts for
extensive roadway and drainage repair programs in the Village. The Village Engineer will be finalizing the
scope of these repairs, which include crack and chip sealing of roadways, asphalt repairs, ditch and culvert
cleaning, culvert replacement and repairs. Affected residents will be notified, and there may be a public
meeting later in the summer to explain these projects. (27 Jun'12)
State Auditor releases Boston Heights 2011-2012 Audit
The biennial audit of the Village's finances and procedures was released this month, along with a management
letter advising improvements in various fiscal procedures and department management practices.
There was also an additional report on "Agreed Procedures" to ensure everything was in order during the
transition from Village Clerk-Treasurer to Fiscal Officer. (11 Jun'12)
Village Council agenda for the
13 June 2012 regular meeting(13 June'12) Update: As only four of the six Council members attended the meeting, all ordinances and resolutions
were held for an additional reading (it takes at least five members to override the standard requirement for
three readings of each item). However, a special Council meeting will be held later in the month to attend
to the more urgent matters; tentatively set for 6:30PM, Tue 26 Jun'12.
Before the Council meeting was a presentation by the Village's insurance broker on options for liability
insurance coverage for the various independent Village associations ( Fairview Cemetery Ass'n, Friends of Matthews-Thomas
Park, Boston Heights Fire Department Ass'n. It
appears that these groups will need to obtain event liability coverage, as the Village has discovered that
its blanket liability policy may not cover the activities of such groups.
Following the meeting, Village Engineer Dave Krock presented a review of the preliminary engineering for the
West Hines Hill Road improvements that the Village hopes to make in the next year or so. (14 Jun'12)
Village Council agenda for the 9
May 2012 regular meeting(8 May'12) Update: Council tweaked the new noise ordinance, created a mechanism for carrying out fire
inspections, sorted out some insurance issues for village events, appointed Ian Paieta as Fire Captain, Gail
Graci as ass't office clerk, and set rates and policies for the Park pavilion. (10 May'12)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 2 May'12
meeting Update: The Planning Commission and several Boston Heights citizens held a lively discussion on a
proposal to change the Residential District zoning regulations to make agriculture a conditional use
(subject to review) instead of the current permitted use (no review). The PC plans to further consider the
matter at future meetings. (3 May'12)
BH Firefighter Association Steak Dinner/Dance cancelled
We are informed that the Boston Heights Firefighters' Association Steak Dinner and Dance, previously
scheduled for 19 May 2012, has been cancelled. (1 May'12)
Village adopts new Noise Ordinance
As noted earlier, Boston Heights Village Council adopted, at its April 2012
meeting, a substantially stronger Noise Ordinance. According to discussion among Council, the changes
are intended to address some reported difficulties, under the previous ordinance, in enforcement of peace
and quiet in the Village residential neighborhoods. Primary changes include:
• A change from the old (poorly defined) quiet time after 11PM to a general restriction on
unreasonable or annoying noise;
• A specific restriction on sounds audible 80 feet from the property line, without regard to time
of day;
• A restriction on operation of machinery or engines that generate "loud, unnecessary,
unreasonable, or obnoxious noise";
• A clause permitting confiscation of portable sound equipment or vehicles used to violate the
(This list is not comprehensive.) The new law is now in effect. (1 May'12)
Public Hearing Zoning Code Changes and Map Update
A public hearing will be held at the Boston Heights Village Hall at 6:30PM, Tue 22 May 2012 (before the
monthly Financial Committee meeting). The hearing will present some technical changes to the Zoning Code,
and an update to the Village's Zoning Map. No property is being rezoned, but the updated map will reflect
previous zoning district changes (from 2007) and the parcel changes due to the Route 8 upgrade project.
(1 May'12)
Click for the Village notification of the
22 May'12 Public Hearing.
Sunoco Pipeline Survey
Wondering about people roaming around along the gas pipeline that runs through Boston Heights? Sunoco has
taken over ownership and may be out surveying the pipeline and its right-of-way. (24 Apr'12)
Details in this Sunoco letter.
Village Council agenda for the
15 April 2012 emergency meeting(14 Apr'12)
As the 2012 pay ordinance has not yet been passed, it is necessary to amend the existing pay ordinance in
order to include the new Fiscal Officer's position. The former position of Clerk-Treasurer was elected, for
which an annual salary had been set by a separate ordinance before election. Update: Fiscal Officer Richard Huber's pay was set at $18.77 per hour. (15 Apr'12)
Village Council agenda for the
11 April 2012 regular meeting(10 Apr'12) Update: Council approved a substantially stronger noise ordinance for the Village, allowed for
temporary alternative members for the Planning Commission, and adopted several other measures. (14 Apr'12)
Residents invited to meeting on Hines Hill Road plans
The Village of Boston Heights and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park have invited residents, particularly
those of West Hines Hill Road and the Wooded View neighborhood, to attend a public meeting at the Village
Hall at 7PM, Wed. 18 April 2012. Plans and timetables for the repair or reconstruction of Hines Hill will be
discussed. See Mayor
Goncy's letter(3 Apr'12)
Boston Heights Seeks Part-time Office Assistant Details
here. (4 Apr'12)
Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman retires; Village transitions to Fiscal Officer
After 23 years of service to the Village of Boston Heights, mostly as Clerk-Treasurer, Carol Zeman has
retired as of 31 March, 2012. With her goes the elected office of Clerk-Treasurer; those duties will now be
carried out by an appointed employee of the Village. Richard W. Huber was recently appointed and confirmed
as the first Fiscal Officer for Boston Heights, beginning on 1 April 2012. The job remains a combination of
Treasurer and Clerk of Council. (1 Apr'12)
2012 FOP Reverse Raffle & Dinner - In Memory of Former Mayor Raymond C. McFall
Fraternal Order of Police &Auxiliary 2012 Dinner and Reverse Raffle will be 21 April 2012 at the Clarion
Inn at Boston Heights: Ticket
info here. (29 Mar'12)
Summit County Reverse Alert System
can notify you of emergencies
The Summit County Reverse Alert system will attempt to call all listed landline phone numbers in areas
affected by an emergency situation. If you have no landline telephone and/or wish to be notified of
emergencies by cell phone, text message, or email, you can opt in to the Reverse Alert System here: Summit County Reverse Alert System
Registration (29 Mar'12)
CVNP to carry out controlled burn near W. Boston Mills Road Update: The prescribed fire was carried out on Thursday, 29 March 2012 south of W. Boston Mills Road
in Boston Township. See the CPD
video here. (31 Mar'12) Previously:
At some point between 26 March and 30 April, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park will carry out a controlled,
or "prescribed", fire in Boston Township near West Boston Mills Road. The exact date will be chosen based on
weather conditions. Please see the CVNP
Prescribed Fire document for full details and assurances. (27 Mar'12) HHT: Park fights invasive
plants with fire(27 Mar'12) ABJ: CUYAHOGA VALLEY / Burn Plan in Park(25 Mar'12)
Village Council agenda for the
27 March 2012 special meeting(26 Mar'12) Update: Council approved the contracts with Macedonia for safety dispatching and temporary housing of prisoners, as well as one
of two cemetery settlement agreements, this year's contract with Summit Soil & Water. Council also
permitted the Village to advertise for a new part-time assistant to the Office Clerk (Deputy Clerk of
Mayor's Court), as Richard Huber will be moving from that position to that of Fiscal Officer, as of Sunday 1
April 2012. (27 Mar'12)
VOTE ON FIVE-YEAR DEAL WITH CITY [Macedonia](21 Mar'12) Update: Council approved the 5-year safety dispatch contract with Macedonia at a Special Council
Meeting on 27 Mar'12. The contract is for a flat annual fee starting at $71,000 this year and increasing
2.0-2.5% each year thereafter. (27 Mar'12)
Village Council agenda for the
14 March 2012 regular meeting(15 Mar'12) Update: Council approved Mayor Goncy's revised appointment of Richard W. Huber to the position of
Village Fiscal Officer for the balance of 2012. The term runs through the 2nd Wedneday of 2013. Mr. Huber
recently joined the Village staff as an assistant to the Office Clerk (Deputy Clerk of Mayor's Court), and
will transition to the Fiscal Officer position on 1 April 2012. The Fiscal Officer position is new to Boston
Heights this year, and is an appointed employee position that replaces the previously elected
Clerk-Treasurer, with much the same duties.
Mayor Goncy displayed a proclamation of thanks for the retiring Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman, noting her 23
years of service to the Village. He also prepared a proclamation of thanks to veteran firefighter Robert
Reidl, who is leaving the Village Fire Department after 42 years of service.
Council has arranged a Special Council Meeting on 27 Mar'12 to handle some time-constrained issues before
the end of the first quarter of 2012. (15 Mar'12)
Woodridge Schools levy on March Primary ballot
At the 6 March Primary Election, Village residents in the Woodridge School District will be voting on:
Woodridge Local Schools Emergency Levy, Issue 10: 6.83-mill 5-year levy, expected to raise about
The levy proponents' website is Support Woodridge,
and includes a levy cost calculator.
(27 Feb'12) Previously:Woodridge approves March levy request
Village Council agenda for the
20 February 2012 special meeting(17 Feb'12) Update: In a near-record 2 minutes and 45 seconds, Council authorized advertising for the position of
Fiscal Officer, and adjourned. Mayor Goncy's appointment is still pending a final vote, having had two of
the necessary three readings before Council. (20 Feb'12)
Village Council agenda for the
16 February 2012 special meeting
Another try at revisiting the question of the Mayor's pending appointment of the Village Fiscal Officer.
(15 Feb'12) Update: Council noted a second reading of a resolution to approve the Mayor's appointment of a Fiscal
Officer for the Village, but took no further action before adjourning. Several Council members expressed a
desire that the Mayor interview other candidates, and to that end set another special Council meeting for
Monday to authorize advertising the position. Note that by Ohio (ORC 733.262) and Village law, the Fiscal Officer is appointed by the Mayor, which
appointment is approved by Council (or not). This differs from selection of, for example, Village Solicitor,
who is selected and appointed solely by Council (ORC
733.48). (17 Feb'12)
Village Council agenda for the
13 February 2012 special meeting
Revisiting the question of the Mayor's pending appointment of the Village Fiscal Officer. (9 Feb'12) Update: As fewer than the necessary quorum of four Council members attended, the meeting was unable
to be convened. There was some informal discussion of the scheduling of another Special Council Meeting.
(13 Feb'12)
Village Council agenda for the 8
February 2012 regular meeting Update: Council approved the 2012 budget appropriations; deferred consideration of Mayor Goncy's
proposed appointment of Melinda A. Valahovic as Village Fiscal Officer (she is currently the assistant to
the Clerk-Treasurer); agreed to settle a dispute at Fairview Cemetery. Council agreed to allow a damaged
police cruiser to be sold as salvage, having received an insurance settlement in the matter. A new fleet of
police cruisers is currently being purchased and outfitted. Council also approved the Mayor's appointment of
Dana Berchtold to the Recreation Advisory Commission (Park Board). (9 Feb'12)
More on AMATS Connected Communities Grant for Village
AMATS has posted its Request for Qualifications seeking a consultant for the Boston Heights Comprehensive
Plan project: Request for Qualifications : Village of Boston Heights. (3 Feb'12)
A short video explaining the Connected Communities Grant program, and the Village's project, is here:
Village Police Chief Joe Varga Defers Retirement
In a letter to Mayor Goncy and
Council, Boston Heights Chief of Police Joseph Varga has rescinded his earlier plan to retire in
mid-2012. Chief Varga now expects to stay on the job until 2017. There had been some discussion on his
remaining Chief on a part-time basis after retirement. (31 Jan'12) Previously:Village Police Chief Joe Varga to
Retire (2011)
Property Tax Reduction Opportunities for Homeowners
Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman reminds Village residents to ensure they're receiving the 2.5% property tax
reduction for their primary home -- and if not, apply for it before June. In addition, residents turning 65
(and up!) this year, or totally disabled, can apply for an additional Homestead Exemption for part of their
home's property taxes. Any changes won't show up on your tax bill until next year.
Check your property tax record for HOMESTEAD Yes/No and 2.5% REDUCTION Yes/No
Links: Check your
property tax record * 2.5% Reduction * Homestead Exemption
Village Council agenda for the
11 January 2012 regular meeting Update: Council bumped up the Village's fees for credit card payments, chargebacks and bad checks,
and endorsed the Mayor's appointment of Richard Huber as assistant to Office Clerk Kathi Cole.
Council also engaged attorney Marshal Pitchford as Village Solicitor for another two years (as his current appointment ends on 31 January),
but not without a great deal of discussion. Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman and Mayor Goncy cautioned Council to
be aware of the probable need for a much larger legal budget than in recent years, based on Mr.
Pitchford's new contract rates and increased work hours. Mr. Pitchford (and several members of Council)
pointed out that he is currently expending extra hours resolving Village legal issues that have been
languishing for years, and which hopefully may be brought to some final conclusion. Councilor Ron Antal
suggested re-opening a search for a Solicitor in the hope of realizing lower legal cost, but others on
Council felt that last year's extensive search process was sufficient. (A suggestion to have routine matters
handled by an attorney other than the Solicitor is probably impractical under Ohio law). (12 Jan'12)
New in town: Sculpt Fitness personal training gym has
opened a new facility in Boston Heights, on Akron-Cleveland Road (across from Tequila Pancho's). HHT: New gym offers open
space exercising(11 Jan'12)
Public Meeting:
Hines Hill Bike Path Feasibility Study
A public meeting was held at 7PM 9 January 2012 at the Boston Heights Village Hall. The purpose of the
meeting was to inform residents about a potential Bikeway on Hines Hill Road. In 2001, Metro Parks
established a Greenway Plan for Summit County. This plan identified ideal locations for bikeways, and those
included Hines Hill Road. In November of this year, a matching grant was awarded to conduct a feasibility
study for bikeway along Hines Hill Road. (from the Village's legal notice) Update: Mayor Bill Goncy introduced the various speakers from Floyd-Browne Engineering, Summit County
Trailways Coalition, and City of Hudson Parks. The basic proposal being examined is to build a bike trail in
the existing right-of-way on the north side of W. Hines Hill Road eastward from its current intersection
with the MetroParks Bike & Hike Trail. The trail would cross Olde Eight Road at a flashing-signal
crosswalk, continue along (or possibly, through) the old Boston Hills golf course to Dean Memorial Parkway
at Route 8. There the trail would cross Hines Hill to the south side of the road, cross Dean Memorial (both
at pedestrian-signalized crosswalks) and continue on that side of the road eastward to the Hudson city line.
The trail would then cross Brandywine Creek on a new bridge and continue past the old Youth Development
Center, across the railroad tracks, and up to Prospect Street. It would then follow Prospect and Morse Drive
to Hudson's First and Main center, downtown. The proposal included drainage improvements for the W. Hines
Hill road area nearest Wooded View, though this was not expected to resolve the drainage problems within
those properties. There was some discussion of right-of-way and other issues, all of which was promised to
be considered as the feasibility study continues. (10 Jan'12)
See also: Hudson Park Board, Oct'11
Village Council agenda for the 4
January 2012 special meeting Update: Council recombined the Safety 1 (Police) and Safety 2 (Fire) Committees into a single Safety
Committee. Councilor Don Polyak explained that this was intended to improve fiscal and operational
coordination between Council and the two public safety departments. Mr. Polyak was also selected as Council
President Pro Tempore, who will chair the Financial Committee and step in for the Mayor when necessary. The
Council members assigned themselves to the various standing committees -- not without some measure of
controversy and discussion. (4 Jan'12)
NL: Five file for area's
two new state House districts
Boston Heights joins the new 38th Ohio House District, running along the western side of Summit and Stark
Counties. Lynn Slaby (R) of Copley, and Michael J. Kaplan (D) of Peninsula have filed for the seat, to be
decided on the Nov'12 ballot. Most of the rest of Northern Summit County is in the new 37th District.
(9 Dec'11)
Boston Heights Wins Grant for Comprehensive Plan Development
For the past several years, the Village's largely volunteer Comprehensive Zoning Plan Committee has been
working on forming a Comprehensive Plan for Boston Heights. Residents may recall the survey that was carried
out by the CZPC in 2009, the results of which were presented to Council at that time. This fall, the CZPC
applied for an AMATS Connected Communities grant in the hopes of receiving professional planning assistance
in completing the Plan. This week, the Village was in fact awarded the grant, which will be administered and
expended by AMATS on its behalf: ABJ: Agency approves federal transportation funds for Boston Heights, Ravenna(7 Dec'11) See also:Vlg of Boston Hts
Application: AMATS Connected Communities Grant 2011 (Oct'11)
WSL: Woodridge
approves March levy request
Woodridge Local Schools will place an emergency tax levy on the 6 March 2012 Primary Election ballot. The
Board of Education voted 22 Nov'11 to request a five-year levy raising $3M/year. Millage is yet to be
determined. (1 Dec'11) See also:Woodridge's money woes... (Nov'11)
Village's Residential Trash Hauler adds online billing & billpay
Register here with J&J Refuse. It's
optional; you will still get a paper bill and pay by mail, if you prefer. (1 Dec'11)
Village Council agenda for the 9
November 2011 regular meeting Update: Council deferred action on regulations for the upcoming Fiscal Officer position; allowed for
fire station staffing during weather/emergency events; enabled the Mayor to contract with the County to
administer "entertainment arcade" regulations; endorsed funding for a future study of bike trails; enabled
the Mayor to contract with the new interim Engineer; and enabled the Mayor to contract with a collection
agency to pursue old unpaid fines and fees. (10 Nov'11)
Boston Heights Election Results(9 Nov'11) Mayor: Goncy re-elected:
Bill Goncy WIN 57%
Janet Miller 43%
Council: Two new members elected:
Ron Antal (Meghan's Lane) WIN 39% (+1% other write-ins)
Glen Blakeney (Sholle Dr) WIN 33%
James Hudson (Olde Eight) 27%
Levies: Both Village levies renewed, Nordonia levy passed:
NL: Village to decide
levies for services
An explanation of the two Boston Heights levy renewals that will be on the ballot next Tuesday, 8
Fire Dept. Operating Levy, Issue 68: 3-year, 0.75-mill levy renewal.
Road Levy, Issue 67: 5-year, 2.75-mill levy renewal.
Council member Don Polyak has offered this explanation and endorsement of the Road Levy renewal. (4 Nov'11)
Village residents in the Nordonia Hills City School District will also be voting on:
Nordonia Schools Operating Levy, Issue 18: 6-mill continuing levy. Previously:Nov'11 Election Preview
Village Police Chief Joe Varga to Retire Update: Chief Varga rescinded this retirement plan 31
Boston Heights Chief of Police Joseph Varga has informed the Village that he will retire, effective 19 April
2012, according to Scott Foss, Chair of Council's Safety 1 Committee.
Chief Varga had previously announced his retirement for June 2009, but rescinded that decision in the wake
of Officer Dean's death.
Mr. Foss stated that the Safety 1 Committee will begin discussions on filling the Chief's position.
According to Village Code
CO137.01 the Chief is appointed by the Mayor with the confirmation of Council. There is expressly no
residency requirement for this position. (28 Oct'11) Previously:Village Police Chief Joe Varga Rescinds
Resignation (2009)
Interim Village Engineer appointed
Mayor Goncy has appointed David
Krock, of Krock Esser Engineering Inc., as the interim Village Engineer. Mr. Krock is currently also the
part-time engineer for the Village of Reminderville. He will fill out the rest of the 2011 term, due to the
recent resignation of Victoria McCauley. Village Council, the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer will solicit area
engineers for interest in the 2012 term. (26 Oct'11)
Village Craft Show by Fairview Cemetery Association: Fri, 11 Nov'11 4-8PM & Sat,
12 Nov'11 9AM-2PM (12 Oct'11)
Village Council agenda for the
12 October 2011 regular meeting Update: Council passed new regulations for any future "entertainment device arcades" (aka
Internet/sweepstakes parlors); committed to 5 new police cruisers for 2012; will advertise for new Village
Engineer, as Victoria McCauley announced her resignation. Mayor Goncy announced that ODOT had declare the
Route 8 project complete. (12 Oct'11)
Village Council agenda for the
14 September 2011 regular meeting Update: Raymond Heatwall was promoted and sworn in as Lieutenant of the Boston Heights Police
Department. Kevin Skerl, ecologist for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, explained the status of the Krejci
Dump cleanup project; it nears completion, and no contamination appears to have spread outside the dump.
(14 Sep'11)
November 2011 Election Preview(20 Sep'11) Running for Mayor::
Bill Goncy (Olde Eight Rd) (incumbent)
Janet L. Miller (Ianwood Cir) (now Council President)
Running for 2 Council seats::
Ronald Antal (Meghan's Lane) [Write-In]
Glen R. Blakeney, Sr. (Sholle Dr)
James D. Hudson (Olde Eight Rd)
Village Levies:
Issue: Road Levy 2.75mil renewal, maintenance
Issue: Fire Levy, 0.75mil renewal, operations
In addition, Hudson, Woodridge and Nordonia school districts all have Board of Education races, and
Woodridge and Nordonia are expected to have levy issues as well. (12 Sep'11)
Natural Gas rate of $5.749/Mcf available to Village residents
Mayor Goncy reports that he has arranged for Direct Energy Services LLC to make available to residents of
Boston Heights the same natural gas rate offered to Hudson residents. That rate is $5.749/Mcf ($5.649/Mcf
for eligible seniors), from Dec'11 thru Jun'12 billings. To take this contract rate:
• Call Direct Energy's Customer Care Center at 1-866-803-4618.
• Have your Dominion East Ohio bill available, as you will need your account number to enroll.
• Tell the Direct Energy representative that you would like to enroll in the Direct Choice Program for the
Village of Boston Heights, at the Hudson contract rates.
Details on the offer are given in this flyer(09 Sep'11)
Village Council agenda for the
23 August 2011 special meeting
Council will decide whether to permit the Mayor to work with ODOT to repair the embankment landslide along
Route 303, using Federal emergency funding. (19 Aug'11) Update: After a bit of debate over the Village's possible financial exposure to project time/cost
overruns, Council voted to authorize the Mayor to contract with ODOT to make the embankment repair. If
completed by 16 Nov (as is projected), the entire project should be paid for with Federal funding.
(24 Aug'11)
Krejci Dump Cleanup Winding Up
Mayor Bill Goncy reports his discussion with the onsite cleanup representative for the Krejci Dump down W.
Hines Hill Road from the Village, in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park:
All grids on the project are now clean and the area for truck loading should be cleaned up within a week.
Rough grading of the entire site is proposed to be completed this Fall with remaining dirt movement on site.
Spring will finish planting of all the area and can be coordinated with the Village's repair of Hines Hill
Road. The Mayor also mentioned, at the last Council Meeting, that he had asked for updated results from
ongoing contamination testing along the roadways (Ed. Note: none of which has so far shown any contamination
due to the cleanup trucking.) (12 Aug'11) Previously:Krejci Dump Cleanup, Trucking Continues
Village Council agenda for the
10 August 2011 regular meeting Update: Village Council voted (with Mr. Foss dissenting) to use $100,000 of the Village's contingency
reserve fund to add another garage/equipment bay to the Fire Station. The Fire Levy capital funding was
sufficient only to expand and improve the offices, bathrooms and meeting areas, for just under $300,000. The
total budget for the additions and improvements to the Fire Station is now $407,850. The project is expected
to begin shortly once contracts are in place. (10 Aug'11)
Boston Heights Woodridge voters to see school levy request
Voters in the Woodridge school district will see a 5.88 mil, 10 year, emergency operating levy on the 8
November 2011 ballot. The levy is to raise $2.85M/year for the district. WSL: Woodridge board moves
5.88-mill levy to ballot (4 Aug'11)
Boston Heights Local Election Results(2 Aug'11) Levy:
Issue 1: Nordonia Schools 6.91mil new, 5yr, operations
FAIL: 56% NO to 44% YES
HHT: Route 8 project nearly
done(3 Apr'11)
ODOT: "final phase of the state Route 8 project will be complete by the fall"
Dean Memorial Parkway dedicated
A ceremony honoring the Village's late Officer Jarod M. Dean, and dedicating the new Dean Memorial Parkway,
was held on Fri, 22 Jul 2011 at 10AM, at the parking area between the Clarion Inn
and Bevan Law offices. Mayor Goncy, Chief Varga, and a number of other officials spoke on Officer Dean's
service and on the project. The Mayor presented a commemorative plaque to Officer Dean's parents, who then
cut the ribbon opening the newly-dedicated roadway. ABJ: "Boston Heights dedicates Dean Memorial Parkway"(22 Jul'11) HHT: "Road named for
fallen officer"(22 Jul'11) NN5: "Dedication ceremony honors fallen Boston Heights officer"(22 Jul'11) Info:Dean Memorial Dedication
Nordonia Schools voters to decide school levy request
A special election on Tue, 2 Aug 2011 will decide the latest levy request for Nordonia Hills City Schools.
In Boston Heights, only voters residing within that school district will have anything on this ballot.
(14 Jul'11)
Issue 1: NORDONIA HILLS CSD - "Shall a levy be imposed by the Nordonia Hills City School
District for the purpose of providing for the emergency requirements of the school district in the sum of
$7,000,000 and a levy of taxes to be made outside of the ten-mill limitation estimated by the county fiscal
officer to average 6.91 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 69.1 cents for each one
hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2011, first due in calendar year 2012?"
Krejci Dump Cleanup, Trucking Continues
In a July 2011 update on the Krejci
Dump cleanup project, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park reports that the contractor expects to be moving
into the final phase of testing and removing contaminated soil. The contractor has been removing additional
soil since 2009, when lingering contamination was found beyond the original cleanup. It appears that truck
traffic on Hines Hill Road may continue for a while yet, depending on the results of soil testing in the
last remediation zones. The best case seems to be a windup of the project in Spring 2012, including
revegetation. (12 Jul'11) History: The Krejci Dump "Superfund" toxic waste cleanup project began in Fall 2005 (see CVNP disclosure letter) and was
intended to run about 3 years. Citizen concerns along Hines Hill Road sparked a objections and calls for alternative
routing. At a public
meeting in Boston Heights, the project management explained their precautions, and agreed to several
restrictions on truck traffic, and to conduct contamination testing along W. Hines Hill Road. This was
conducted before and after the initial major hauling phase, with no significant
contamination found.
After the initial excavation concluded in 2008, residual contamination was detected in some areas of the
dump site; soil removal recommenced in 2009 and has continued to date.
Previously:Boston dump site still contaminated (Oct'09)
What's that new Turnpike bridge??
Several people have asked us about what seems to be a new bridge going up over the Turnpike between Olde
Eight Road and the Bike-and-Hike Trail bridges. The answer is that it's a new overhead right-of-way for a
large-diameter gas pipeline that already passes north-south through the Village. The line has been under
refurbishment for the past several years. Mayor Goncy explains: "Replacement of that transmission pipeline is being done in phases. In this phase, the line is being
rerouted overhead across the Ohio Turnpike as per that agreement and all jurisdiction is with the Turnpike
Commission in coordination with the third lane widening on the Turnpike."(5 Jul'11)
Village Council agenda for the
30 June 2011 special meeting
Council will decide whether to certify a renewal of the 0.75 mil operating levy for the Fire Department,
which was instituted a couple of years back to provide for training and expanded services. Update: Not enough Council members attended the special meeting for any action to be taken; the
measure received a second reading and will presumably be considered at Council's next regular meeting.
(1 Jul'11)
ABJ: " Boston Township prepares to
celebrate its bicentennial"(15 Jun'11)
Boston Heights shares many years of history with the township, as the Village was created from a corner of
Boston Township in the 1920s. Fairview Cemetery was actually still owned by the Township until just a few
years ago when it was finally transfered to the Village.
Local sewer rates to climb
Boston Heights residents and businesses served by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District will
also see a sizable increase in rates over the next few years. This is for regular sanitary sewer
service and is unrelated to the NEORSD's controversial stormwater fee. ABJ: "Northern Summit will see sewer
rate hike"(3 Jun'11) "District trustees OK increases affecting residents through 2016" NL: "Sewer rates
increasing in 2012"(3 Jun'11) Previously:NEO Region Sewer District plans rate
Cleveland water rates to climb
Boston Heights residents and businesses served by Cleveland Water will see a sharp increase in rates over
the next four years. NL: "Water rates to
increase by two-thirds"(1 Jun'11)
Nordonia Schools to try again on operating levy
Boston Heights voters in the Nordonia Hills City School District (in the northern 1/3 of the Village) will
see another try at an operating levy on the ballot for the 2 August Special Election. This fourth try is a
$7M levy of about 6.91 mills. NL: "Fourth school levy
try is $7 million 'emergency'"(11 May'11) Previously:May'11 Levy Results; Nordonia levy fails
Council Committees recommend levy renewals
The Village Council's Road Committee met on Thu, 26 May'11 to consider renewal or replacement of the
Village's longstanding Road Levy. After a lengthy discussion on the road repair needs of the village, and of
fiscal issues, the committee voted to recommend a renewal of the existing Road Levy, at the current term and
rates. This 5-year levy was last passed in November
2006 at a replacement rate of 2.75 mills. The current effective (residential) millage is 2.7336
Subsequently, the Council's Safety 2 Fire Committee discussed the goals and results of the Village's
relatively new Fire Department Operating Levy. This was passed in November
2009, at a rate of 0.75 mill for three years. After some confusion as to whether the levy was actually
due to expire, the committee voted to recommend a renewal of this levy as well, at the current term and
rates. (There is a separate and long-standing levy for Fire Department equipment and maintenance, currently
at 0.5 mill.)
Village Council will later vote whether to put these recommended renewals on the ballot of the November
general election. (26 May'11)
Planning/Zoning agenda set for 1 June '11
meeting Update:The Planning Commission approved a parcel split at the under-construction
Paychex/Geis/Hemingway building on E. Hines Hill Road, but emphasized their previous finding that the old
Range building could not be occupied unless brought into compliance with zoning setbacks and permitted uses.
Otherwise it must be razed before occupancy of the Paychex building. (2 Jun'11)
FNP: Letter: Three mayors support Hudson
school levy
Mayor Bill Goncy joined the mayors of Hudson and Cuyahoga Falls in endorsing the upcoming Hudson Schools
continuing operating levy. (24 Apr'11)
Liberty Harley-Davidson, The Range, & Brewsters all close
Liberty Harley-Davidson on E. Hines Hill Road has closed so that the owner can consolidate his two
locations, as explained by Mr. Passeos on the Liberty
Harley-Davidson website. He also cited business disruptions due to the Route 8 construction project.
The Range driving range, and its onsite tavern Brewsters at the Range (formerly Arabica Coffee) both closed
recently as well. According to a posting at the site, that closure was due to the office project that the property owner has begun on the same E.
Hines Hill parcel. (15 Apr'11)
Village Council selects new Solicitor
After a lengthy executive session at its April meeting, Council selected a new Solicitor to replace
Constance Hesske. Pending a final contract, on 1 May 2011 attorney Marshal Pitchford will become Solicitor through January
2012. Mr. Pitchford is a partner at the Roetzel & Andress law firm. (13 Apr'11) Previously:Council looks for new Solicitor. (25 Feb'11)
Council considers change from Clerk-Treasurer to Fiscal Officer
A public meeting was held at the Village Hall on Wed, 16 Mar'11 at 7PM to discuss a proposal to convert the
elected office of Clerk-Treasurer to an appointed Fisal Officer. Mayor Goncy introduced the history of the
office and the overall concept of the proposed change, and the members of Council offered the result of
their inquiries among other villages in the area. The opinions of the mayors of villages with Fiscal
Officers were all in favor of the appointed position, citing a broader base of talent and better
accountability. (16 Mar'11)
The complete meeting can be heard here: VBH Public Meeting re Fiscal Officer 3/16/2011 Previously: Council met in a work session on Wed, 3 Mar'11 at 7:30pm, and held a related public
meeting on Wed, 16 Mar'11 at 7:00, to discuss the concept of a Fiscal Officer.
Council member Ron Fenn introduced a proposal to convert the elected office of Clerk-Treasurer (long held by
resident Carol Zeman) to an employed position of Fiscal Officer. The State of Ohio introduced this option
for villages in 2002, per ORC 733.262. The Village of
Peninsula made this same change last year.
This change must be carried out at least 120 days before the next general election for the office, which is
November 2011, so that it takes effect upon the end of the current term. A Fiscal Officer is appointed by
the Mayor and confirmed by Council, as with most Village appointments (but not all). Presumably this
arrangement helps ensure that village fiscal matters are handled by a competent and a properly trained
manager who is responsible to the Mayor and Council. It also allows the village to look outside its borders
for this talent, if necessary. On the other hand, it removes this office from the hands of the voters in
direct election. (25 Feb'11)
Village Council agenda for the 9 March 2011
regular meeting Update: At the 9 Mar'11 Council meeting, the Village Council approved the final tax abatement
agreement that is anticipated to bring the 140-job PayChex facility to Hines Hill Road. Council also
approved the compensation agreement that pledges the Village to pay the Hudson Schools for all property
taxes foregone from this project. (9 Mar'11)
Hudson Schools BOE approves abatement, pending compensation agreement HHT: Company could bring 140 jobs to
Boston Heights(6 Mar'11) Ed. Note: An interesting discrepency: the schools' treasurer is quoted as estimating a property tax
loss to the schools of $65,000 whereas the developer (and so, the Village) has estimated that loss at,
initially, $46,000 per year. This point will, presumably, be settled in the formal alternative compensation
agreement between the Village and the Hudson Schools. Update: At the 9 Mar'11 Council meeting, Councilor Don Polyak reported that the schools'
treasurer had been referring to the total school property taxes, not the taxes to be abated as was stated in
the article. This sort of tax abatement applies to the improvements to the property, not the land itself,
which continues to be taxed normally.(9 Mar'11)
Village advertises for new Solicitor
As directed at the last Council meeting, the Village is advertising for a new Solicitor (legal officer). The
current Solicitor Constance Hesske is leaving the office as of 1 May 2011. The ads state:
The Village of Boston Heights seeks to employ a Village Solicitor for the calendar year of
2011. All job requirements can be viewed in the Ohio Revised
Code under Section 705.11, but are not limited to this section. Any resumes may be sent to the Village
of Boston Heights town hall at the following address:
Vlg of Boston Heights 45 E. Boston Mills Rd. Boston Hts., OH 44236
Resumes may be e-mailed to the Clerk-Treasurer at czeman @
Resumes need to be received by 4:00 pm on March 7, 2011.
Carol Zeman Clerk-Treasurer
(25 Feb'11) Previously: At its 9 Feb'11 meeting, Council accepted the Solicitor's 90-day notice, and will
advertise for qualifications from lawyers interested in the Village Solicitor post. (9 Feb'11)
Village Council agenda for the Special Meeting
of 16 Feb'11, 6PM
Approving the presentation of a proposed tax abatement agreement to Hudson Schools. (15 Feb'11) Update: Council reviewed the proposed 100%/10 year tax abatement proposal for an office building on
Hines Hill Road, and (with a few corrections) agreed to have it presented to the Hudson School Board for
their review. (16 Feb'11)
Planning Commission approves plan for office building at The Range
At its February meeting, the PC approved the site plan for the first major development project in the
Village after the near-completion of Route 8. Geis Cos. is proposing a 25,000 sq.ft. building at The Range,
as an office for a company employing about 150 people. (This is likely to close the driving range, due to
encroachment on its building and parking.) Approval is subject to the review of the Village Engineer, and
some minor changes. The developer is, however, also seeking a CRA property tax abatement from the Village;
completion of the project is said to hinge on the outcome of that effort. (3 Feb'11)
Village Council agenda for the Special Meeting
of 31 Jan'11, 5PM
"For the purpose of resolving issues regarding the Village Solicitor" Update: Council, plus the Mayor in a tie-breaking vote, continued the Solicitor's 2011 contract, with
the understanding that she will immediately tender her 90-day notice. At last report, this notice has been
sent to the Mayor. Presumably the Council will now begin a concerted search for a new legal officer.
(2 Feb'11)
Daniel Henderson, longtime Village resident
Daniel Henderson, a resident and vocal citizen of Boston Heights since 1958, passed away on Tuesday, 16
November 2010. Arrangements here. (17 Nov'10)
Branch & Leaves Pickup
Call the Village Hall 330-650-4111 to ask for Fall branch & leaves pickup, as the Road Department's
schedule permits. (10 Nov'10)
Route 8 project nears roadway completion Update: As ODOT predicted, the local ramps and bridges at Route 8 all opened on Friday, 12 November
2010. This returns local east-west access to Boston Mills Road, as well as access from northbound Route 8
and from the new frontage road. Final steps of the project -- berms, landscaping, etc. -- will continue
through next spring. (13 Nov'10) HHT: "Roads open as Route 8 work winds
down(3 Nov'10)
Both the main northbound and southbound lanes of Route 8 were re-opened Friday, 22 October 2010. The
"frontage road" has become a regular two-way access road, but for the time being it will only handle traffic
between Hines Hill Road and the local Ohio Turnpike exit/entrance.
The ramp from Hines Hill Road to state Route 8 northbound is now open.
The Boston Mills Road bridge over Route 8 will remain closed while work continues on the Turnpike exit and
entrance ramps. According to ODOT, these will all be open by the middle of November. (3 Nov'10)
HHT: Former owner of Hudson business
indicted on tax charges Scott Carter, formerly of Boston Heights, was arrested and indicted in
federal court for tax violations in conjunction with his company Advance Health Systems, which was formerly
located on Hines Hill Road in Boston Heights. (2 Nov'10)
Boston Heights Local Election Results(3 Nov'10) Levies:
Village of Boston Heights seeks part-time office help
"The Village of Boston Heights seeks to employ two (2) part time Clerks to assist the full-time Village
Clerk/Clerk of Courts and the Village Clerk- Treasurer. Both positions require intermediate computer skills
with knowledge of Excel and Word preferred and the ability to adapt to various job specific software. An
application can be acquired at the Village of Boston Heights town hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
4:00 p.m. or you may call 330-650-4111 (Akron) or 330-656-2575 (Cleve) to have an application e-mailed or
faxed to you." (27 Oct'10)
Summit County offers help for septic systems, hookups
The county has received Federal funding to assist some homeowners with failing septic systems, including
hookups to available sanitary sewer lines. Further information is here.
(20 Oct'10)
Resident apologizes to Village for Hines Hill puppy mill affair
Louis Simboli appeared before Village Council at its meeting of 13 October 2010, and apologized for his
conduct in connection with his dog breeding activites on Hines Hill Road. He promised to make full financial
Mr. Simboli had recently been found guilty of several counts of animal cruelty in this matter. Judge Lisa
Coates and parole officer Amy Anderson, of the Stow Municipal Court, also attended the meeting; the judge
stated that this appearance was part of the arrangements for Mr. Simboli's restitution. (14 Oct'10) Previously: Hines Hill puppy mill shut for good; resident pleads guilty (2010) Puppies seized from Hines Hill recovering... (2010) Sick puppies seized in Boston Heights (2010) Boston Heights dog breeder probed (2006)
County Health Department offers Flu Shots
The Summit County Health Department is offering this winter's flu vaccine at various locations in the area.
Here is general information on the flu and the County program, and
here is the Flu Vaccine Clinic Schedule. A clinic will
be held at the Peninsula Library from 3-5pm on Monday, 18 October 2010 and at the Hudson Community Chapel
from 4-6pm on Tuesday, 26 October 2010. (30 Sep'10)
From ODOT: Hines Hill Road to close at Route 8
"Beginning Wednesday, September 8th, Hines Hill Rd. at SR 8 will be closed except for motorists accessing SR
8 northbound from the east side of Hines Hill Rd. This closure is anticipated to be in place through late
September. Access to local residents and businesses will be maintained. The following detours will be
• To access the west side of Hines Hill Rd. use Highland Rd. to Olde 8 Rd. to Hines Hill Rd.
• Motorists on SR 8 southbound wanting to access the east side of Hines Hill Rd. will be detoured Highland
Rd. to SR 91 to Hines Hill Rd. or SR 8 southbound to Seasons Rd. to SR 8 northbound to Hines Hill Rd.
As a reminder, SR 8 from Hines Hill Rd. to SR 303 may have occasional lane restrictions in either or both
directions during non rush hour times for roadway work." Hines Hill to close starting Sept. 8(31 Aug'10) ODOT bans left turns from Route 8 north to
Hines Hill(1 Sep'10)
PC/BZA application leadtime increased
At their meetings on 7 July 2010, both the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals voted to
change the timetable for applications to those bodies. In order to be considered at the next PC/BZA
meetings, applications must be received by the Village Hall office 20 days in advance of that meeting, by
3:30PM. (Previously the deadline was 15 days in advance.)
As always, applications must have complete and accurate information, dimensional drawings and additional
documents in the required number of copies, and contain all required names and signatures. Please consult
the Zoning Inspector to resolve any questions in advance of the deadline, before submitting an
Council selects Ron Fenn for open seat
At a Special Council Meeting on Thursday evening, 8 April 2010, the Village Council selected long-time
resident Ronald Fenn to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Ray McFall. Mr. Fenn and Mr. James Mizanin
both responded to Council's call for letters of interest, and this evening each made a short presentation
and answered a few questions posed by the present members of Council. After a private "executive session" to
discuss the appointment, Council selected Mr. Fenn on a 3-1 vote. (Councilor Blakeney was required to
abstain from the process, as she is related to Mr. Fenn.)
He was immediately sworn into the office by Mayor Bill Goncy. (8 Apr'10) Village Council agenda for the 8 April 2010
7:30PM special meeting
Ray McFall, Councilor & Former Mayor, Dies
Council solicits applications for McFall seat vacancy
The Village Council is posting this
notice in several upcoming editions of the Hudson Hub-Times and News Leader newspapers, soliciting
expressions of interest in the Council seat left vacant by Ray McFall's recent death. Residents'
applications are requested to be at the Village Hall by 4PM on Monday, 5 April 2009.
Council expects to hold additional public work sessions on Tuesday, 6 April and Thursday, 8 April in order
to interview prospective candidates. A Special Council Meeting will be held later on the evening of 8 April
to elect a replacement member to Council for the term ending 31 December 2013. This meeting is expected to
include a non-public executive session as permitted by the Ohio Sunshine Law -- but the final election will
be made in the public meeting.
Qualifications and disqualifications for Village Council are defined by the Ohio Revised Code ORC 731.12. Beyond that, current Council members may
elect a candidate based on their own judgement within 30 days of the vacation of the seat, per ORC 731.43.
Council's posting of notice and solicitation of applications, in this case, is over and above any legal
requirements. This process was hashed out during work sessions on 17-18 March 2010. (19 Mar'10)
Village arranges discounted electric service
As explained in a pair of public meetings in early March, the Village has contracted to obtain a discount on
regular electric service. Residents will generally see a 6% discount from the "generation and transmission"
portion of their electric bill; small businesses, 4%. All affected Ohio Edison customers will receive a
notice of automatic enrollment, along with an explanation of how to "opt out" if they prefer not to
participate.. Read: the Village of Boston Heights
Electric Power Aggregation Plan (11 Mar'10)
Residential trash pickup service fees to rise From Mayor Goncy at the August Council meeting:
Due to an increase in the state tax on landfill use, J&J Refuse Inc. will pass along a small increase to
the residential service fee on future billings -- about $0.19 per month. (12 Aug'09)
Village Settles Lawsuit by Contractor, Must Pay $68K
The Village of Boston Heights recently settled a breach-of-contract lawsuit brought by a contractor who was
retained to rebuild a drainage ditch between private properties along Chittenden Road. The Village agreed to
pay the original contract price and a variety of additional charged, amounting to over $68,000.
Here is the "Stipulated Agreement" settling
Case # CV
2008107055; payment must be made by late July to avoid back interest charges.
Boston Mills Road Closed at Route 8
The Ohio Department of Transportation has closed Boston Mills
Road at Route 8 as of 1 July 2009. The road is cut off on both sides of Route 8,
possibly until Summer 2011 -- the completion of the highway project. Chittenden Road has been extended up to
the eastern leg of Boston Mills Road to provide some access to Route 8 via Route 303, at the cost of a
three-mile detour for local and northbound traffic. (1 Jul'09) ABJ "Boston Mills to close at highway"on 24 June 2009. (21 Jun'09) HHT: "Boston Mills Road Closing
Delayed"to 24 June 2009. (18 Jun'09) HHT: "Boston Mills road to close
June 19"(10 Jun'09)
Update on Gas/Oil Odor Council Meeting Update: Mayor Goncy recapped the situation and attempts to remediate the oil/gas odor
that has intermittently blanketed parts of Boston Heights and Hudson for the past several weeks. The tank
operators' next step is to remove the offending oil to another location and re-neutralize the storage
portion of the tank. (10 Jun'09) ABJ: "Ohio EPA works on stench; Agency using chemical mask to cover sulfurous smell in
Boston Heights"(6 Jun'09) Brief update on the odor problem in Boston Heights
from Councilman Mike Cheung (3 Jun'09) Foul Odor Identified
A strong and pervasive odor of gas or oil blanketed parts of Boston Heights and Hudson late Thursday night,
and Friday (and occasionally since then). Contrary to a report in Saturday's Akron Beacon Journal, the source of the
odor was Dyna Guard (Hines Hill Road), not UltraSpec as originally thought. ABJ: "Ohio EPA pinpoints foul odor in
Summit"(27 May'09) NN5: "Strong Gas Odor Wafts Through Local
City"(22 May'09)
Woodridge Levy Renewal Passes Summit County election
results (final): Issue 16 PASSED 71.7%-28.3% Update: Boston Heights was the only Woodridge precinct to vote against the levy renewal: 24 against,
12 for. There are 222 registed voters in the Boston Heights within the Woodridge school district. FNP: "16 of 17 voting precincts favor
Woodridge levy"(31 May'09)
Issue 16 for residents of the Woodridge
Local School District. See our Boston Heights school district
map. This issue renews two emergency levies, totalling 10.01 mills, for another 5 years. This provides
$5.3M, or about 25% of the regular operating funds for the school district. As a renewal the issue will not
raise current property taxes. (4 May'09)
Permitted Construction Hours
Early-morning pile driving in the Route 8 construction zone has led to questions about the permitted hours
for such noisy activity. Boston Heights
Codified Ordinances 901.10 "Hours of Construction" sets those hours at or 6AM through 8PM during Eastern
Daylight Savings Time. (22 May'09)
Village Police Chief Joe Varga Rescinds Resignation
In a letter to Mayor Goncy, Boston Heights Chief of Police Joseph Varga has rescinded his earlier
resignation, delaying his retirement previously planned for June 2009. (12 Mar'09) Village Police Chief Joe Varga to Retire(12 Mar'09)
"Hudson Holiday Inn" changes to Clarion Inn
As mentioned in recent Council Finance meetings, the Holiday Inn hotel at Hines Hill and Route 8 is changing
to a Clarion Inn. Sign work appears to
have begun late last week. (16 Feb'09)
Twinsburg Road Reopens!
Twinsburg Road, now passing under the new Route 8 bridge, has reopened a year earlier than originally
planned. It is once again possible to drive between Olde 8 and Walters & Valley View Roads. (3 Nov'08)
Village Council agenda of the 30 July special
meeting(25 Jul'08) A resolution accepting the bid ... for the construction of an addition to the existing fire
station Update: As a result of stale bids and a lack of consensus among the Council members, this matter has
been tabled indefinitely, with an expectation that a fresh look will be taken at Fire Department
requirements. (31 Jul'08)
Village Resident sues Village over Golf Course Settlement Agreement
On 9 May 2008, Mr. Edward R. Kuchar Sr., a resident of Boston Heights, filed suit against the Village. The
suit complains, broadly stated, that the Village agreement to settle the zoning lawsuit over the Boston
Heights Country Club was carried out improperly, therefore could not immediately be carried into effect, and
was entered into in bad faith in the first place. Among other measures, the suit asks that the Village be
enjoined from carrying out the terms of the "Agreed Judgement Entry" settlement, and that any zoning change
to the property be carried out under the requirements of the normal zoning procedures. (Please see the
Summit County Clerk of
Courts website for further documentation on this motion regarding Civil Case CV-2008-05-3633.)
(16 May'08)
More on the BHCC zoning lawsuit settlement agreement...
Angry Cemetery Trustees berate Council,
Mayor, Service Director
The Board of Trustees of the Village Cemetery voiced their displeasure over maintenance and management of
Fairview Cemetery, during the May Village Council meeting. In addition to sending a letter summarizing their latest complaints, Trustee
Kim Brannan demanded that the Village Solicitor determine whether the sexton (also the Service Director)
operates under the Board's direction, or not. (15 May'08)
Special Council meeting re-adopts the BHCC lawsuit settlement agreement
Village Council held a Special Meeting at 9:30pm Sunday 11 May 2008 to revisit its acceptance of
the agreement to settle the zoning lawsuit over the former Boston Hills Country Club. Mayor Goncy,
Clerk-Treasurer Zeman, and Councilors Cheung, Lightner, Foss, Hudson and Miller all attended. Councilor
Slane was absent. All 5 present of the 6 elected Council members once again voted to re-accept the lawsuit
settlement agreement (after fixing a few typos in the enabling resolution). When asked, after adjournment,
about the reason for re-visiting this matter (adopted also on 11 April), Solicitor Mike Cassetty would only
say that it was to "clarify" some matters.
A brief glance suggests that Consent
Agreement remains the same, but the form of the accepting resolution, Resolution O-2008, now Res 15-2008, had been
modified to detail the reasons for it being handled as an emergency measure per ORC 731.30. It is possible that this is in response to
the complaint made by a village resident in his motion to intervene in the case. (Please
see the Summit County
Clerk of Courts website for further documentation on this motion regarding Civil Case CV-2007-07-4696.)
(12 May'08)
More on the BHCC zoning lawsuit settlement agreement...
Black-market explosives detonated at Boston Hills Country Club
This was the boom you may have heard at about 8pm Tuesday night. ABJ: "Macedonia
case turns light on world of homemade fireworks"(25 Apr'08) "The fiery detonation, done at the now-closed Boston Hills Country Club, left a crater 20 feet
deep." ABJ: "Bond set for man in Macedonia
blast"(23 Apr'08) "We look for unpopulated areas that are far enough away from the blast site to keep people safe."
Council agrees to settle BHCC Lawsuit Town Meeting on Lawsuit Settlement(16 Apr'08)
A Town Meeting was held to explain the settlement, and take questions, on Fri 18 Apr 2008, at the Village Fire Station. Village officials and lawyers explained some of the
details of the agreement, and a number of rather irate citizens commented and asked questions about the
future of the property.
Here is the final version of the Consent
Agreement to settle the BHCC lawsuit. (18 Apr'08) See the settlement map, to the lower right. Mayor Reports on Lawsuit Settlement, Sets Public Meeting(14 Apr'08) BHO News Summary: At a special "emergency" meeting held on Friday evening, 11 April 2008, Boston
Heights Village Council adopted a resolution to settle the lawsuit filed against the Village over the zoning
of the former Boston Heights Country Club golf course.
In essence, it would allow commercial development of 100 acres of the site (65 acres retail and 35 acres of
other commercial use) and reserve 60 acres as permanently undeveloped land buffering adjacent properties.
This buffer would be deeded over to the Village upon its request, once construction begins.
It appears that the timing and nature of the settlement are related to an attempt to lure the proposed
Summa Northern Summit hospital to this site at Hines Hill and Route 8. (13 Apr'08) ABJ: "Golf course to be
developed"(15 Apr'08) New hospital among possibilities as Boston Heights agrees to retail and office space at old country
club ABJ: "Boston
Heights might be settling lawsuit"(13 Apr'08) ABJ: "Meeting tonight
on Boston Heights development dispute"(11 Apr'08)
See also: Village sued by developers.
Lightner returned to Village Council(3 Jan'08)
At the Special Meeting of 2 January, Council voted to appoint Kevin Lightner to the seat vacated by
now-Mayor Bill Goncy. Mr. Lighter had previously been appointed to fill out the term of Paul Palumbo, which
ended with 2007. He was the runner-up in the recent Council election. Long-time councilor Mike Cheung was
elected Council President (pro tempore). This was the first Village Council meeting for newly-elected
councilor Scott Foss.
New and old officials to take office ABJ: "Officials take oaths - ex-mayor honored"(15 Dec'07)
New councilor Scott Foss, and re-elected Janet Miller take their oaths, along with newly-elected Mayor Bill
Goncy and re-elected Clerk-Treasurer Carol Zeman. Long-time Mayor Ray McFall is honored by the County and by
Village Council.
Boston Heights Marathon closes -- for now ABJ: "Road project closes gas station"(2 Dec'07) "Route 8 Marathon outlet with auto repair to be razed, may reopen in new site"
It was reported at the November Council Finance Committee meeting that Boston Heights
Marathon would be closing after Fri 30 Nov 2007, to make way for the upcoming Route 8 upgrade project. It is
also reported that the business will be seeking a new location in town. However, to date, no application has
been made to the Planning Commission for operation at a new site.(28 Nov'07)
Boston Heights Fire Dep't limits participation in fire study group
Fire Chief James Robinson: "Funding is a problem".
(This matter was discussed at the November Council Finance Committee meeting, without resolution.) Update: Council has since authorized a limited budget to pay fire department personnel to attend the
fire study group's subcommittee meetings. NL: "Communities moving closer toward
fire/EMS consolidation"(28 Nov) Previously...
Village General Election Results:(7 Nov)
Issue 51: FAILED (overturned) -- Issue 52: FAILED (overturned)
Mayor: Bill M. Goncy -- Clerk-Treasurer: Carol Zeman
Council: Scott Foss & Janet Miller More Election Results and Details.
National Park to End Visitor's Center Operation ABJ: Happy Days "Visitor center to change
role"(19 Oct) "Park service to reorganize Happy Days building Jan. 1, closing front desk but keeping special
Council Meeting News(10 Oct)
Village maintenance crews will periodically pick up leaves left at the curb this Autumn; according to Mayor
McFall, there is no specific schedule nor need to call for pickup. ABJ: "Council Rejects Plan to Rezone Parcels"(12 Oct)
Land east along Olde Eight from Hines Hill to the Turnpike will stay Office/Professional. Previously: ABJ: "Two Zoning Issues Concern Residents"(11 Aug) ABJ: "Two Public Hearings set..."(7 Aug)
Council Meeting News(26 Sep)
Council accepts bids for repaving, road repairs, at special Council meeting on 25 September. Carron Paving to resurface E. Boston Mills (Rt.8 to Olde 8) at $75,278,
and perform extensive road repairs elsewhere in the Village at $123,880.00. Specialized Construction Inc. to
perform crack sealing throughout the Village at $24,580. Work on Wolcott Drive will be delayed until Spring
2008. UPDATE: Repairs and sealing to be completed by Thanksgiving, say Village Engineer(10 Oct) ABJ: "Village Donates $250 To Development Study"(22 Sep)
Team NEO Foundation will study the feasibility of regional economic development collaboration.
HHT: "Developers file
complaint over village residents' referendum"(22 Jun) Village sued over "unconstitutional" zoning of former Boston Hills Country Club property at Hines Hill
& Route 8(15 Jul)
In a lawsuit filed against the Village of Boston Heights on 3 July 2007, the State of Ohio ex rel. Boston
Heights Property Investment LLC, the plaintiff, ask for declararatory judgement as follows: that Residential
zoning is unconstitutionally applied, that the retail building limit of 50,000 sq.ft. is unconstitutionally
applied, and that the suspension of the rezoning and size limit changes, due to the pending November
referendums, is unconstitutionally applied. The suit claims a right to compensation from the Village in an
amount exceeding $10 million, and demands declaratory judgements on these claims and a determination of
"just compensation" for the Village's "taking" of this property.
Court of Common Pleas civil case # CV-2007-07-4696
The complaint document can also also be read here.
Mayor Ray McFall: "I will not run"(17 Apr)
At April's Council meeting, long-time Mayor McFall announced that he would not seek re-election in this
November's mayoral election.
Village Council / Planner Work Session Held on Rezoning Issues: Consultant David Hartt recommends retail rezoning and residential conservation district
plan "for this site"(10 Apr)